• Member Since 30th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen Jul 27th, 2015

Derpy Defense Force

More Blog Posts4

  • 536 weeks
    Blog Post #4 - Been a while, hasn't it?

    It has been a long time, hasn't it? Ah well, pretty much everyone who reads these has my Skype, and we talk daily. Or mostly daily. Might miss a day or two here or there.

    Alright, to business: I have come to rant about the fandom.


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  • 542 weeks
    Blog Post Numero Tres: Meh, felt like posting

    As you can see, I simply felt like posting something. Don't know what I'll talk about, just that I will. Hmm. let's see...

    Well, I guess I could ask for feedback. Not many people reading this, I know.

    ...Any, actually...

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  • 543 weeks
    2nd Blog Post - Random Ramblings #1

    Hello everyone, once again. It is I, the awesome person known to the Internet as Derpy Defense Force!


    You probably already know this... After all, who else would be putting things here?


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  • 543 weeks
    1st Blog Post - Becoming a Brony

    Ok, before I get into this, I just wish to comment on the fact that the first thing I see when loading the "make a blog post" page is the options tab, which blares NSFW POSTS ARE NO LONGER ALLOWED. Why not, I don't know, take away the options tab? I know it might be just a menial task (is that even how you use menial? It sounds right, at least), but just take it out. My opinions. Well, opinion.

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2nd Blog Post - Random Ramblings #1 · 10:25pm Jan 9th, 2014

Hello everyone, once again. It is I, the awesome person known to the Internet as Derpy Defense Force!


You probably already know this... After all, who else would be putting things here?


I cannot come up with an answer to the question. Bah, whatever. It's me, you know this, and I'm just going on about unimportant things. But that's why I titled it Random Ramblings. It gives freedom for posting, able to do whatever I wish, talk about anything, or generally spout unimportant stuffs. Which is what I'm doing.

But I should stop talking about the ramblings to bring you the ACTUAL ramblings. Silly me, taking up time. Speaking of which, if you don't have time to read this, then you should stop here. Seriously, this is completely unimportant. You don't have to read this right now.

On the other hand, if you think posting pointless things is silly and shouldn't be done, then you'd be correct, and should also stop reading.

Alright, everyone who's still here are awesome persons who like reading my... I need a better descriptive word here. "Randomness" gets a little boring after a while. But it shall suffice for now! Anyways...

First up, we have my new Ethics of the Information Age class. Yes, there is such a class. However, where ethics comes in on the Internet is lost to me. There's so much stuff there that could be considered unethical. I even heard once that there was a group of grown men and women who liked a little kid's show, and even made fan-stuff about it! I mean, can you ima- Oh, wait...

Back to the class, first thing I hear when I walk in is, "Yeah, they're called Bronies." My reaction: "Oh, great. This is one of THOSE classes, where I'll be ousted." Second thing I hear, "Is that spelled with gay?" I am going to have so much fun in this class. A little while later I hear, "They're all sunshine and rainbows - pink loving gays who think they can find a place in the world." I have to do a power-point presentation in a few weeks about a topic... So, I'm going to disprove the "sunshine and rainbows" bit, maybe even the whole thing. But I really want to show the world that we Bronies aren't always sunshine and rainbows... Well, I agree with the rainbows bit... As long as those rainbows come from a well-known factory... Yeah...

So, I can't wait to do that. Bloody floors, disturbingly dark music, perhaps some dark PMVs. Ah, so refreshing.

Also, my mother was talking with me this morning. Apparently, her friend watched a movie about Bronies, something about gay cover-ups, Sodam and Gommorah, stuff like that. I didn't understand most of it. But it would seem that, and I quote, "The decision [made by Bronies] to ignore/attempt to change societal norms is an immature one." Right, I believe that one. Remember Fox News' thing about Bronies? Yeah, we won that. We won against 4chan, the most notorious site for haters and trolls on the entire internet (which, incidently, the FBI took on and lost. Shows what we're capable of, doesn't it?)

Yeah, we're awesome. I don't believe (anymore) that Bronies are stupid, gay, input-overused-insult-here. I'm going to watch this movie with her, debunk every argument as they come. She never understood Bronies anyways. It'll be a good experience. Yeah...

Anyways, to the unserious piece of the blog:

I'd like to discuss "lol". Yes, the term we all use to indicate that we find something funny, but they can't hear our complete lack of a laugh to whatever they're saying. It's not so much the use of it I want to discuss as it is the pronunciation. Everyone thinks of it differently. Some think "lol", others think l-o-l, others do something I can't even understand. Why? Why do we do what we do? For that matter, why do we even say it when we aren't making a reaction whatsoever? Why can't we say, "I find this to be something that I could laugh at if I were not on the internet and alone in my room?" I don't know. I still use it. Perhaps I always will.

Well, this is the end. I'll leave you to your more important work now, those of you who were reading this to procrastinate. And I know you're there. I am one of you. I know what it feels like.

So, I'll see you all next time. Brony on.

PS. Derpy says hi.

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