• Member Since 8th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 22nd, 2016


Just a former brony who used to write fanfiction.

More Blog Posts32

  • 457 weeks
    So apparently I'm "controversial" now

    As you guys (probably) know, I'm a member of a group called We Hate What's Happened to MLP, a group whose premise is that we obstensibly still like the concept of Pony, but in terms of execution we feel like it's gone all Konami on us, or Sega circa 32X and Saturn.

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    24 comments · 1,168 views
  • 457 weeks
    I found this video on Youtube

    Just gotta say... I'm glad I'm not the only one who has noticed this stuff. I'm not gonna degrade the video further by adding my own thoughts.

    5 comments · 454 views
  • 465 weeks
    How to Win Debates the Brony Way!

    Bronies have this "debate" thing down to a science, especially when it comes to handling people who criticize the Holy Scripture of Hasbro! Since Bronies never lose debates and are never wrong ever, it perhaps behooves us to learn their secrets. Well, being the nice guy I am, I will give them away!

    And here they are:

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    7 comments · 557 views
  • 474 weeks
    What an "Attack" Is -- a Definition for Non-Fools

    One funny thing is lately I'm accused of "attacking" people, a lot. It's led me to realize people have a very skewed version of what "attack" means.

    Here's the kind of comment I might typically make:

    This person came to my web page and flamed me over a comment I made about a TV show.

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    0 comments · 495 views
  • 477 weeks
    Has MLP Hit a New Low?

    So I haven't watched the latest ep yet, but a friend summed it up for me.

    Apparently, Twi moved into her castle, but it doesn't feel like "home" to her. So they all decided to decorate it, but they each decorated according to what feels like home to them, not according to what Twi would like. They realize the problem and redecorate, and then everyone is happy.

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Faust's Vision · 6:18am Jan 5th, 2014

Not gonna lie, this blog post was inspired by reading lines about "Faust's vision" one time too many. For example, this one from a forum post:

The misanthropes (namely you-know-who) will simply disregard the episodes where ponies act like jerks simply because Lauren Faust didn't write them. Therefore, in their warped mind, they're not part of "Faust's Vision", and therefore not canon..

(Note: the above was not directed at me, in fact I have at this time not even posted in the thread it came from. I'm just citing it as an example)

I can't speak for anyone but myself, but... I, personally, don't give two rats tails about what Lauren Faust intended, and how closely the series follows her "vision." When I watch MLP, my reaction is based on my preferences, not Faust's.

Not everyone who prefers the 1st season worships the ground Lauren Faust walks on, people -__-.

To be honest, when it comes to television and film, I don't see the point of creator-worship. It's one thing if its a book or a manga, which has one clear, obvious creator who is the primary conduit for the story, but film and television are collaborative mediums. Gene Roddenberry didn't really "create" Star Trek, except insofar as he came up with the premise and maybe wrote the pilot script and series bible--most of what we love most about the show was created either by other writers or--more particularly--by the people nobody ever thinks about: the costume designers, the behind-the-scenes guys, the network executives, and sometimes even reality itself. Case in point, "Transporters" were invented purely as a budget-saving measure so they wouldn't have to film the Enterprise taking off and landing on different planets (which would be expensive, apparently). I could also point out that George Lucas really didn't have as much involvement in Star Wars as he claims to--in fact, the whole concept of The Force, a major part of Star Wars' mythology, was added by one of the assistant directors.

Getting back to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the thing is while we probably do owe Faust some respect and some gratitude, if nothing else for making MLP a thing in the first place, it's really not as cut-and-dried as "Faust's ideas were good, everyone else's was bad." After all, Faust personally approved every single Season 2 script, which means she let episodes like "A Friend in Deed" and "The Mysterious Mare-do-Well" slip by. To be fair, she could've seen an early version of those scripts and maybe it was a revision that ruined them.

But here's some ideas of Faust's own that were clearly not the best:

1. She wanted FIM to be a magical girl/Sailor Moon-esque series.

2. You know how Pinkie is an annoying Looney Tunes-like character in modern episodes? Well, that was Faust's original concept in the first place.

3. She originally intended for Twilight to be Celestia's "successor." I'm not sure what that means but I can't interpret that in any way that's not more stupid than Twilicorn.

So, bottom line.

Please people, QUIT acting like everyone who dislikes the show's direction are "adhering to Faust's vision." It just makes you look like wankers who need to pull out a strawman to have any point at all.

That is all, good day.

Report NoGiantRobots1983 · 562 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Its a sad thing NGR but Faustfag is apparently a word. I should know because I've just been called one on another discussion board.:pinkiegasp:

Apparently a faustfag is worthy of shame and derision... wow. I wonder how people would feel if we replaced it with the word Jew. Hmmm.

Something rotten in the heart of denmark.:trixieshiftright:

Anyway the points presented here were quite useful in sticking it to the person involved.


Something rotten in the heart of denmark

And Hamlet is takin' out the trash!

I counter you cons with these:
1: the Magic girl thing can make the actually Elements more revelent.
2: Just because a character is comic relief doesn't mean they're just that.
3: Twicorn was too soon and the episode was rushed.


I counter your counter with these:

1) Personally I don't feel like MLP would've worked as a magical girl series. The heroines just don't have superhero-like personalities, they're too much like normal girls, and that would make them heroes in the wrong genre.

2) True, but the writers of this series have demonstrated that once they pigeonhole a character, they're unwilling to expand beyond that hole.

3) Twilicorn would never have worked even if they waited ten seasons, not unless Twilight had a) actually made it her goal to become a Princess b) started training for that very purpose and c) she and the writers were both willing to deal with the weight and responsibilities that come with princesshood.

So what you saying is the writers that suck.

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