• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 18th, 2014


The selfish desire of humanity causes wars and hatred is born on it, and that it's how my hate for humanity was birth.

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Why I don't Like to get a Editor · 9:24am Dec 18th, 2013

As many in this community know is that I always refuse to accept a editor, I also started thinking about the reasons that tend to guide my refusals. So you asking yourself "why on Earth wouldn't I accept a editor that was honestly and sincerely offered?"

Well, that is why I wrote this blog about. To tell you all my reason why I don't like accepting a editor. So I've had to go spelunking in my own psyche, and I've figured out 6 reasons I don't like to accept a editor, though I'm sure there are more but I', can't figure it now.


6. I have to make myself vulnerable: Accepting the help of someone is indicative of some sort of weakness on my part, and accepting help still requires me to make myself vulnerable to another person. But I don't like feel myself weak because that is don't me at all.


5. Is non-independent: What I'm realizing about is that a editor doesn't make me seem independent and more adult like. I mean seriously I need to depend on a editor on every story I write? No thank you I like my independent I like to depend on myself on some stuff.


4. I don't like the change of my story plot: The name editor give me this bad feelings like. The person want to change the plot of my story, and I don't like that at all seriously. I work hard for the plot and the lest I want is someone changing it.

I only I want for a editor is someone to check my spelling and grammar, and probably something that she/he couldn't understand but that all. Never change the plot of my story I work hard for it.


3. I don't find the point of it? Seriously I don't find the point to have one. I always check my story before publish it I always use the site know as Reverso.net to check my spelling and grammar.

And the way I write is simple and basic is not something so fancy for a story. And most of the complain I seem is the comma... Okay people a comma is don't that important... I always use the comma to separate the author's narration and the characters speech.

I can't take you people seriously when you complain for a comma. I mean... Really you people going to panic for that? I can't take seriously really I can't... Okay I'm just ramble let move on.


2. I'm can't pay them: Seriously every-time I see someone offer me to be my editor. I'm just feel people are asking me a job! Did you people real think I have money to pay you for that? No!

And ever I have I don't know how to pay someone on the Internet, and I don't like to do that I prefer in more personal way like pay someone face to face. But like I say before I have don't money to pay you so please stop offer me.


1. I don't trust anyone: If you really believe I'm going to accept your offer just like that your wrong. I'm don't a person who trust people specially I'm don't like humanity. I have had my heart hurt so many times by people that I once considered my 'close' friends.

I have no faith left in humanity any more and I always have the worst luck when it comes to meeting genuine people. So no matter how you offer me your service as a editor or proofreader I will don't accept it because I don't trust you.


So here are the reason why I never accept a editor... So I hope you understand why until then I see you guys and girls later.

Report FelixDawn · 1,149 views ·
Comments ( 72 )
VX #1 · Dec 18th, 2013 · · ·

I can't believe your real.

Reverso.net to check my spelling and grammar.

Spelling isn't the problem, it's just: awkward wording, out of place words and a dropped "s" here and there. Also, if someone is telling you to change your story slightly, it would probably be for the best as it's for other people to enjoy.


Also, if someone is telling you to change your story slightly, it would probably be for the best as it's for other people to enjoy.

I don't think so... I work hard on the plot so I don't want anyone to change it.


Then you won't get better as a writer.


Sure I will just because you say it that don't mean is true. I wrote the plot and that how is going to stay. The real issue here is you people who believe you can tell others people what to do.

And that isn't how thing work, you people can only give advice and suggestion don't force others to do what you people want it.


Well, don't tell me not to give you advice, then.


Well, you're saying the people shouldn't tell others what to do. Therefore you can't tell me not to give you advice.


In any moments I never tell you to give me advice, I just tell you that you people can only give advice and don't force others to do what you people want them to do.

And also the comment that you respond is don't ever mine.


Then don't try to force me not to give you advice. And:

And also the comment that you respond is don't ever mine.

I'm having some trouble interpreting that.


I never say that you so give me advice! I'm just telling you that you can't forced people to do what you people want them to do.

Jesus Christ :facehoof:


He can't understand what you're saying because you aren't wording it properly. Oddly enough that would be something an editor could fix. It would help you grow as a writer and as a person. You are confusing an editor and a prereader. A prereader helps you fix vital plot points in the story and character. An editor fixes grammatical issues. This means that an editor will under no circumstances change the plot of your story.


He is.

He really is.

~Skeeter The Lurker


He can't understand what you're saying because you aren't wording it properly. Oddly enough that would be something an editor could fix.

Oh please, ever my friends in DA understand what I write. If this person or the rest of this terrible site can't understand.

Then who need help is this community since I write simple and basic.

You are confusing an editor and a prereader. A prereader helps you fix vital plot points in the story and character.

Thanks for the information :ajsmug:

That's why you use something like GDocs and its comment section. You get valuable input on parts of your story that could use work, in a way that is easy for both you and them to use, and nothing gets changed in your story without you actually doing it. Use the beneficial, ignore other bits, and life goes on. Of course, if you constantly ignore what your editor feels are serious issues, you won't have that editor for long.

That does mean you need to be strong enough to accept criticism, but odds are, you're going to get criticized in the comments of the story regardless if your writing has enough issues that people are constantly suggesting you get an editor. So unless you ignore those, having an editor will actually result in less criticism, since it'll be a single person or two, rather than bunch.

Simple and basic would follow simple and basic rules of grammar. Your writing doesn't.

The bit I'm replying to, for example, has a bunch of issues. "Ever"? Is that supposed to be "even"? And if it is, do you realize that you just said all your friends on dArt are not the sharpest tools in the shed? "In" should be "on". You've got a pair of sentence fragments that should probably be a single sentence. "Need" should be "needs".

When there's more errors/issues than there are sentences, then maybe, and I might be going out on a limb here, but just maybe there's some problems with the writing. Just putting it out there.

That's a proofreader. An editor goes beyond that. Basically a super-proofreader/prereader.


Of course, if you constantly ignore what your editor feels are serious issues, you won't have that editor for long.

Lol :twilightsheepish: You make it sound like a serious situation :twilightsheepish:

So unless you ignore those, having an editor will actually result in less criticism, since it'll be a single person or two, rather than bunch.

So according to you I so listen to everyone? Yeah well, this is why I treat everyone like a shit because they think they can forced me to do what they want.

Simple and basic would follow simple and basic rules of grammar. Your writing doesn't.

My writing does.

The bit I'm replying to, for example, has a bunch of issues. "Ever"? Is that supposed to be "even"?

The problem? Many words sound resemble to each others. So yeah, people will make mistake.

And if it is, do you realize that you just said all your friends on dArt are not the sharpest tools in the shed? "In" should be "on". You've got a pair of sentence fragments that should probably be a single sentence. "Need" should be "needs".

Definition please?


Lol :twilightsheepish: You make it sound like a serious situation :twilightsheepish:

Nope. Just saying that if you can't get along with your editors, there's no point in having one :scootangel: That is most likely the case for you.

But at the same time, the point that editors can't change anything unless you let them still holds. There's multiple ways that allow them to point out issues, while still keeping all control in your hands.

So according to you I so listen to everyone? Yeah well, this is why I treat everyone like a shit because they think they can forced me to do what they want.

Don't say that. What I did however say, that with an editor (and listening to them, at least as far as basic grammar goes), you'll get less complaints in general. Overall, people on FimFic have pretty low standards, so it doesn't take much to get very few complaints.

My writing does.

:unsuresweetie: I don't think that means what you think it means.

"Spike, you have to undestand1... There is no way Rarity would date you,2 you3 just a baby dragon, for Celestia's sakes4.5" Twilight Sparkle said as she use6 her magic to put a book on it7 place.

1. "understand", missing the 'R'.
2. Comma splice.
3. missing word: "are".
4. "sake", not "sakes".
5. Periods before a conversation attribution (he said, she yelled) get replaced with a comma.
6. "used"
7. "its"
That's from your highest-rated (non-mature) story by the way.

The problem? Many words sound resemble to each others. So yeah, people will make mistake.

And that's exactly why it is useful to have an editor (or at least a proofreader). A second set of eyes will help catch those mistakes. There's a quite a few in what you just said, for example.

Definition please?

Of what?

6. I have to make myself vulnerable: Accepting the help of someone is indicative of some sort of weakness on my part, and accepting help still requires me to make myself vulnerable to another person. But I don't like feel myself weak because that is don't me at all.

So asking for help is showing weakness? Isn't one of My Little Pony's primary messages that you can go to your friends when something's over your head? We saw THAT in Lesson Zero, where Twilight tried to "solve" a problem, but she didn't go to her friends for any help.

One mind-controlled town later…

2. I'm can't pay them: Seriously every-time I see someone offer me to be my editor. I'm just feel people are asking me a job! Did you people real think I have money to pay you for that? No!
And ever I have I don't know how to pay someone on the Internet, and I don't like to do that I prefer in more personal way like pay someone face to face. But like I say before I have don't money to pay you so please stop offer me.

Seriously? :raritydespair:
What could POSSIBLY make you think that those offering their help want payment in return? IT'S HELP. GENEROSITY. FREE OF CHARGE. Unless they say "I'll only edit if you pay me in some fashion", they're willing to give up their time to help you without cost.

Because such a thing as kindness and generosity exists.

1. I don't trust anyone: If you really believe I'm going to accept your offer just like that your wrong. I'm don't a person who trust people specially I'm don't like humanity. I have had my heart hurt so many times by people that I once considered my 'close' friends.
I have no faith left in humanity any more and I always have the worst luck when it comes to meeting genuine people. So no matter how you offer me your service as a editor or proofreader I will don't accept it because I don't trust you.

You may as well start and end with this. When you so obviously hate humans (aka everyone you ever come in contact with), it's irrelevant what "other reasons you have.

If you're anthrophobic, I honestly wonder why you bother interacting with anything on Earth. Everyone on the internet is either a human or virus.

Dude. You're drawing attention to yourself and painting a target on your own head every time you make a post like this. It's like you WANT this to keep happening, because now that you don't post your writing here, these blogs are the only reason it still DOES.


Nope. Just saying that if you can't get along with your editors, there's no point in having one :scootangel: That is most likely the case for you.

If I want a editor most be someone that I know.

Overall, people on FimFic have pretty low standards, so it doesn't take much to get very few complaints.

So you telling me the people of this site have no toleration?

Of what?

I couldn't understand what you mean on: And if it is, do you realize that you just said all your friends on dArt are not the sharpest tools in the shed? "In" should be "on". You've got a pair of sentence fragments that should probably be a single sentence. "Need" should be "needs".

And for the rest thank you :twilightsmile:


I'm just explaining them why I'm don't accepting editor. Don't need to worry about it.

1626083 Yeah, but if you kept quiet, no one would even CARE anymore. On top of your reasoning being... let's use "flawed" as a polite term... you're still antagonizing a site you don't even post your writing on anymore. You're adding fuel to the fire every time it dies.

This is why I gave up on fighting you. You can't let this shit die.

*Sigh* Okay. Let's take this one from the top.

6. I have to make myself vulnerable: Accepting the help of someone is indicative of some sort of weakness on my part, and accepting help still requires me to make myself vulnerable to another person. But I don't like feel myself weak because that is don't me at all.

No, you're just being prideful. Asking for help isn't going to make you weak, if anything you're weak now by refusing to change how you write and do BETTER.

5. Is non-independent: What I'm realizing about is that a editor doesn't make me seem independent and more adult like. I mean seriously I need to depend on a editor on every story I write? No thank you I like my independent I like to depend on myself on some stuff.

Now there's nothing wrong with being independent, but there's a difference between that and refusing to ask for help because of pride. If you're doing fine without help, then go ahead. The problem is that you're not doing find and you're refusing to do better.

4. I don't like the change of my story plot: The name editor give me this bad feelings like. The person want to change the plot of my story, and I don't like that at all seriously. I work hard for the plot and the lest I want is someone changing it.
I only I want for a editor is someone to check my spelling and grammar, and probably something that she/he couldn't understand but that all. Never change the plot of my story I work hard for it.

Once again, you're taking this from the wrong perspective. There is a difference between a co-writer and a editor. A co-writes writes the story WITH you, hence the term. An EDITOR, will only change what you ask them to change. It's as simple as saying, "Hey, do what you want with the grammar, spelling and punctuation, but leave the plot of the story alone." It's really not that hard. Don't just assume that people can't understand what you mean, that's just setting you up to look like a jackass.

3. I don't find the point of it? Seriously I don't find the point to have one. I always check my story before publish it I always use the site know as Reverso.net to check my spelling and grammar.
And the way I write is simple and basic is not something so fancy for a story. And most of the complain I seem is the comma... Okay people a comma is don't that important... I always use the comma to separate the author's narration and the characters speech.
I can't take you people seriously when you complain for a comma. I mean... Really you people going to panic for that? I can't take seriously really I can't... Okay I'm just ramble let move on.

You didn't get an "A" in spelling class, I'm gonna guess.
Here's the thing. No body wants to read through a mess of words that they can't understand. And this website thing apparently does NOT do what it advertises. Grammar helps understand things. I'm not going to go into any more detail because I shouldn't have to.

2. I'm can't pay them: Seriously every-time I see someone offer me to be my editor. I'm just feel people are asking me a job! Did you people real think I have money to pay you for that? No!
And ever I have I don't know how to pay someone on the Internet, and I don't like to do that I prefer in more personal way like pay someone face to face. But like I say before I have don't money to pay you so please stop offer me.

Bro. Not everyone wants money for what they do. Hell, I'll edit your stuff for free, if only so that people can actually read it. I never have and never will request money for helping and I know a lot of other people that will do the same. Just gotta ask.

1. I don't trust anyone: If you really believe I'm going to accept your offer just like that your wrong. I'm don't a person who trust people specially I'm don't like humanity. I have had my heart hurt so many times by people that I once considered my 'close' friends.
I have no faith left in humanity any more and I always have the worst luck when it comes to meeting genuine people. So no matter how you offer me your service as a editor or proofreader I will don't accept it because I don't trust you.

I kinda see what you mean, but what are they gonna do? Mess it up more? If someone just wants to help, you don't have to instantly think of it as a conspiracy to screw you over. Believe it or not, this world DOES have nice people in it. Sorry, but I don't like to be all negative all the damn time.

And that's my thoughts on your...reasons. I don't agree with any of them, to be honest. I'm sorry, but that's the truth.


you're still antagonizing a site you don't even post your writing on anymore. You're adding fuel to the fire every time it dies.

First, I let the shit of problem to die long time ago I don't longer care about.

Second, I don't insult anyone or anything on this blog so I don't see the big deal.

You make this that every-time I write something is bad, and that even when I don't insult anyone.

1626132 Um... no. The fact that you're still addressing it is proof that you have not let it die. You shut up, everyone else shuts up, but they won't because you don't. You HAVE to have something more to contribute to the site than justifications for your sloppy quality. If you don't... I really can't figure out why you keep coming back.


Sigh... Just because I addressing something that don't mean I don't let it die... :facehoof:

1626158 That is actually exactly what it means. If you don't bring it up anymore, people will forget about it - AND you - and stop giving even one shit.

That's literally all you have to do. Don't talk about it.


I don't talk about that problem anymore. I'm simple giving my reason on this blog about editor. What? I can't write a simple harmless blog without you believe is setting the fire up?

1626187 "Believe" nothing. Look at your other comments; you DID set the fire up.


Others comments? You mean the old one? Dude I just told you I don't longer care about it.

1626227 ...you know what? I'm the only left giving you attention. I'm putting a stop to that.


Fine for me I grow tire of it anyway. You refuse that I telling you the truth its don't my problem.


You write simple, but you also write with incorrect syntax and sentence structure. If only your friends are telling you it's fine, but many more people are telling you it's wrong, then wouldn't it be logical to think that you may be doing something wrong?

1624200 Dear god, I was hoping he was just a troll or something. :twilightoops:


Still amusing to watch, though.

~Skeeter The Lurker


You write simple, but you also write with incorrect syntax and sentence structure.

Really? like the comma is in the wrong place? the punctuation is in the wrong place?

You people really take this toooooooooooooo freaking seriously :facehoof: This is why I can't take you people seriously anymore. Writing a story is for fun not to take it tooo seriously.

but many more people are telling you it's wrong, then wouldn't it be logical to think that you may be doing something wrong?

Yeah and many people say that the end of the world is in December but yet never happen. You see, that not matter how many people say something.

That don't mean is true.

1627954 Oh, definitely. :rainbowlaugh: It's hilarious~!

1628639 *takes a handful*

Don't mind if I do. Sometimes I wonder if the majority of his followers simply followed him to track and get a good laugh out of his behavior.


I laughing on this stupid community's monkeys behavior right now :rainbowlaugh:

1629234 That's good. :twilightsmile: I'm glad you at least get a good laugh out of it. And please don't get me wrong, this isn't sarcasm here. I'm just genuinely glad it doesn't bother you too much.

My apologies for my rudeness earlier.


Many words sound resemble to each others.

This is a sentence you wrote. It is grammatically incorrect. It has nothing to do with punctuation. There are no missing commas or colons or anything like that. There are no misspelled words. There is nothing wrong with it in terms of spelling or punctuation.

The problem is the wording is completely broken. It is wrong, and makes little to no sense because of its poor structure. Due to this, the meaning becomes unclear.

Many words sound similar.

Many words resemble each other.

These are properly constructed sentences.

Do you want to talk to someone saying "I want to be do to go more like as such"? Or do you want them to actually form coherent sentences. The same goes with writing. Let's say I'm trying to write a heartwarming and sad story, and I open with:

"Once upon a tragical thing to happen to someone to do it, namely, nodded to see kind of a man be taken to jail."

If you want to write for fun, then write for fun. I do it all the time. But if you do not want it to be critiqued, then don't post it to the open public.


This is a sentence you wrote. It is grammatically incorrect. It has nothing to do with punctuation. There are no missing commas or colons or anything like that. There are no misspelled words. There is nothing wrong with it in terms of spelling or punctuation.

The problem is the wording is completely broken. It is wrong, and makes little to no sense because of its poor structure. Due to this, the meaning becomes unclear.

Right... The same thing I could say about the rest of this community's story. Are uninspired, and unoriginal.

Do you want to talk to someone saying "I want to be do to go more like as such"? Or do you want them to actually form coherent sentences. The same goes with writing. Let's say I'm trying to write a heartwarming and sad story, and I open with:

"Once upon a tragical thing to happen to someone to do it, namely, nodded to see kind of a man be taken to jail."

Still is don't a excuse to take story tooo seriously. I mean that is overdramatic :rainbowlaugh:

If you want to write for fun, then write for fun. I do it all the time. But if you do not want it to be critiqued, then don't post it to the open public.

I can post in public whatever I want it, and I only accept critiqued that are respectful and not involving insult on the author.

Or otherwise I remove these shit. But I don't longer care because I will don't take it seriously. I'm simple remove them and block them :moustache:

P.S. You respond to the wrong quotes XD


Right... The same thing I could say about the rest of this community story. Are uninspired, and unoriginal.

Nowhere did I say that anything you've written is unoriginal or uninspired, though I don't doubt it. I said that nearly everything you write is literally wrong. It is structured wrong. It is childish, and insulting to the English language.


I said that nearly everything you write is literally wrong. It is structured wrong. It is childish, and insulting to the English language.

:rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: Good lord you sound overdramatic :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: A insult to the English language :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

Man that crack me up :twilightsheepish:


So now you're going to insult my ideals as a person? You must be a very terrible person to do such a thing.


Awwww... I'm a terrible person for that? I'm sorry it hurt your feelings :unsuresweetie: Let me give you a hug :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by FelixDawn deleted Dec 21st, 2013


Interesting... When the author of the story thinks that he's insulted, the comments are a problem that need to be deleted, but when you insult others, it's funny. Some interesting hypocritical double standards.


Interesting... When the author of the story thinks that he's insulted, the comments are a problem that need to be deleted, but when you insult others, it's funny.

The comment that I deleted was the same comments, and it happen due of the stupid download.

Some interesting hypocritical double standards.

Look who talk about hypocritical :twilightsheepish:

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