• Member Since 12th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 8th, 2017

Teku Senpai

Potato? Yes, Potato.

More Blog Posts19

  • 451 weeks
    Well, Here goes.

    I don't even know why I do this, but. If anyone still cares about anything I do. Probably not, but still. I'm back from my massive hiatus. I've cancelled The Red Moon until further notice and will start on a new story, it's quite a bit less comedic and more solemn. Hopefully, I'll be able to get back into my swing of things soon, but with times changing for me, you can never really tell.

    1 comments · 212 views
  • 529 weeks
    I wish I was an elf...

    ...and only needed 40 minutes of sleep to feel fully refreshed.

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  • 532 weeks
    The Week Begins!! (on Saturday)

    Heyyo everypony! It's me, Aphotic.. :pinkiehappy:

    I'm back to tell you all that I've been working on The Red Moon recently and also plan to work on a collab with Deep Shift. This guy is so awesome. You need to visit him. I'm still under a lot of pressure with everything that's going on, but Spring Break is here. FINALLY.

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    4 comments · 333 views
  • 535 weeks
    Whoa! A new blog entry? When does that happen?!

    YES! A new blog entry! I forgot what I was going to say... Gimme a sec

    . . . . .

    Uh.. crap. Oh, I remember now. Gosh I feel stupid...

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    8 comments · 318 views
  • 545 weeks
    Chronic Beacon --> Aphotic Hope

    So, I'm going to change my name from Chronic Beacon to Aphotic Hope because many of my other various accounts have their usernames as Aphotic Hope and I guess I wanted to bring that here as well so I can have my identity based in with a single name instead of multiple that are scattered.

    That's it. See ya!

    Me out

    18 comments · 315 views

Winter... Break...? · 1:37pm Dec 16th, 2013

Alright everyone. I've got news. Good news, good news, good news, and bad news.

The first good news... is that there's more good news than bad news... and that, my friends, is good news.

NEXT, on the list of good news, is that Winter Break for me is coming up. Unfortunately, I'm still in school. School, is PAINFUL. Excruciatingly PAINFUL. FFFFFFFFF. Anyways, that's fine because it's winter break, and who doesn't like winter break? I'll tell you that every 16 y/o out there loves any kind of break from school. How do I know? Cuz I know that I love the breaks. >:)

THE NEXT PIECE OF GOOD NEWS is that I'll (hopefully) be writing more! Yes! THAT'S AWESOME. And here's why I'll be writing more... ONE. I got to cut and slice my own pineapple and feast off of that shit. AND IT. WAS. AMAZING. Everyone loves pineapples. Pineapple 4 lyfe. SECOND. I got an overdrive of bacon this past week or something like that. I had three packets of bacon.. THAT'S LIKE FRIGGIN 24x3 STRIPS OF BACON. FRIGGIN... uhh... 4 times 3... carry the one... uhh... WAIT. I DON'T NEED TO DO THAT. WATCH THIS GUYS... 24... 3... BOOM. MATH. -----> 24x3=72 . 72 FRIGGIN STRIPS OF BACON. ... I need more. Thank God I'm eating more on Friday. ;) Moving on... THIRD. Wait.. what was I listing... um.. Oh yea. THIRD. IT'S FREAKIN WINTER BREAK. HELLS YEA. I'll be writing more of The Red Moon ... AND ... a new story. That's right, I'll be beginning a new story. Unfortunately, for any of you that keep up with anything I say, which is probably limited to one or two peeps (these one or two peeps are freakin awesome btw), I'll only be able to publish one chapter of each story every week. I've been getting that feeling of letting any of you down and hope I can make up for it soon. Soon seems like a while... but it'll be worth it. Soon. *pretending to laugh out loud, but actually staring at laptop*

Now... The bad news. Reread everything up there ^ ... and then come back down here. I'll wait. It's okay. Go on... ... ... ... ... ... You done? Alright, good. UNFORTUNATELY, I have crap to do over winter break... you know.. the crap from school. Stuff that no one's got time for. SCHOOL PLS. FFFFFFFFFFF. whatever. I read a post somewhere on the interwebz and started to plan on showing it to the school administration... but no one has time for that. It'll be down below if you want, but I'm going to institute that law into any kind of educational businesses that I might create later on in life... I don't know. I'm still scouring the planet for suitable occupations. Eh, it's hard, but then again, what isn't? No sexual innuendoes intended cough cough. OKAY THEN. That's all I've got, which sucks. Sigh.... If you had to read AAAALLLLLLLL of that. I am sorry. I just had to let it all out. WHEW. My chest feels lighter.

OH. and one more thing. My League marathon was put on pause because I had to put on the responsibility of teaching my little brother math, and ... stuff. I don't want to downgrade his public image much but to give you an idea... He's behind on lots of assignments and... that's all I can share. Oh, and he's in sixth grade. THAT'S IT. I DON'T NEED ANYONE SNOOPING ON MY LITTLE BROTHER. RABBLE RABBLE RABBLE. good? good. alright. If I seemed hyper or just out of it while writing this, it's not my fault. I'm EXTREMELY hungry and tend to rant on an empty stomach...


(The philosophy/quote: "If students aren't allowed to sleep in school, then why are you telling us to do schoolwork at home?"

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