• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2019


I write fics, often late at night. Some folk like them. Also I like to use the word 'Aye' when I speak.

More Blog Posts44

  • 318 weeks
    A Little Piece of Home

    Hello friends. It's been a while.

    I'm back...as back as I'm gonna be rather. I've taken a LONG time away from the fandom knowing full well that I'd be called back one day, either by nostalgia, the urge to wrap something up I started long ago, or some other compulsion. Whatever it is, I'm willing to settle back in.

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    2 comments · 437 views
  • 493 weeks
    Santa Sparx is Dropping Presents! (RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!)

    SO, for the unaware, Valley of Rainbows has received an update and will be receiving another one pretty soon, so go check that out as it's my main project at the moment. Expect another chapter and another mini-chapter journal entry over there.

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  • 510 weeks

    Yo, I'm gonna recommend something I legitimately had fun with. What is that?
    A Stupid meme filled piece of crap game called Sanic Ball!

    But no seriously, it's pretty damn fun, go play it.

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    1 comments · 363 views
  • 512 weeks
    Yo, anybody remember this?

    Don't know why but my memory drifted back to when I was but a little babby Sparx and watchin' this. Anybody else remember this, or was I the one person on the planet that recognizes it?

    2 comments · 410 views
  • 516 weeks
    Delays delays, it's always delays!

    Hey gang! I'm still around here, I just haven't updated recently due to various distractions. I've been packing up and getting ready to move, spent a week dogsitting, just spent time with my brother on his birthday, the list goes on.

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To Tide You Over (Or Simply Tease You) · 4:00pm Dec 13th, 2013

So, since I'm still in a place that has connection, I thought I'd give you guys an early Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Holiday gift and let loose the Prelude to the Fantasy Adventure story I've been hard at work on. There isn't really much spoilers in it, so don't worry too much, just basic plot all covered by the fourth chapter and vague descriptions on top of that.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the prelude of the first story in the Valley Of Rainbows Series; Seeking Solutions:


The call of adventure, it doesn’t sing its seductive song as loudly as it once had. It seems only a select few of us ever hear the tantalizing tune anymore. Of course, that keeps it a very interesting hobby.

We have all gone on some form of adventure before, sure. In the pages of our favorite issue of Daring Do or some other tome or film, we have seen adventure. But it’s a much different tale to tell when you’ve lived it.

On the day Princess Twilight Sparkle sent me a letter, asking me to return to the trail and take the mantle of traveler once again, I couldn’t resist. I waited patiently for that knock at my door, to venture back out into the vast land beyond the borders of my home. Inspiration rang louder than any bell or gong could ever hope to out there. I had songs to sing and tales to tell, and where better to find lyrics and plotlines than to set out on a voyage once again?

Gather these, save those, protect the land and prevent war. All very worthy causes, but none of them pushed me out that door harder than the desire to wander under the sun and stars into danger and discord once again. I needed only the slightest excuse to bring me back into the life I once had, and to this day I have no regrets.

My dearest love wished me to abandon this habit of mine, but she knew that sparkle in my eye all too well. It pained me to leave her, truly it did, but when the very world pulls at your soul, you can do little to resist. I kept her with me through rain and snow and sweltering heat, in my heart she never once left my side, making the day I would return to her all the more divine.

In my companions I saw that very same look that reflected in my beloved’s eyes as she looked into mine. They could hear the song as clearly as I did. Reasons for leaving aside, we all took joy from each trek and every battle as we looked back upon them. We found ourselves laughing by the fire, sharing our own experience of the days and nights that brought us together and bonded us forever.

Through these journals and books I write, the folk may know of our quests through words and text, but they will never live it through blood and sweat as we have. We will look through these paragraphs and passages and we will remember, calling back images of the times we went through, the days of laughter, those nights of fear and anger, and even the times that bored us as we waited for answers or some direction. My hope is that somepony out there can capture a sliver of those feelings we held, perhaps inspiring them to take on adventure themselves, or at the very least, inspire them to create a story of their very own.

Though I may praise my time of exploration and romantics, there were truly the days of despair, hours of loss and impending doom. Dread would slither its way through our veins as tempers grew short and envy poured from the even the strongest of us. We faced our dark times as well as the bright, and there were moments in which we wondered if we would ever make it home. I remember considering abandoning the journey more than once.

It was during these periods of doubt however, when we found the greatest turnabouts. We found our inner strength when we needed it the most and prevailed over our obstacles and enemies as they came to meet us.


Before I set out on this quest the word may as well have been foreign to me, but now I understand it a little bit better. I’ve seen it wilt and give way to questions and confusion, sure; but never did I see it break. I witnessed the protection of allies and the support of comrades all under the banner of the majestic idea known as loyalty. It battled against our pain in the darkest instances that came our way, crying out against the injustice that threatened us and took away what was precious and dear.

It was strange, and yet comforting to have a leader. I was used to traveling on my lonesome, a troubadour who would charm and hum her way to free food and away from trouble. Yes I have had to cut my way out of messes before and my blade has become a close and trusted companion, but I had often done my adventuring alone. But under the guidance of that mare, I had a stronger feeling that our undertaking was something larger. Despite my longer years of experience, she had proven to be my better, and rarely did I question her commands or orders. She not only embodied the ideas and strengths of loyalty and dedication, but she had even turned the concept into a tool, one that saved our skin, bones and lives on many occasions.

Rainbow Dash and I had exchanged few words, considered ourselves little more than acquaintances and neighbors before we were summoned into this duty. Now I am honored to consider her a sister, a comrade in arms, and a very dear friend. We have spilled and lost blood together, and as I have looked to her for leadership, she saw my value and knowledge as a great benefit. She and I knew the passions of love before we left and stood by one another when we felt our longing hearts overtake us. We pushed each other to carry out our mission and reach its end.

Perhaps the song was sung loudest in her ears. We could all hear it, but she had a special connection to it, as if she knew the rhythm by heart. She kept us all moving, and reminded us of the tune’s true beauty. She let us know that the sour notes were worth marching through, just to hear that glorious and magical finale. I followed her through that bright and colorful valley of hope, confidence and valor, and I would happily walk it again.

In the Valley of Rainbows, she was, and still is, the light that guides us and shows us the colors of adventure, and sings its song as we follow.

-Lyra Heartstrings

Also, if anypony has questions, PLEASE do ask. I'm MORE than happy to answer, but no spoilers.

Report Sparx · 291 views · Story: What Lies Beyond ·
Comments ( 4 )

Okay, I FINALLY got to read that little mini-story thing. Sweet merciful Celestia that thing was AMAZING! I see you have "What Lies Beyond" tagged for this, so that must be from that story. You did say you were re-doing that story... right? I can't even remember anymore. All I know is that little excerpt was incredible.


This is the prelude to the new fantasy fic, yes. It will be what i originally desired of What Lies Beyond, better thought out and made with a bit more affection. There will be bits like this one, small exerpts written like journal entries to transition or explain mythology by Lyra. I'm 12 chapters deep out of a potential 37. I found a pretty amazing cover art too.
So after the holidays I hope you're willing to help me out with the editing. Valley of Rainbows:Seeking Solutions will be dropping soon.

Oh, you KNOW I'll be here to edit for you. The story already looks really amazing, so I'll be looking forward to seeing more of it.


Glad to hear it. We got a lot of work to do, buddy.

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