• Member Since 7th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 4th, 2018


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More Blog Posts87

  • 492 weeks
    Happy New Year Everybody

    Hey everyone. What's up. Just here to wish you all a very happy new year.

    Yes, I'm not dead (as I'm sure some of you might have suspected). I am very much still around, and I am still writing. So yeah.

    Now to answer the question I'm sure all (or at least most of you) are asking.

    Are you going to keep working on Wake up. See this. What do?



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    7 comments · 635 views
  • 518 weeks
    Dead Space 3 Abridged episode 1 (Daedaltheus and I are in this)

    What's up everyone. Hey, remember what seems like a long time ago now that DaedaltheusXIV and I had that dramatic reading channel, but we stopped doing it because we both graduated from college and were no longer living in the same state? Well um.... we're not returning, but we have been lending our vocal talents to something entirely new.

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    0 comments · 461 views
  • 518 weeks

    I am going to figure out a way to incorporate this into WUSTWD... somehow...

    2 comments · 451 views
  • 521 weeks

    There are very few things in life that I consider perfect, or at least as close to perfect as possible since we all know that true perfection is impossible, but yes, there are very few things in life that I consider so good that they might as well be perfect.

    This though.............

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    1 comments · 452 views
  • 522 weeks
    I think I found our theme song

    For the duo that is DaedaltheusXIV and I, I think I found our theme song. Why is this our theme song? Just cause okay, you don't need to look too deeply into it. Otherwise you might start bleeding out and that isn't fun for anybody.


    Oh and before any of you ask.

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    3 comments · 496 views

By Popular Demand · 1:42am Nov 4th, 2013

Because you people kept asking me for it (and by you people I mean the five of you who WOULD NOT STOP MESSAGING ME ABOUT THIS!!! You know who you are). Here are the answers to Ask Me Anything Trois.

Now lets get on with it.

And before we begin.

Before any of you ask me, heres when the next Ask Me Anything blog will be.... *ahem*


So yeah. For several reasons I'm not doing another one. I may change my mind somewhere down the line, but for now. I'm not gonna do another one of these.

So yeah with that in mind, lets get rolling.

Decepticon Soundwave

Wanna have a ghood time with me?

Depends. Are you female and are you within reason attractive?


Can you break those cuffs? :trollestia:



What is your favorite video game?

No contest.

Mac or PC?

I use a Mac. So yeah. Mac I guess.

Are you glad I'm asking fewer questions this time?

Yeah, a little.

Will you please give me an adequate answer to the "Can you pronounce 'Kiro'" question? ("Yes" is an invalid answer.)


If you made a fourth Ask Me Anything, what would it be called?

Ask Me Anything IV probably.

Are you going to do a fourth to compensate for your extra lateness?


Can you pronounce schadenfreude?

Um........ I'm going to say no.

What is the stupidest grammatical error you can think of?

Well one of my creative writing professors in college would always fail our papers instantly (no really, he did. A lot of otherwise really good authors received F's cause of this) if we forgot any direct address comas.

Yeah, this isn't a joke. If we missed one. Single. Direct address coma. We failed the paper instantly.

So yeah. As useful and as important as they are, I'm gonna say that cause of all the trouble and stress they caused me and a lot of my friends in college.

Do you think my parents love me?

Of course they do. If they didn't, then they wouldn't keep you around now would they? :pinkiehappy:

Do you know why my Turtle Beach PX3 Headset messes with my Internet on wireless mode?

You'll wanna speak to an actual technician about that.

How would you describe your hair? (Damn, that was random.)

I'd say this describes it pretty well.

Would you feel stupid or angry if I pointed out all your grammatical errors in the comments instead of your inbox?

Stupid. No.

Angry. Not really.

Embarrassed. Yeah, a little.

So yeah, thank you for PMing them to me.

Have you ever heard of Hemicrania Continua?

No I don't believe I have.

Are you able to pronounce it?


Dubstep: Your opinion?

Do you know what my "0613" means?

No. I just assumed they were random numbers since the name "Kiro" was already taken.


Where's the Beef?

It's in the refrigerator. Go get it.

How many video games have you beaten on the hardest difficulty?

A few. Don't remember exactly how many though. Most of the games I have beaten on the hardest difficulty were co-op games with the help of my bro.

How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?

All of them.

A certain Dark Knight would like me to ask you

Ask the Joker.

If you don't know, he has instructed me to tell you to punch yourself in the face to save him the trouble, Did you?


Who would win in a fight, Leatherface or Michael Myers

The one with the chainsaw.

Brad Pitt wants to know, What's in the box?
What's in the Box?
What's in the fucking box?!

It's his wife's severed head. Wait..... sorry was I not supposed to spoil that?

What's the first rule about Fight Club? What's the second?

Sorry. I'm not supposed to talk about that.

What's heavier, a ton of pillows or a ton of anvils?

Well they both weigh a ton so.... about the same.

I can haz Cheezeburger?

Easy come, Easy Go, Will you let me go?


Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street?


Did you ever watch Power Rangers as a kid? And if so, which one was your favorite (show and Ranger)

Of course.

And as for favorite ranger. Well.... this guy all the way.

Do you remember that time on WCW when Robocop saved Sting from a cage and scared off his opponents?

Never watched nor cared for wrestling. So no.

Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll?

Even if they did I can just make another one.

Was it Mr Green in the Kitchen with the Wrench?

I don't know who that is, but he'd better stay out of MY kitchen.

Surely you can't be serious?

Is that a rhetorical question?

The Krispy Kreme Burger, for or against?

Never had and never will. So no.

If I bring you the girl, will you wipe away the debt?

Depends. Which girl and which debt?

Would you push the history eraser button after being told nicely not to push it?

Umm....... yes.... yes I would.


Is 42 really the answer to life?

This would be easier to answer if I knew what the question was.

Will my toast stop getting burnt?

It will.... when you actually learn how to make toast.

Is bacon the best thing ever?

Most of the time. Yes.

Chocolate covered bacon however....

What's your favorite instrument and what song would you say you like to hear the most from it?

The guitar. Duh.

And anything really as long as IT'S METAL!!!!

If you had to have one super power what would it be?

Pyrokinesis. Definitely pyrokinesis.

What is your favorite power ranger?

Already answered.

Is Scootaloo really a chicken?

No... Of course now. She's a pegasus who can't fly.

Does Slendermane know how to break dance?

You might wanna ask Daedaltheus about this. He deals with the members of The Plush a lot more than I do.

Favorite pie to throw at someone?

Why would I wanna waste a perfectly good pie?

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

Um..... go buy one.

Which one is your favorite Transformer?

Optimus Prime... Duh.

Does the sky look grey now-a-days or is it still blue?

Well it's blue over here where I am.

Registered Anonymous

Question #1: How many lava-hot Tostino Pizza rolls can you fit in your mouth before you have to spit them out in a fountain of pizza goodness?

Um...... I'd rather eat actual pizza thank you very much.

Question #2: How long would it take for me to bash into your skull with my nine iron to get to the tootsie roll center of your tootsie pop? Take your time on this one.

This assumes that you can even pull that off in the first place. :pinkiehappy:

Come on..... try it..... see what happens....





Question #3: Paper or Plastic? You can't choose both or either..... actually just choose plastic.

I work in a grocery store. So I'm gonna go with paper.

Question #4: If you are stuck in a locked room with ten rabid bears and you are only armed with the last object you have touched, how fucked in the butt are you? Since my last object that I touched was my nine-iron I'm currently sitting pretty as it is.

You just gave me a good idea for what to do with you in the next chapter of WUSTWD. :pinkiehappy:

Question #5: Are you keeping your Felicia statue from Comic Con clean? If not *gets close to the screen* I'll be seeing you soon. *lightening strikes behind him*

It's still in the box I got it in. So yes.


Pinkie Pie is still being punished for trying to hijack my story right now, but when she gets out from that, I'll have her message you and you can talk to her about that.

Also... Try it.... I dare you. :pinkiehappy:


Are you going to ever get to that Ultimate Warrior story?

Well, you pretty much did for me, so probably not.

If you microwave some takeout, are you technically nuking the chinese?

This assumes you even had Chinese in the first place, which I usually don't cause I'm not exactly a fan of Chinese food.

Do you agree that Chad is the ultimate douchebag name?

You know. For the longest time I did. Until I discovered that one of the people I regularly follow with great interest is named Chad.

Is there any characters you've wanted to see in any of your stories, but have gotten a chance to add them?

There are a few, but given the approximate length and craziness of WUSTWD.


We'll just have to wait and see.

Also Kiro you might wanna get on this one.

Who's your favorite CMC member?

Applebloom probably.


1.what chu know bout green egg's and ham.

That it doesn't exist.

2.If you were to fart and burp at the same time, wouldn't a vacuum create in your stomach.

If you try this, film yourself and send me the video cause I wanna take credit for this discovery. :pinkiehappy:

Lolz I'm just kidding man I actually have no idea.

3.Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Because people are predictable like that.

4.Is egg porn frowned upon.

Umm.... what?

5.Why isn't the number 11 pronounced onety one?

Because we aren't stupid.

6.If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...Does
that mean the fifth one enjoys it?

Um....... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....

I have absolutely no idea.

7.If a hen and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day and a half, how long would it take a monkey with a wooden leg to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

All of them.

8.If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat?

Food. Obviously.

9.If all the nations in the world are in debt, where did all the money go?

Well you see

*This answer was removed by ******************** for knowing too much.*

10.how did you feel about the mlp season 4 preview.

I'm just hoping that they don't mess up that Power Rangers episode.

Occasionally they have good ideas, and this one, if done right, could be AWESOME!!!!


Have you ever done something so stupid it still makes you facepalm today thinking about it?
If so, what is it?

Not that I can really remember at the moment. Sorry.

If I brought the Pinkie from WUSTWD into reality and told her where to find you, how pissed at me would you be, on a scale of one to I'M SHOVING YOUR HEAD UP YOUR OWN ASS?

Animal, vegetable, or mineral?

I'm sorry what?

Is it larger than a breadbox?


Are you the very model of a modern major general?

No. Not really. I mean I don't think so, but I'm sure there's like one or two people I know who might say otherwise.

Would you enjoy beating upon people with sticks?

If I had a stick maybe.

Do you consider yourself insane?


Let me tell you something my friend.

We are all a little insane.

If so, please explain on a scale of perfectly normal to batshit crazy.

How many questions do you think I can pack into one comment?

As many as you want to.

How many ORIGINAL questions do you think I can pack into one comment?


How many questions have you answered so far in your entire Ask me anything career?

I don't know.

Is the square root of negative one less than or equal to three pi?

There is no square root of a negative cause negative numbers can't be square rooted.


Do you <3pi?

Do I love pie?



Depends. What flavor is it?

If your computer was a bad tempered AI, what would you do?

If I gave you a big red threatening button and told you that if you press it, the world will explode, would you press it?

Maybe :pinkiehappy:

If I gave you a button identical to the one above, yet labelled it a pointless button, would you press it?


Would you murder a six year old girl with a baseball bat if it would save the rest of the human race?


Something tells me you'd be good friends with Daedaltheus.

Don't understand. Talk to him about this question. He'll tell you everything you want to know.

Was that last question too morbid?

Well, I'm insane and my best friend is pure evil......

A little bit, but questions like that are really what make our stories what they are. So yeah...

How many questions am I at now?

Honestly, I'm not counting.

Do I talk too much?

I've only ever seen you type comments. So I have no idea.

Are you really going to hold to the two week thing this time?




What was I talking about again?

Damned if I know.

Who am I?

Name (and Title) Evolved Ensign Gordon Freebrony of the Starship Enterprise.
Short description: Once ensign, now one-man-army, Gordon Freebrony is still a member of Starfleet, albeit he has become a lone wolf. The Enterprise will lend him and the rest of the army support throughout the missions.
Weapon of Choice: Crowbar +5 (+500 to baddassedness, 2d20 of bludgeoning damage, plus morale damage to opposing armies [they are being beat up by a crowbar for Celestia's sake.])
Armored suit, (immunity to bullets, lacerations, abrasions, and damage below neck. Vulnerability in head)
Massive amounts of bullets and guns, rarely used, including 9mm handgun, MP5 with grenade launcher attachment, RPG, 12 gauge shotgun (8 shots), .356 Magnum revolver, a phaser pistol
10 Grenades.
5 satchel charges.
Special traits:
Badass: 50% chance to cause fear into enemies when charging into battle
Support: Gets periodical random drops from orbiting starship.
One Man Army: Gets +100 to all attacks when outnumbered and with one or less additional people in party.
Special Traits:
Fearlessly Intelligent: Immunity to Fear and all mind-affecting spells and affects, 65% chance to instantly solve a practical or scientific problem.
Ability Scores:
Strength: 15 (+6)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 18 (+5)
Intelligence: 17 (+7)
Wisdom: 11 (+0)
Charisma: 14 (+3)
(the parenthesized +'s are addons from armor and gear, not pluses to combat and other scenarios)

Can I insert Q into WUSTWD?

Oh... ho ho ho ho .....

There is already a Q in the story my friend. In fact, there are two of them. :pinkiehappy:

What's the strangest sexual fetish you ever heard of? (besides ponies)

I don't know. Whatever I can think of though, I'm sure somewhere out on the internet though there is something that can top it.

Can I haz teh internets?


Who am I to go against the wind?

Gordon Freebrony. Duh.

Where are they going without ever knowing the way?

They're going over there.

Can you feel that? Aw shit.


Can you see me drowning deep in my sea of loathing, broken your servant I kneel?


Will you give in to me?


NIPPLE SALAD!!!! Does this count as a question?


Railroad crossing watch out for the cars, can you spell that without any 'r's?

aiload cossing watch out fo the cas

Am I a question generating machine?

I'm going to assume no.

Who's yo daddy?

Well you see, when a man and a woman love each other very very much.....

Is this the million dollar question?

Sure. It's the last question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire.

True or false: This statement is false?


One of the following two statements is true:
The following statement is false.
The previous statement is true.
Which one is true?


Am I out of questions now?

Doesn't look like it.

Have I asked the most questions so far in one go?

So far yes.

Are you tired of answering my questions?

No. Not really.

I want to know. Have you ever seen the rain?


Do you think?


Are you an animal?

We are all animals my friend.

So what if you can see this darker side of me?

No one will ever change this animal I have become.
Help me believe it's not the real me.
Somebody help me tame this animal.

I must confess that I feel like a monster.

I hate what I've become.
The nightmare's just begun.

Wait, was that a question?

No, not really.

Ah well. Can you define 'and'?

used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly.
"bread and butter"
synonyms: together with, along with, with, as well as, in addition to, also; More
used to connect two clauses when the second happens after the first.
"he turned around and walked out"
used to connect two clauses, the second of which results from the first.
"do that once more, and I'll skin you alive"
connecting two identical comparatives, to emphasize a progressive change.
"getting better and better"
connecting two identical words, implying great duration or great extent.
"I cried and cried"
used to connect two identical words to indicate that things of the same name or class have different qualities.
"all human conduct is determined or caused—but there are causes and causes"
used to connect two numbers to indicate that they are being added together.
"six and four make ten"
used to connect two numbers, implying succession.
"a line of men marching two and two"
used to introduce an additional comment or interjection.
"if it came to a choice—and this was the worst thing—she would turn her back on her parents"
used to introduce a question in connection with what someone else has just said.
"“I found the letter in her bag.” “And did you steam it open?”"
(esp. in broadcasting) used to introduce a statement about a new topic.
"and now to the dessert"
used after some verbs and before another verb to indicate intention, instead of “to”.
"I would try and do what he said"
noun: AND; plural noun: ANDs
a Boolean operator that gives th

Can you define 'love'?


Can you define chaos?

The real nature of the universe.

Can you define order?

Fools who try to control the nature of the universe.

Now define all of the ones you said yes to above, ok?


How did I know you would answer those smartassedly? (because I'm that good)

Or because you only think you are cause I allow you to be. You ever think of that. :pinkiehappy:

Now I'm bored. No more questions.

Good. Done now.

Report RazortheAwesome · 413 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

I hope by "Five people who kept messaging me about it" you didn't mean me...

Oh, and "0613" is my birthday.

GordonFreeBrony has to be the most amusing questionnaire I have ever encountered. In a long time.

I'm going to miss these.

Well, that was a good time waster.

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