• Member Since 15th Feb, 2013
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  • 177 weeks
    Not Dead

    ...been a while, though, huh?

    I want to apologize for not being as active here anymore, but i'm also not about to promise that that will change any time soon.

    side note: are Discord and Deviantart being weird for anyone else?

    6 comments · 396 views
  • 235 weeks
    Birthmas Post


    2 comments · 383 views
  • 242 weeks
    Yes, i watched the Ending of the End

    No, i will NOT go ahead and watch the Last Problem

    I'm waiting until next week.

    It's a matter of principle!

    5 comments · 446 views
  • 242 weeks
    the Ending of the End Review

    ...Let's get started


    most ponies are a little racist

    and there we go

    that was spoiled for me


    there's also the fact almost no one knows who they are, apparently

    alright, let's hear his explanation

    hey, he had decent intentions

    he's... not the best with impressions

    Giant Demon Alicorn

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    7 comments · 497 views
  • 242 weeks

    ...I still haven't watched the finale, but i know what happens to the three of them.

    but that's not what bothers me, since i'm used to the show having no idea what to do with antagonists

    the problem is I'm not actually sure i'll even be ABLE to watch the finale.

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    5 comments · 314 views

Nightmare Night Special (HA! 1 More post!) Sapient Constructs · 3:22pm Nov 1st, 2013


Constructs are artificial life. some are flesh and blood. some are cold metal and stone. some are powered by magic. others are made by science alone. robots, golems, equimunculi, AIs, Daleks... all the same category of creature.

however, not all have free will. a golem MUST obey its creator's commands.

not all are intelligent. all except one species of gargoyle act like animals.

then there are these constructs


artificial creations of actual flesh and blood, usually with separate genders, though reproduction is impossible


Equimunculus (Roaman for "Little Equine") refers to the mythological concept of an artificially created pony brought into existence by certain means of alchemy. Though a common concept, well known and understood by alchemists in Germaney, the idea of equimunculi is regarded as no more than a farce or faraway fantasy as no individual or group of alchemists has come anywhere close to successfully creating such a being in officially recorded history. Even so, alchemists have been forbidden by the Germane government to attempt or research in the transmutation of ponies and State Alchemists have such a restriction as part of their creed.

however, rules are broken constantly.

Equimunculi are identified by an Ouroborous cutie mark and lavender eyes. they have heightened strength and speed, and incredible regenerating abilities. beyond that, they have unique abilities per individual, such as shape-shifting, incredible speed, functioning as a bag of holding, or covering their body in armor.

Flesh Golem

a flesh golem is made by stitching body parts together and reviving them through magic, electricity, and alchemy. flesh golems are the only golems who eventually develop their own free will, and often gain the personality and memories of whoever's brain they have. this often, sadly, drives the creature mad as the pony sees that "they" have become a monster.


One of the darkest constructs to create, a Toyol is made by taking an 11 month old fetus from the mother's womb and re-animating it through dark magic. strangely, the construct becomes an actual pony within a matter of weeks, though it is a fully functional adult by then.


a rare construct, the Polong is a type of Equimunculus no more than a foot high and with a poisonous bite. they are always female. interestingly, the Polong can create another construct called a pelesit. these short-lived beings resemble crickets with scorpion tails.

victims of a Polong's bite or a pelesit's sting usually hallucinate, for some reason developing an extreme paranoia of cats


an attempt to create a more obedient equimunculus. instead, it created 50 giant beings (ranging between 18 and 100 feet tall) who ate the flesh of sapient beings. they had no digestive system, so they simply filled up their stomach and regurgitated its contents when full. the debate as to whether they were truly intelligent still goes on. possessing the enhanced strength and regeneration of their equimunculus cousins, they were also surprisingly light. a titan's one weak spot was the nape of the neck, and they became inactive when the sun was not out.

thankfully, all were killed.


made of cloth, burlap, and other materials. these beings usually have a psychological gender, though they are genderless.


the Ragamoffyn or Ragamuffin is a complex artificial construct made of cloth and string and animated by magic. the first one was developed by Prince Blueblood in order to take some pressure off the Canterlot staff. they are intelligent, polite, and quick to defend anyone in danger. besides the earth pony variety seen here, Pegasus and unicorn ragamuffins exist.


the Mommet or living scarecrow is a fairly simple construct, yet HIGHLY unnerving. no one knows why the first Mommet was created, or why they are still made.

Rarity's five "employees"

simply made by making a cloth pony, like a clothing manikin, and bringing it to life. within a day, the construct develops sapience, psychological gender, and its own personality. the stuffing in its body becomes replaced by a black tar-like substance. they can be really creepy when they want to, and protect their creator and friends fiercely when they are threatened.

in response to asking if they would ever harm Rarity


due to the unwillingness of Boardor to share the details of the robot, we will not be including them, nor will we be including AIs.

a Metal construct is made of metal and wires, as well as some kind of power source, electrical or magic.


Made in the middle ages by a mad alchemist/blacksmith named Davros, the Daleks are a mercifully rare construct, as the average Dalek is highly aggressive, and most encounters end with them firing up their magic and shooting while shouting a carefully enunciated "EX-TER-MIN-ATE!!!!"

occasionally, a single Dalek will deviate from this mindset, and Ponyville is home to a single Dalek, Sha, who lives in the Whooves/Doo household as a servant/babysitter/bodyguard of Dinky.

Report Prince_Staghorn · 357 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Dalek's deviating from instincts to destroy? To conquer?!

1471458 simple. it's an anomaly in the "programming"

1471476 i'll tell you now. the drawing I made of a Titan creeps me out

Wasn't that first picture you used for Equimonculi, of Wrath from the original FMA? (The one who got Ed's original arm and leg? And thus later, got his Automail one?)
and also Aren't you forgetting somebody else?

1471763 I left Cybers out on purpose, and that's Envy changing out of Ed's form

1471789 Envy doesn't have Green hair. (ironically, he does in the original...but still.)

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