• Member Since 18th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen April 17th


Someone once said I was passive aggressive. I disagree. I am far too impatient for that. I prefer just being normal aggressive. Don't worry about 'maybe' upsetting me, you will know.

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  • 434 weeks
    Ultra 'FML' Rant

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So many story ideas! · 6:10am Oct 25th, 2013

So, my thirty followers, this is where I need you the most. I have a big problem that is causing me no end to sleepless nights filled with woe and despair! Only you, my dedicated readers, can save me from this perilous indecision!

Ok, done channeling Rarity. The problem is simple, really. I have a few really good story ideas, and I am having an absurdly difficult time in deciding which one I want to pursue next. Of course, this will be after I finally get the next chapter of 'Temptation' up (seriously, this chapter is being a jerk). I'll outline the potentials here for you, my dedicated watchers, to decide upon.

Where in Equestria is my Cutie Mark?

Summary: One morning in Ponyville comes with a disturbing discovery, everyponies Cutie Mark has vanished! Inspector Pinkie is on the case, but this time she's going to need some help.

Ok so this one spawned from a chatroom. It started with a Carmen Sandiego conversation, and then quickly encompassed every part of the story, from what she would steal, to the 'Gumshoes' that would track her (who else would it be, given a title like that?). I have always held a borderline psychotic hatred of crossover stories, because all too often I see them done poorly. Just the events of another fandom with a fresh coat of pony-paint. The idea of doing one myself, and doing it as I think it right, is tempting. Also this would be good practice, since I am not very comfortable writing either Pinkie or the CMC.


The Mysterious Mare Do Well Returns!

Summary: Princess Luna is bored, but she has always been more physical then her sister. Now if only everypony would stop surrendering as soon as she shows up!

This one came from a comic I saw on DA. Basic premise is that Luna starts taking evening flights to relieve her boredom. During these, she manages to see a shop being broken into, and stops the criminals cold... possibly with a bit more force then was absolutely needed. The rush and excitement are exactly what she has been looking for, so she starts taking night time flights to the other cities of Equestria. Crime is low in Canterlot, but not so in Manehatten and Fillydelphia. Unfortunately, just one look at her is enough to make any criminal surrender, resulting in more bureaucracy and annoyance then blood pumping enjoyment. If only there was some way to disguise her identity...

Enter her own secret keeper, the lovely Rarity, who designs a very familiar costume. The reappearance of this 'old' hero causes the return of some rather unpleasant emotions among the Mane 6. Luna would help resolve the issue, but she is having far too much fun.

Man, this idea came out of left field and started running. I, personally, find Luna to be comedy gold. You don't even really need to try to make her funny, she just does it so naturally. This one is going to happen, I'm just not sure when.

And finally!

Drama King

Summary: Sweetie Belle doesn't really understand why she decided to spend the day with the young colt. Most ponies saw him as a bit eccentric, but Sweetie sees something far more familiar and comforting in his odd-ball behavior.

This one came from a comment, and the (now-famous) Button Mash pilot episode (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2VhC1QF7ww watch it, I am serious). Somebody made the remark on how Sweetie didn't react really, at all, to Button's overly dramatic case of brain freeze. And then it came to me. Who is Sweetie Belle's sister? Button being overly dramatic would probably be so old hat to her she wouldn't even blink. And then came this story idea. It is short, sweet, and most importantly, not 'adult romance.' I want to try and portray 'puppy love' with this. The simple 'first crush', that may or may not go anywhere for the rest of their lives. Something simple and pure.

SO! Those are the three stories I am tossing about in my head for now. Which ones catch your interest? As always, any feedback is appreciated. :D


Report LuminoZero · 252 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

I would definitely read all three. It seems like the Sweetie/Buttons story would be a oneshot, so I suggest starting with that one in order to get some practice writing at least 1/3 of the local CMC. Or heck, if you include a scene ort two including Bloom and Scoots teasing Sweetie, it'll be good practice for all three.

The missing cutie-mark caper is probably the one that I want to read the most, even if it's due to nostalgia from my youthful days. If you can nail the characters, I think it'll be a good time.

And I can already see that the Luna fic will be a mix of laughs and drama. Definitely take your time on that one.

Still, I'll say again that I would read each and every one of them. Have fun writing!


Well, Lumi, as much as I love Luna, and as interesting as I find the idea of her as a super hero, Carmen Sandiego has been a fascination of mine since youth. I mean, it was one thing when she was being badass across the world, but then she started being badass across time!

Across time, Lumi.

So, naturally, I'm going to go with that one. And I'd love to see your take on Pinkie, so bonus points for that.

I have absolutely no interest in Button Mash. I think he's a horrible, boring character and I wish the fandom would get over its obsession with him.


I'm not disagreeing with you on BM, because there really isn't any personality to defend. He has about as much defined personality as Octavia does. Everything that makes him who he is, is fanon. And my desire to make a story with him came from the *ahem* quality of stories starring him on this site. I think I can do better by the little colt, so I wanted to.

Never the less, I understand that it may not be everyones cup of tea. Seems like Carmen is a popular one though. :D



Not just that, bro. My dislike for him goes even deeper. I'd go so far as to say that even the main characters depend on fanon for adequate characterization, since the show's writers are pretty hit-or-miss; but Button Mash, in his very premise, irks me. He's anachronistic. Every time I think I have an adequate sense of Equestrian technological development, he appears, rocking 21st century gadgets and references in an otherwise 19th century setting. Whenever I see that in a story or parody that's not intentionally introducing random elements, I flail about, cry at the destruction of whatever world building has been done, and write an unsent letter to Princess Luna, expressing my distaste for every sentient being.

But write what moves you. I'll read it, even if I immediately downvote it. :twilightsmile:


Well yeah, but there is a lot of Schizo Tech in canon. The giant hair dryer from 'Just For Sidekicks'? The Hydro Electric Dam from 'The Mysterious Mare Do Well'? Now I would like to think that arcade machines, and his 'Joy Boy' are probably the most technologically advanced games he has, because think about it. Ponies don't have hands, they would only be able to play a game with one or two buttons to press.

No 'Call of Duty' or some silliness for BM. I like to keep this world of pastel colored, talking cartoon ponies as real as possible.

ANYWAY, I thank you very much for your view. I just like to debate things, it gets the better of me sometimes.



Psh, you like to debate? I thrive on it!

And don't forget about the microphone and DJ booth from "Canterlot Wedding," and Vinyl Scratch generally (though I've been begrudgingly made to drop this point with respect to her during another debate, in which it was pointed out that gramophones are established).

And yeah, I agree, but hydroelectricity was pioneered in the 18th century and, at any rate, I take that and the hair dryer like the meat-filled sandwiches in "A Bird in the Hoof;" one time appearances caused by a disconnect between the writers and the animators that is never mentioned before, during or after.

BM, on the other hand, is inseparable from his anachronistic character. His entire being is based on an out of place element. :raritydespair:

Rustles my jimmies, I tell ya.

The Carmen Sandiego crossover does sound hilarious, and I'd love to see it at some point; I'd put that as a strong second.

However, The Mysterious Mare Do Well Returns! sounds incredible. It's a great opportunity for some excellent characterization of both Luna and Rarity. The scene you painted with Luna showing up and criminals surrendering on the spot sounds hilarious (ponies thinking Luna would send them to the moon is always nicely ironic), and I can see Luna glad to have helped but upset at achieving it that way. Really has a Batman feel to it as well, and Luna certainly fits the bill; between her past, her personality (both canon and fanon), and her available resources and resourcefulness, it's a pretty amusing comparison to draw. Somehow I can really easily see Rarity as her Alfred, and it's rather rare to see her well written in that kind of role, both as a key supporting character for something adventurous and heroic, and as a secret-keeper and confidant. And her inventiveness and creativity (as seen a bit in canon and heavily in fanon) would make her a great Q (in the Bond sense), as well. I'd love to see what you could do with the dynamic between them via many different angles. And hopefully Spike gets at least one turn as Robin, too.

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