• Member Since 14th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 26th, 2021

Phoenix Avalon

Hello, I'm here for the candy-colored ponies, nice bronies and good stories.

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So I saw "Captain Phillips" today in place of "Rush" · 10:47pm Oct 15th, 2013

OH. MY. MERCIFUL. GOD. This movie was amazing.

The movie is based (I don't know how accurately) on the real-life incident of the titular Captain whose ship was attacked by Somali pirates. However you think this movie is going to play out, you don't really know. I went in disappointed that I wouldn't be able to see Thor and sweet German kid from Inglourious Basterds duke it out with racecars and left a sobbing mess--but that's mostly my emotional baseline so let me elaborate (spoiler free because I need to get this out of the way first SEE THIS MOVIE NOW OR AS SOON AS YOU'RE DONE READING THIS WHATEVER COMES FIRST):

Tom Hanks. This man can still get on screen and be the most legit thing since Jesus. His performance is not explosive but he has the conviction to make a completely foreign and outragtous situation (at least hopefully to most of us) as real as the armrest you will certainly be gripping. It might not get him the Oscar with Mr. Jackson playing the most ferocious papa wolf since Taken (or so I've been told) but his last scene is worth the price of admission alone.

Though Hanks is clearly the star of the show all the acting is perfect no matter how short the given screentime. The actors fit and preform their roles with unshakeable and unwavering realism and genuiness.

The "villains" are not demonized and their reasons are understandable but their actions are not excused or sympathized with, they clearly had choices and chances throughout the events and each time they refuse them. They are given as good as they gave.

The direction (curtesy of Bourne director Paul Greengrass) like Hanks is not in your face but this is makes it so adept at ratcheting the tension to insane heights while still keeping you grounded in a very gritty reality. The movie never panders or glosses but is honest and direct about the situation its characters are in. But it dosen't downplay the real herosim and true hope that drives it in Hanks or his crew and the others working to assist them, which I think is the best thing any movie can show. There are storms in life but even regular people have a spark that can help them weather them.

Report Phoenix Avalon · 209 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

I have to see this movie

I need to see this movie.

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