• Member Since 11th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 9th, 2023

Harmony Charmer

♪ Kingdom of ships around me and it looks like I'm the queen ♫

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  • 269 weeks
    So I'm watching the premiere

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Season Four and Beyond Theories~Part one · 5:51am Aug 21st, 2013

Hello, everypony, it's Harmony! Now, a lot of you guys are wondering what's gonna happen in season four, right? Well, I have some theories as to what might happen! Also, just random theories overall.

Now, I am going to refer to the Season Four Animatic Clips that were released at a convention a couple of weeks ago, so if you don't want spoilers, LEAVE. Let's start with the first clip;

The first clip is of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon teasing Scootaloo because she can't fly. Poor Scootaloo! Now, there are several ways this could go. Heck, some might just go together!

1. Scootaloo gets her cutie mark.
I know it sounds farfetched, but we're going into season four. By the time we reach season eight, we'll start demanding that they get their cutie marks. Also, I don't think anypony anticipated Twily becoming an Alicorn, now did they? It was highly hinted at(her element of harmony is a CROWN you guys) and Lauren said so herself, "I wanted Twilight to become Celestia's successor", but we still avoided the signs. Sure, that could've meant anything, but the possibility was always there.

2. Scootaloo turns out to be disabled and has to come to terms with inability to fly.
Most people think this might be the case and I kind of disagree. This would be a highly dramatic episode because of Scootaloo's admiration for Rainbow Dash, an athlete. However, this is highly unlikely due to "Sleepless in Ponyville". I think it would be very cruel of the writers to get our hopes up like that and just dash them into bits. Rainbow takes Scoots under her wing and suddenly she can't fly? Also, remember at the beginning of "Bad Seed" how Scootaloo was able to hover over the ground for a while. There's hope for the filly yet!

3. Scootaloo proves Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon wrong and makes a statement for the Cutie Mark Crusaders

Now, onto the "HOLY NEW PERSONAS" clip. This clip is about how Spike wakes up to see the Mane Six dressed up as super heroes- apparently known as, "The Power Ponies". Then, a villain pops out of a building and snidely calls out the Mane Six and it shows the group glancing at one another, confused? I believe this may be a dream Spike is having or perhaps a situation that Mane Six gets caught up in for some unknown reason. The writers mentioned that Spike would "get into really uncomfortable situations" a lot this season.

Then, there's the song "Apples to the Core", which I've probably listened to a thousand times.

The song is about how the Apple family travels a lot and makes history everywhere they go(Remember "Family Appreciation Day"?). Now, here's the question that everypony asked;

Well, someone mentioned that Pinkie was going to visit her family and it was the same direction the Apples were going(Heck, maybe even the same place). This raises several different outcomes for this episode.

Pinkie's family might get some screentime and maybe a few lines as well. Remember how in "Magic Duel", when Trixie showed her having to work at a rock farm, Pinkie's father was in the flashback? Also, remember how when Pinkie was telling the story of her cutie mark, she suddenly said, "And hat's how Equestria was made!" in "Cutie Mark Chronicles"? Did anyone ever stop and ask, "What was THAT about?" Sure, Pinkie's random, but I think it might be important. The writers were planting seeds.... And I believe they're about to spout.

Alright, now here's the last one for the moment being- the last clip of the animatic. Do you remember? It'd kid of be hard to forget.


Everypony seems to believe that the Night Mare Moon episode a time travel one; Or maybe just Night Mare returning.

The video begins with Twilight appearing in the throne room and Luna appears from the shadows. Twilight asks what's going on and why she and Celestia disappeared. Luna disregards what Twilight says and yells at her, "do you really think I could just sit idly while they all basked in your precious light?!" Twilight, not understanding what's happening, asked what she meant and Luna said that there was "only room for one princess" and it would be her. Luna then caused the moon to raise over the sun, causing an eclipse and began to turn into Night Mare Moon.

Let's talk about the Night Mare returns theory. No, I don't think that's what's going to happen. Luna said there was only room for one princess- where would that leave Twilight and Cadence? However, what bothers me about it is that it has Luna's current appearance. It were the past, Luna would like her past self, wouldn't she?

Then, there's the time travel thing. I just think it's Twilight seeing things through Celestia's eyes.

Well, that's all- for now, at least! I'll talk you guys later!

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