• Member Since 8th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen May 4th, 2015


More Blog Posts10

  • 604 weeks
    A wild PAPERWORK appears!


    So yeah, after very nearly not getting the last few chapters finished because of the last boss in this harrowing paperwork adventure I've been on recently, I thought I could relax.

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  • 610 weeks
    In case you hadn't noticed

    Ponystuck is back!

    This message is for the benefit of everyone who checks blog updates but not story updates, because gog knows there's too many of those people to name every single one. In retrospect, I should have put Ponystuck on hiatus or something while... well, while it was on hiatus. Too late now, I suppose.

    In other news:

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  • 614 weeks

    Last week I had somewhere between little to no computer. This week I had slightly more computer. Next week I have no computer. The long and short of it is that the pause in work of any kind was longer than expected, and there will definitely be no work done next week because of actual work that needs doing. This is a bad thing.


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  • 616 weeks

    Hopefully that title will convince people to read this. It should do, since I put a lot of work into it.
    Don't say I never do anything nice.


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  • 619 weeks
    [S] Dirk: Unite

    I would just like to say.

    I. Love. The alpha kids.

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CTP: Use the next ten days wisely, mostly by making an effort not to go insane. · 11:03am Apr 4th, 2012

I made a half hearted attempt to not go insane.

Sadly, the purple hippos had other ideas. Anyway, that isn't the point of this.
What is, I pretend to hear you ask?
Well, the album is the main point I wanted to go over.

OVERALL, I like it.
I don't know if I'd say that there are more songs that I like than I don't like, but it can't be far off an even split. There are some great songs. There are also some less than great songs that I don't like as much, which is fine because that's true of any of the Homestuck albums.

Obviously there are some outright brilliant songs that I can't stop listening to, such as "Made of Time" which I absolutely adore. Also the new version of "Temporal Shenanigans", which is sooo great. Then of course we have "Olive Scribe" and "Cobalt Corsair", both of which I'm a fan of. Those are just some of the songs I like, but I'm not just going to list songs I do or don't like, that would be pointless.

What I think could improve this album is something which requires the use of made up words to explain, but hopefully you'll understand what I mean.
I think the album has a few too many unepic songs in it. In past albums, there have been songs I actively go out of my way to say "I don't like this", but I still like the album overall because of the sheer awesomeness of the good songs. To me, while exploring the dark and moody sides of characters is all well and good, nothing says Homestuck like epic music that makes me literally make *squee* noises while I'm listening to it / watching the update (I'm thinking of "A Taste for Adventure" from Jane: Enter").
And really, I don't feel that there are any songs in this album that can really fit the same stature as, say, "Saviour of the Waking World", or "Umbral Ultimatum". It's really immensely epic songs like those which I have come to love from Homestuck albums, but I don't feel that any of the songs in this latest album fit that description.

Which isn't to say I dislike the album, because I do like it, and it has some great songs. I just feel that if there was one song in the album that made me feel as overwhelmed by epicness (technical term) as, to use another example, "Do You Remem8er Me", then it could stop being a good album. It could, instead, be a great album.

At the end of the day, though, this is a fan album. While that shouldn't, and doesn't, have any kind of reflection on the quality, it does mean that there is little underlying structure to the album. There's no leading theme, like you get with albums with only one artist (like Prospit & Derse), and there's only a certain amount of coordination between each piece. So maybe I shouldn't have been expecting a central, epic piece of music. That may be true, and I can accept that. It's still an album that I enjoy many of the tracks from, so I'm not really complaining. This is just me saying what I think would have really sold it to me.

I look forward to Universe B.


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