• Member Since 14th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Dec 26th, 2017

Another Army Brony

One of the few Bronies in the Army, I decided to try my hand at writing down my ideas. It's been over 4 years now, and I found that I enjoy this.

More Blog Posts49

  • 336 weeks
    About my absence

    I've been around for a bit. I've seen some things, done some things, and I've got my fair share of regrets.

    I have enjoyed writing as an outlet, to get these feelings out of my head and onto a page so that I can inflict share them with you.

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    3 comments · 532 views
  • 404 weeks
    Updates for The Elder God story

    Hey, so I've been inspired recently to revisit this story, and so have made a few changes to the story as you know it (or don't).

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    0 comments · 378 views
  • 493 weeks
    It's been a long time since I've been around. Let me explain why.

    Short version: Divorce.

    Longer version: I'm getting a divorce.

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    5 comments · 620 views
  • 519 weeks
    Well. Progress has been made.

    So, after receiving some encouraging news about how I failed to make my writing suck (I know, it surprised me too), I've been smacked upside the head by my muse and dragged to my computer.

    So, yay.

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    2 comments · 555 views
  • 519 weeks
    Well, you see... what had happened was...

    I've hit a bit of a snag with the writing.

    Actually, this is a bit of an understatement.

    I've slammed into the concrete barricade of writer's block at about 350 miles per hour.

    Yeah, that sounds better.

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    4 comments · 449 views

The End of a Dream, Pre-Ordering, and a Poll. · 1:36pm Jul 21st, 2013

Well, it has been a long time coming, but I have finally finished the first book.

And by that, I mean I put the words into something resembling a coherent form. The book is not ready to be published yet; I still have to go back and re-read the ENTIRE story, cover to cover, and proofread / style match it. What I mean by that is I have to re-write the earlier part of the story to reflect the way my writing style has changed over the course of writing this massive tome. I will allow myself exactly one month (starting from an arbitrary date at some point in the near future / past) to complete this task.

As soon as I complete this task, I will submit the revised version to my editor for a final overview. While he pulls his hair out over this (sorry Paul) I will be writing the first chapter of the second book, (Title Goes Here). I will then try to submit it as a new story to FimFiction. Should I succeed, I will post a link to the second book as the final chapter of the first. Should I fail, I will write an intermission piece, weep softly, and then post the second half of the story in-line with the first.

As soon as it comes back from my editor, I will format the text as necessary to fit inside of a book and finalize the design before sending it to the publisher.


This is an informal pre-order thing; I'm just trying to see how many of you out there would be willing to actually purchase this book, and what sort of frills you would like on the book. If you would like to Pre-Order, please fill out the Poll in the following section. This will enable me to make sure I have what you want, specifically on the signed copies. Since I have to purchase those myself, autograph them, and then mail them out to those who desire them, I will need a solid number for how many I should buy. More details will come as the book approaches publication.

With that said, let's move on to the Poll.

Poll for Book Options

Please fill this out in the comments or in a message to me. Max participation is requested (assuming, of course, that you have any desire to actually buy the book in the first place...)

1.) What book type do you prefer?
a) Paperback
b) Hard Cover
c) E-Book (Not available with a personalized message, sorry)

2.) Would you purchase a book with a personalized message from the Author?
a) Yes
b) No

3.) How much are you willing to spend on this book? (This is not for me to squeeze you for every penny I can, it is to ensure that I make sacrifices where necessary to keep it within people's means to purchase. Besides, any and all proceeds will be donated to charity; I will not make a dime off of this.) All prices are in US Dollars.
a) $10-$15
b) $16-$20
c) $21-$25
d) $26-$30
e) $31+ (Please specify)

4.) How much would you be willing to pay as an additional cost for a personalized message from me to you? This is to help me determine how much I can donate from each sale. All prices are in US Dollars
a) $1-$5
b) $6-$10
c) $11+ (Please specify)

5.) Would you be interested in a limited-edition version with commentary from the author? (At this time, I'm not sure whether this would be part of the same book, or as a companion book filled with my inane dribble... I mean, author's insight...)
a) Yes, I would like that
b) No, thank you (Skip to question 8)

6.) Would you prefer a book with a commentary section at the end, or a seperate book for the commentary / concept art?
a) I'd prefer it as an annex to the book
b) I'd rather have a seperate book for all of that

7.) How much would you pay for the commentary? (Comes with personalized message from me to you, as thanks)
a) $1-$5
b) $6-$10
c) $11-$15
d) $16-$20
e) $21+ (Please specify)

8.) Is there anything that you would like to see included in the book? Write your comment below.

The Following People are not permitted to purchase this book in any of its forms:
-Malesur Darkhoof

Why not, you may ask yourself. Well, here's why: Because I am buying it FOR you. Paul, you have earned it a dozen times over; And Daniel, you won yours fair and square. You both will recieve appropriate amounts of awesome.

Report Another Army Brony · 300 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

1) a
2) a (because it is a one off, at least with this type of purchase)
3) a (because of limited funds)
4) b (because of over seas shipping)
5) a (yes, i like seeing how people work and their thoughts on things)
6) c (depends upon how long, sometimes its nice to have both or neither, it really depends)
7) f (i dont know)
8) notes, scribbles, ideas that haven't been included, plot lines unexplored, fan art, doodles and such, but if you continue into several more books this would make a nice amendment for the very end (an example would be: "The road to dune" by Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)

I've been without internet access for last three weeks, with only short time when I connected so some undefended hotspot, (on holidays in Croatia), and was busy month before. So I do not know or forgot, what book are you talking about. would you mind explaining it to confused man?

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