• Member Since 15th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2022


I'm an aspiring writer and filmmaker. Movies and comics are my biggest hobby.

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  • 347 weeks
    Polished Man

    Last year I learned of a movement called Polished Man who’s goal is to end violence against children. I’ve set up my own page to help raise money. My set goal is $500, every bit helps. ^_^


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    My YouTube Channel


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  • 355 weeks

    I'm not sure how many people are still following me on here as I haven't written any new stories on here in over 2.5 years. But those who do keep an eye on me still are probably wondering where I've been.

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  • 511 weeks
    Soon to be making a triumphant return!

    I haven't been on here in a good while. As many may know from my last blog, I took a hiatus after the loss of my grandma. Now I'm back, and I'm working on new story! YAY! I plan to continue working on my other stories that aren't finished yet, but that will take a bit more time as I recently had an incident with my computer where it reformatted and all my data was erased. New story should be up

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  • 542 weeks
    Temporary Hiatus

    Last night my maternal grandmother (we called her Nane) passed away at age 77. She was a huge part of my life and of course the rest of my family. Given this very recent loss, I'm sorry to say that I'm gonna need a little time before I get back to any of my stories. Hope you all understand.

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GO SEE PACIFIC RIM! · 11:05pm Jul 13th, 2013

GO SEE PACIFIC RIM! IT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME! The special effects are awesome! The action is fantastic! The acting is top notch! It's just a super fun time go movie! STOP READING THIS AND GO SEE IT ALREADY!

Comments ( 21 )

Giant robot that is the last hope of humanity fighting off equally giant aliens? :ajsmug:
I'm sorry. I can't hear you over the noise of an enormous rip-off. :ajbemused:
No offense, but I hate having my childhood raped. :applejackunsure:

We're thinking about it, but I don't know if it's my parent's kind of film. Probably end up going with a few mates from camp on Wednesday instead. So far we've gone to see Star Trek: Into Darkness, which is pretty freaking awesome!!! And Man Of Steel, which is a lot better than I expected it to be!

1209893 Dude,this movie is nothing like those shows! First off, it's not a comedy (though there are comedic elements). There's no boy robot, it doesn't involve time travel, there's no New Jersey grease monkey piloting it. Also, it takes two to pilot a Jaeger and the Kaiju came from a portal in the ocean, not from outer space. This isn't raping anyones childhood like Michael Bay does on a yearly basis. If anything, it's celebrating it! Guillermo del Toro is a fantastic director having done Hellboy 1 and 2, Pan's Labyrinth, Blade 2, and some other notable films. There are also very few giant robot movies out there, and most of them aren't very good (Robot Jox comes to mind). It's not a rip-off! There's nothing new under the sun, hell My Little Pony: Friendship is magic isn't original since this has been around 30 freaking years! It's not even totally original in it's premise; love and friendship being the answer (CARE BEARS ANYONE!?) but it's put a good spin on it. Also, most episode of MLP are classic tropes we've seen in other stuff (opposite personalities learning to get along, one upmenship, and several other things). So yeah, trust me, this movie is fucking amazing! It's a very refreshing movie compared to the hallow Hollywood crap being churned out by guys like Michael Bay and his team of idiots and sure as shit focuses well on the characters and makes you give a shit. So if you're seriously not gonna see it because it shares some similarities to what is a fairly common story (again, nothing new under the sun! That's in the Bible, and that was written 2000 years ago!) then all I can say is FUCK YOU! I'm sorry, but that's all i can really think to say to that. I have respect for you as a writer and all, but this movie is fucking awesome and you should give it a chance!

1209939 My brother didn't care for either films (but he grew up on Star Trek, and I hear this is pretty much Wrath of Kahn with a bigger budget). I trust him on Man of Steel though, because we both have pretty much the same taste when it comes to comic book movies. It just looks like they're going for another Batman movie what with the dark color pallet, that doesn't go well with Superman. Also I HATE THE COSTUME! It just looks bad and there's no reason for his cape to be CGI for most of it. Your parents? How old are you?

Hey, I said I hate having my childhood raped. I never said I wasn't gonna watch it. Hell, I'm thinking of seeing it with my mother this weekend. And watch that tounge! It's unbecoming of a young lad in a tuxedo. I, on the other hand, can swear as I please, seeing as I am dressed as a schizophrenic, homicidal pyromaniac.
Mmmph-mmph, mm-mm-mm-mmpher!

1209948 27, but I still live at home on the weekends!!!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

And yeah, he's right about the film, but it's a slightly different story this time around! (remember it's all an 'alternate' universe from TOS.) Benedict Cumberbatch is bloody awesome as the bad guy as well!! There are also a couple of others bits which we found surprising. Put it this way (I'll cover it in case you do want to go see it.) The next film will not be The Search For Spock!

And yeah....MoS is kind of like that, but the guy playing Zod does it really well, and definitely not as....camp as the last guy! But....I like CGI Slugfeests, so it's my kind of film!

1209963 It's not a fucking tux, it's a fucking brown corduroy jacket with fucking leather patches on the elbows! And this is certainly not raping your childhood, it's a celebration of it! What Miachael Bay did and is still doing with the Ninja Turtles movie is RAPE! He's bending our childhood over and fucking it full up the ass without the consideration to eve use lube or a condom! And he just keeps ramming and ramming till your entire ass gushes a geyser of blood! Michael Bay comes from the same place as those fucking idiots Jason Friedberg and Aaron Sletzer (the fuckers behind all those awful spoof movies). They were created by Satan shitting out 1000 pounds of chili that was made up of ground up nazis and other evil folk, topped off with the jizz of Hitler, Moussolini, Stalin, Ted Bundy! Then for extra measure, Satan fucked the shit, ate it again and then shit it out again! And that's where those fuck heads came from! Story time is over! :pinkiehappy:

1209971 Hey now! I'll take Terrance Stamp any day of the week! He's super cool fun time go! But I will give kudos for them using a villain he can actually fight, instead of Lex Luthor as usual who can't do shit because he has no powers. :pinkiehappy:

I am speechless, my good sir. Absolutely appalled.
And for your information, I am entitled to my opinion. I still feel betrayed. I will continue to feel betrayed until I see the movie.
Still, I cannot help but feel reluctant to post this response. Your cuss spree has wrought a terrible feeling in my shattered and cold heart. I am afraid. Never do that again. I hate feeling like this. Like butterflies are in my stomach. Butterflies that are eating my stomach lining. Dirty, dirty creatures eating me. Anyway, I'm going to see the movie. You don't have to convince me. I'm going. And stop being so damn protective of the film. It's scaring the foals.

1209990 True, but I personally think this guy does the whole 'warped minded military leader' thing better. I mean, which one looks more badass?
I don't think we actually see Lex in this one. I don't remember him being there. And Zod most definitely fights in this one!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

1210003 WON'T SOMEPONY THINK OF THE FOALS!? :raritydespair::applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::fluttershysad::raritycry:

But seriously, I curse as much as I please because last I checked, THIS IS AMURICA! :pinkiehappy:

1210011 To be fair, Terrence Stamp's Zod was a product of the 80s, which was a much cheesier time. AND I LOVE IT! :pinkiehappy:

1210021 Personally, I always liked the big quiet one more! I still think the film is worth a watch, and I'd be interested to hear your opinion on it.:twilightsmile::twilightsmile::twilightsmile:
1210016 How about swearing because if it is in the dictionary, the word can be fucking used!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

1210027 Fucking a right it can be fucking used! But seriously, Man of Steel I'll probably wait to rent. it's just not a high priority for me in terms of seeing it in theaters.

1210031 Is that supposed to be Monica Lewinsky next to Bill Clinton's crotch? (Would be appropriate) OOOOOOOOOOH! But seriously, FUCKIN A 'MERICA FUCK YEAH! :ajsmug::rainbowdetermined2::pinkiehappy::duck::trixieshiftright::trollestia:

Here's something a little more appropriate for this site...
Equestria, BUCK YEAH!
Trotting again, to save the bucking day yeah,
Equestria, BUCK YEAH!
Friendship is the only way yeah,
Enemies your game is through, cause now we have to befriend you,
Equestria, BUCK YEAH!
So lick my cream, and suck on my pop,
Equestria, BUCK YEAH!
What we gonna do when Babs comes for us now,
It's the hope we all share; it's the dream for tomorrow
MacApples, BUCK YEAH!
Mare-Mart, BUCK YEAH!
Mazeball, BUCK YEAH!
Rockin Soul, BUCK YEAH!
The Ponynet, BUCK YEAH!
Bravery, BUCK YEAH!
Pinkie World, BUCK YEAH!
The Snow, BUCK YEAH!
Melooks, BUCK YEAH!
Real Manes, BUCK YEAH!
Maco Bell, BUCK YEAH!
Rodeos, BUCK YEAH!
Foal bath and beyond (Buck yeah, Buck yeah)
Honesty, BUCK YEAH!
Stuck-In's, BUCK YEAH!
The Castle, BUCK YEAH!
Band-Aids, BUCK YEAH!
Las Pegasus, BUCK YEAH!
Hearths Warming, BUCK YEAH!
Simple-Folk, BUCK YEAH!
Clop-Eye, BUCK YEAH!
Assistants, BUCK YEAH!
Republicans (Republicans)
(Buck yeah, Buck yeah)


1210063 I woulda gone with "So lick my plot and suck on my hoof!" If you didn't wanna go with balls that is. :pinkiehappy:

1210063 Plus the shit I've said in this blog aint nothing compared to some of the fucked up fan fic written on this site.

Meh. I didn't write it. Another author did. Mine would be far more profane. :pinkiehappy:

Heh. You said it. I recently read a nice little Dinky fic. You can find it in my favorites. :pinkiecrazy:

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