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A crossover that needs to happen · 6:26pm Jun 27th, 2013

Alright, Bradel, this thing you've started must be written:

"The citizens of Ponyville decide to put on a community theater presentation of 'The Princess Bride', starring Rainbow Dash as Westley and Fluttershy as Buttercup. Supporting players include Applejack as Inigo Montoya, Pinkie Pie as Fezzik, Twilight as Count Rugen, and Rarity as Prince Humperdink."

Dread Skypirate Rainberts: Okay, now you're just stalling.
T.G.A.P. Trixini: You would like to think that, wouldn't you? But Trixini has reached many deductive conclusions. For instance, you have beaten Trixini's pink minion, and Fezzie said she could only be beaten by a protagonist. Therefore, you would have put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your plot immunity to save you. So Trixini can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested Trixini's Ibearian farmsmare, which means you must have consummate common sense. Therefore, you must be keenly aware of your own mortality, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so Trixini can clearly not choose the wine in front of her.
Rainberts: (rolls eyes) Blah, blah, blah. You're as bad as Countess Sparkle.
Trixini: Don't you DARE compare — (coughs) I mean — it has worked — in the arrogant dropping of names Trixini's foolish opponent has given everything away!
Rainberts: Then stop stalling and choose!
Trixini: Trixini will. And she will choose — (stops and points at something) What in the world can THAT be?
Rainberts: (Turns) What? Where?

(T.G.A.P. Trixini quickly lights her horn. There is a flurry of magical activity around the goblets.)

Trixini: The Great And Powerful Trixini must, for the first time in her life, have been mistaken. Let us drink — Trixini from her glass, and you from yours.

(They drink.)

Rainberts: Hate to break it to ya, snuggles, but ya guessed wrong.
Trixini: Hah HAH! You only THINK Trixini guessed wrong! She switched the two glasses while your back was turned! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Qilin." But equally well known is this: "The Great And Powerful Trixini will always triumph when death is on the line!" Hah hah! Hah! Hah!
Rainberts: (smugly) Famous last words.
Trixini: Hah! Hah. Hah … hah. … … Why aren't you dying?
Rainberts: I spent the last few years building up an immunity to iocaine powder.
Trixini: But … but … that's CHEATING!
Rainberts: Um, speaking of which, why aren't YOU dying? Seeing as how I poisoned both glasses and all.
Trixini: While you weren't looking, The Great And Powerful Trixini also replaced her drink with illusionary wine.
Rainberts: But … ARRGGGHH! You jerk!
Trixini: …
Rainberts: …
Trixini: Well. What now?
Rainberts: Rock, scroll, scissors?
Trixini: The Great And Powerful Trixini magnanimously accepts your challenge.
Both: One, two, THREE!
Trixini: HAH! Trixini's thaumic bomb beats ALL symbols, including your … um … what's that supposed to be?
Rainberts: It's a dragon, which eats your puny bomb!
Trixini: Dragons can't eat bombs!
Rainberts: Can too!
Trixini: Can not!
Rainberts: Can too!
Trixini: Can not!
Rainberts: Can … OH, FOR BUCK'S SAKE. (slugs Trixini in the face)


EDITED TO ADD: Another great scene from Benman. :pinkiehappy:

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Comments ( 9 )

This... was awesome.

It's a shame I'm legitimately busy messing with RL stuff today (and possibly for the next week), or I'd have some more fun with this. But I think this has strayed too far into serious thing territory for it not to happen.

Also, what the heck? My last two blogposts have become a veritable explosion of people talking. I don't mind or anything, but... wow.

> Also, what the heck? My last two blogposts have become a veritable explosion of people talking.
I blame your new icon. :moustache:

1) the new icon is awesome, and I am slightly jealous :twilightsmile:
2) this has been too serious to not happen since the idea was spawned and posted, some days ago. :rainbowdetermined2:

Okay, I admit, Trixie makes a better Vizzini than Discord, if only because Discord would've won.

Hm. I would have put Big Mac as Fezzik, although I can see AJ as Inago too easily.

"Hello. My name is Inago Montoya. You killed my parents. Prepare to cry."

This needs to be a thing, if anything deserves to be a thing this does. I plead with all of you who know how to write make this a thing.


No, no, no. It's:

Howdy, mah name is Abigail Jacqueline, yah killed my parents, prepare to die.

Ooh, good point. Bradel, you listening? Big Mac as Fezzik and AJ as Inigo. Hiring out as mercenaries to pay for Granny's hip replacement.

Then Pinkie and Discord can tag-team as Miracle Max and wife. In which order, I have no idea.

Edit: Actually, Benman may have sold me on Pinkie-as-Fezzik.


We do this because we love you. :heart:

(The Hard Reset 2 cliffhanger, though? That's totally for my own twisted amusement.)

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