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A nerd who thought it would be cool to, with the help of a few equally insane buddies adapt the entire Marvel Universe (with some DC Comics thrown in for kicks) with My Little Pony...wish me luck

More Blog Posts1733

  • 141 weeks
    2021 movie

    I arise from the grave exclusively to say that the 2021 MLP movie was lit. I’m hyped for G5

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  • 185 weeks
    Opening Commissions

    I know it probably looks weird, considering my inactivity, but I figured I'd at least try to motivate myself into writing again by sprinkling in commission work. Also, I'm in a bit of a money pit, and will be moving relatively soon, so I figured I should try to supplement my income.

    There's gold in them thar smut, after all.

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  • 257 weeks
    Area Man Not Dead, Just a Lazy Bastard

    Okay, I feel I should say that no, I am in fact, not dead.

    Sorry to disappointed.

    Life has been busy, chaotic, and generally messy, but the good news is that since MLP is about to enter its final series of episodes, I figure I should just sit it out, and let the series end, before beginning my attempts to reboot any of my projects.

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  • 363 weeks
    Perhaps I should undergo a reincarnation

    Its been tugging at me, but I've been seriously considering of reinventing my account.

    Basically, I'd create a new account, and then focus on that revised version of Harmony's Warriors I mentioned in my last blog post, and post it to that new account.

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  • 372 weeks
    Rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated.

    First things first, I'm not dead.

    I've just been working on other things, and generally trying to collect my thoughts regarding Harmony's Warriors, since I've hit a horrific dry-spell.

    After much thought, and talk with the venerable and honorable nightcrawler-fan, I've decided it's best to do what's basically a low-key reboot/refurbishing of the Universe.

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List of X-Men I'm planning on including in my Harmony's Warriors Universe so far and why Part Two: · 4:52am Jun 18th, 2013

Alas the long awaited part two of my list of X-Men I'll be including.

Here we go. Same as before, with a quick bio (taken from The Marvel Encyclopedia: The Definitive Guide to the Characters of the Marvel Universe, 2006 edition) and a list of powers and why I'm including them and who I hope to have them portrayed by.

Rogue (Anna Marie/Raven)

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Babs Seed

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:

Born and raised in Mississippi, Rogue was orphaned at a young age and taken in by Mystique and Destiny. Rogue first exhibited her powers when she kissed her then boyfriend, Cody Robbins and involuntarily absorbed his memories. This left her with a fear of having physical contact with other people, as it would mean she would instantly absorb their memories, knowledge, talents, personality and physical abilites. The longer the contact, the worse the effect on the person she was touching. After working for the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants for awhile, she turned herself in to the X-Men, hoping that she could learn to control her powers. Professor Xavier (in one of the one billion reasons I hate him) wiped her memories of everything she had done during her time in the Brotherhood, so that she believed she was always an X-Men. She now works for the X-Men, having at various points absorbed both Mrs. Marvel's and Sunfire's powers during combat.

Reason for Inclusion:

Let me just say that it's just going to be Mystique alone who adopts Babs...I've discussed my feelings on F/F shipping enough already so why gripe about it here?

If anything, I'll probably use the 2000 film as a bases for her. I figured she figured out about her powers early on, and lives with my Mystique (Fleur de Lis) who is teaching her to hone her powers. Eventually, Babs discovers that Mystique is, you know, evil, and therefore runs off, wanders between the four winds for awhile, and is taken eventually in by Fluttershy, who sympathies with Babs' plight of not being able to be around other ponies without risking their lives. There, she can work to use her abilities to better ponykind. An idea I'm tossing around is that she goes to the same school as Dinky and Pipsqueak do, and therefore they form sort of a trinity of sorts, with Pip as Spider-Colt, Dinky as Black Cat and Babs as Rogue.

Emma Frost

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Diamond Tiara

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:


Born to a wealth New England family, Emma Frost's childhood is a rather convoluted affair, but suffice to say that it wasn't exactly nice. No major abuse or anything, but her parents were incredibly distant and she was picked on at school. Eventually, she gains her powers and uses them to assert herself. Eventually, through a convoluted series of events, she becomes the head of the notorious Hellfire Club, and as such is called the code name "White Queen". Eventually, she leaves the Hellfire Club and switches sides to the X-Men, and serves as a tutor to young mutants so that they can hone their powers. Wither or not she's actually reformed is unknown at this time.


Mind reading and control
Memory alteration
Mental bolts
Induced paralysis
Illusion casting
Astral projection
Capable of shapeshifting into a solid diamond form which grants her superhuman strength and durability

Reason for Inclusion:

Well, for one thing, the ability to turn into diamonds is AWESOME. Also, Diamond Tiara is a stuck up, rich kid who's parents pamper her like no one's business. So, I figured that in this universe, I'd have it so that instead of being picked on, she's the school's Alpha Bitch. Also her father will already be the head of the Hellfire Club. Eventually she'll develop her abilities and use them to her advantage and, through her sheer force of will (not to mention telepathic abilities) she makes herself head of the Hellfire Club, bumping her own father down to second in command. Figured it'd be funny that all these adult ponies refer to a thirteen year old filly as "The White Queen" and legitly fear her.

Mystique (Raven Darkhölme)

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Fleur de Lis (yay for gifs)

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:

Apparently more then a hundred years old, Mystique has long held a grudge against humanity. She is the biological mother of Nightcrawler (thanks to Azazel, another teleporter who looks like the devil), whom she was forced to abandon and adopted mother of Rogue, whom she was very protective of.

She has the ability to shape shift to perfectly mimic anyone she meets. She also has superhuman agility and a healing factor, contributing to her agelessness. She has been a long time second-in-command/leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, and therefore has a close (albeit platonic) relationship with Magneto.

Reason for Inclusion:

Well, asides from a long held liking of the character (shapeshifting is always awesome), she can also work as an interesting way to talk about the whole mutant thing. she could just decide to remain in a disquse the entire time, but chooses not too.

In my universe, she'll be straight and probably very much the vamp/man eater. However, I think that I'd keep her being very protective of Babs, and that, in her own warped way, actually cares for the younger filly. Of course, they're differences in philosophy (one wants to help normal ponies, the other believes herself superior) eventually lead to them going their separate ways. I always figured that Fleur always worked very independently, for whomever is best for her own long term goals.

Mercury (Cessily Kincaid)

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Silver Spoon

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:

Cessily Kincaid, an Irish American, was raised in Portland, Oregon by her parents Mark and Jill, who used to dote over her. When Cessily's powers manifested, she learned that she could transform herself into a non-toxic from of liquid metal. (like the T-1000 in Terminator 2) Her parents were disgusted and made her stay indoors so as to hide her mutation. In response, she was sent to the Xavier Institute where she befriended Julian Keller and was placed as Laurie Collins' roommate for awhile. After the school was rebuilt, she was selected by Emma Frost to be on her Hellions squad. She doesn't like her powers, as she feels incredibly left out.

Reason for Inclusion:

Asides from the AWESOME powers, I can do a lot with the idea of someone who utterly hates their power (just like Rogue). For instance, I work it so that she hangs around Diamond Tiara because of Diamond Tiara's place in the school (Alpha Bitch) and because they genuinely are friends, both being mutants and therefore not fitting in. Of course, where's Diamond uses her powers to assert her dominance, Silver Spoon hates them, and wishes she can be normal.

X-23 (Laura Kinney)

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Most likely an OC, given her back story. Would be a hippogriff. Reason for that will be explained below.

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:

A top-secret program is tasked to replicate the original Weapon X experiment that bonded adamantium to the skeleton of Wolverine. The project is taken in a new direction: Doctor Martin Sutter recruits renowned mutant geneticist Doctor Sarah Kinney to develop a clone of Wolverine.

Since the only genetic sample from Weapon X is damaged, Kinney is unable to salvage the Y chromosome. Kinney proposes the creation of a female genetic twin; her request is denied. Sutter's protégé Doctor Zander Rice, whom he has raised after Rice's father was killed by the original Weapon X, is opposed to the idea. After 22 failed attempts at reconstituting the DNA using a duplicate X chromosome, the 23rd sample yields a viable sample to combine with an embryo. Although Kinney is allowed to proceed, Rice exacts revenge for her insubordination by forcing her to act as the surrogate mother of the specimen. For nine months, Kinney's every move is monitored; finally, she gives birth to "X-23."

After seven years, Rice subjects X-23 to radiation poisoning in order to activate her mutant gene. He extracts her claws, coats them with adamantium, and reinserts them back into her hands and feet - a procedure performed without affording the child any anesthetic. Rice creates a "trigger scent" that drives X-23 into a murderous rage when she detects it. X-23 is then trained to be a hired assassin, ordered to kill "anyone...everyone...for a price."

Kinney's niece Megan is abducted by a serial killer; she smuggles X-23 out of the facility to rescue her. X-23 tracks the abductor to his apartment, kills him, and frees Megan. Kinney is fired when she returns and is escorted off the base. Shortly thereafter, Rice assigns X-23 to eliminate Sutter and his family; he orders her to keep it secret. However, X-23 reveals to Sarah that Rice is responsible for the murders. Before Kinney leaves, Rice reveals a chamber containing the incubation pods for subjects X-24 through X-50.

Kinney drafts a letter to her daughter, assigning her a final mission: destroy the pods and kill Rice. X-23 succeeds and meets her mother, and they prepare to flee. However, prior to his death, Rice exposed Kinney to the trigger scent; X-23 goes into a murderous frenzy and kills her mother. As she lies dying, Kinney tells X-23 that her name is Laura and that she loves her, and hands her the letter and pictures of Charles Xavier, Wolverine, and the Xavier Institute. Wolverine eventually becomes a father figure to Laura, and helps her become more human and learn not to be a psychopathic killer.

Reason for Inclusion:

With a backstory like that, how can I NOT include her? Seriously. Someone who is bred from birth to be a killer now tries to atone for her misdeeds and fight for good. Hell yeah.

How would it work? Well, very much the same as in the comics. The Hippogriff is because of the secret organizations attempts to bled Gilda's DNA with that of a pony, and hopefully create a pony with Gilda's healing and claws. Of course, the process is unable to do that, and only goes half way, giving X-23 the hindquarters of a horse with the front part of a griffin. I figured I'd stick to the origin, and instead of Xvaier (whom I HATE with a passion), it would be Gilda who finds her. (figure that the facility is being destroyed, X-23 escapes and is found by the wandering Gilda) Gilda instantly emphasizes with Laura, having also been violated by the program. Therefore they develop a rather off-beat mother/daughter relationship, with Gilda not exactly being the BEST mother, but certainly something better than what Laura had before. Don't worry I'll name her something good.

Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green)

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Okay, I haven't quite figured this out yet. I'm leaning towards these two:


Leaning the most towards Twist, since the whole joke with Squirrel Girl is that NOBODY takes her seriously, but she can kick major ass.

Biography and Powers of Comic Book Version:

Created by Steve Ditko and Will Murray in order to bring back some of the care-free nature of the Marvel Universe, Squirrel Girl, in spite of her bizarre and seemingly useless powers, has managed on several occasions to defeat the following supervillains through her inventive uses for her powers:

Doctor Doom
Bug-Eyed Voice
Fin Fang Foom
Baron Mordo
Ego the Living Planet

Her powers are:

Squirrel-like abilities
Superhuman agility and strength
Prehensile tail
Enhanced smell, vision and reflexes
Razor sharp claws
Retractable knuckle spikes
Ability to communicate with squirrels

Reason for Inclusion:

Do I really need to explain why? It's pretty obvious. My universe could use some comic relief, and I just love the idea of an innocent little girl with an army of squirrels being able to take down such hardcore baddies as Doctor Doom and Thanos.

Due to the length of this list, and the fact that I haven't found anyone to play them yet, I'm going to list the last three in short blurbs:

Nightcrawler (Kurt Wagner):

Yes, I know he looks like a traditional devil and everything, but I really do feel sorry for the guy. He's never harmed a soul (willingly at least to my knowledge) and he's most defiantly not like that by choice (i.e. didn't make a deal with Mephisto or something). Fate was simply cruel and decided to give the devout Roman Catholic that look. Also, all I need to do in his pony version is give him red eyes and a long tail with dark blue coat. DONE! I'm hoping for a cannon pony to play him, but I haven't been able to figure out who...


For one thing, his back story doesn't really require that many X-Men (he's just a Cajun who can manipulate kinetic energy). He's also got a nice, fun personality and is an all around BAMF. Once again, haven't quite figured out who to make him, but since I'm going with a slightly older Kitty Pryde, it can be a boy.

Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat:

Portrayed in the Harmony's Warriors Universe by:

Amytheist Star

Reason for Inclusion:

Can phase through solid matter. Has a nice simple backstory that can be done without Professor X, and is all in all a cool character.

And now for the final mutant:

Magneto (Max Eisenhardt aka Erik Lehnsherr)


Magneto's biography is so well known that there's really no point in reiterating it here. An interesting (and horrifying fact) I discovered during research was, that during his time in Auschwitz, he became part of the Sonderkommandos. A Sonderkommando's job was to dispose of the dead corpses of dead Jews. More often then not, they were Jews themselves. Isn't that horrifying.

Reason for Inclusion:

Simply put, I cannot have Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver without their father, or else there would be no real conflict for them. An idea I'm tinkering with in order to keep the Holocaust idea, is that during the Equestrian Civil War, the nation of South Griffinhiem is aiding HYDRA in it's goal. This particular nation HATES Equestrians with a passion, and is basically a combination of the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany. How charming. Basically, these Griffins take joy in causing suffering to ponies, and use the Civil War as a way to try and overtake Equestria. They frequently organize camps for POWs which are basically hell on earth. Of course the idea fails and the Civil War ends with Equestria's victory. The North Griffinhiem, however is more like Canada and Europe. Much more pro-Equestrian and not racist at all. Or I just have it that he had a bad child and was abused or something. Can't really imagine mass genocide in my universe and sleep peacefully at night.....

Thinking on making him OC. Most likely this:

And that's all folks. Feel free to give feedback and the like.

Report Avenging-Hobbits · 1,051 views ·
Comments ( 33 )

I like it. All Of it actually. Especially since you're including x 23 she is my favorite mutant.

Have X-23 be voiced by either Tara Strong and/or Andrea Libman and I'll read into this story more.

Nice idea having Gilda adopt X, given the estranged relationship between Wolverine and his clone in the comics.

Also, did you know that Rogue is now an Avenger in the comics ?

Please do keep up the good work upon such a great idea like this one as I can not wait to see the X-men unite in your world.

Where is my man wade:fluttershysad: or his partner cable :fluttershbad: I'm so alone.

So all of this and still NO FUCKING SABERTOOTH WHERE IS HE!?:twilightangry2:

1151702 I did NOT know that Rogue was an Avenger.

That works out nicely.:ajsmug:

1151776 Don't worry, I am most certainly including Deadpool. But not Cable. Cable's backstory is WAAY too complicated.

1152002 I don't know if I'll include him. This is only listing those X-Men which I am 100% sure are going to appear.

I MIGHT include him, but I can't give any promises.

Remember, asides from a cameo here and there, none of these people will get a story of their own until much later...simply because I have to set up the universe and fully set up some rules before I start sticking X-Men everywhere.

To be honest, I think you should have Mr Cake or have the OC look like Mr.Cake. Just for the simple reason your having Mr Cake's children be Magneto's children, then in sense, shouldn't Mr Cake be the father. I'm just mostly saying this, being that I find having OC's as prominent character's like these is maybe not satisfactory.

Like you could have Celestia as Professor X and Princess Luna as Magneto? That's if you haven't casted them yet, I haven't looked through all your castings yet. Perhaps Sombra (Though he'd more suit someone like Apocalypse).

These are just suggestions anyways. I understand X-23 having an OC, as she needs to be a clear counterpart to Gilda, but there's no other griffon or any bird like characters in MLP.

1159303 Well, I really suggest that you look through my casting list. It's on my page in the left corner. It's labeled "List of Characters in My Harmony's Warriors Universe". That way you already know who everybody is, and therefore don't have to be told that I've already casted the part.

BTW I have Luna as Hiemdall and Celestia as Odin, so they're out.

Also, I figured that, since the Maximoff's were adopted anyways, it can still work. One, it means that they were raised in a non-racist envorment, that way, when Magneto comes around saying "NORMAL PONIES ARE ALL EVIL", they'll have a real world reference disproving his claims. I obviously am reluctant to use an OC, and for all I know, there's some background guy I can use without problem. Be endlessly ironic if it where Pokey Pierce:



Apologies didn't see it.

But not to be argumentative again. But you could always make Mr.Cake a Unicorn as well. It leaves no real harm as I did it while writing Dragonball Pony, I turned Rarity from a unicorn to an earth pony and not many of my readers cared I did that (They found it funny, but didn't care). Also, just looking around this, but couldn't have Magneto just left them at an orphanage so he could devote his life to building a better world or just to hide them to give them a normal life. Just throwing that in there anyhows. :ajsmug:

1159345 True....but I tend to avoid something as wildly different as changing the very species of a character. The only reason I did it in Soar, where part of her banishment is that Rainbow is rendered an Earth Pony, is to show the full scope of humbling Rainbow Dash. As soon as she's proven worthy again, she'll get her wings back. No big spoiler there.

HOWEVER, rendering a character an entirely different species permanently is kinda extreme for me.

Also, I figured that Magneto had no knowledge of the children. His wife would have left him while still pregnant, gave birth to them, then, in desperation, left them at the first place she could find. Therefore, Magneto would believe them dead until he stumbles across them again.


Sam... I should have don't give spoilers somehwere written on me. I'm an Anti-spoiler nazi.

Well anyways, that's been a bit too, I don't know, hesitant, again it doesn't harm and is more convenient than having an OC. After all, all your doing is sticking a horn on Mr Cake and letting him use magic. Simple as that. And again I'm just saying you should maybe make your OC in his likeness at least. Make his hair orange and coat yellow and probably fix the jaw.

And yeah that works a lot better then what I had and I think they do that in one of the X-men worlds don't they (I know that much Marvel and their incarnations that it finds it's ways to confuse me)

1159401 See? Exactly. It pays to be a backstory nerd.:ajsmug:

And again, I can always make it so that they take after their mother. (Wanda has brown hair in the comics anyways)

1151461 Braeburn might make a pretty good Gambit...

Just sayin'

1161386 Dang I made him Iron Fist because I had Big Mac as Luke Cage and dang it does NOBODY read the list on my profile page?

I'll probably have to make it a google doc so I can link it at the bottom of any casting related blog posts I do.


I can always combine Iron Fist with Gambit, since they have similar powers anyways (Iron Fist channeling his Chi and Gambit with his kinetic energy manipluation) into one, and thereby I can have Braeburn do AWESOME SHIT

1161440 but what would he be called...

Royal Flush? Lucky Hand?

1161467 Royal Flush sounds cool. Never said I'd toss out a name as cool as Gambit.

1161478 Also might help as a wink and a nod to the DCAU, where the Royal Flush gang was a group of criminals, and Gambit's own past was kind of sordid

1161480 EXACTLY.

Something along the lines of:

"Oh ah used ta work with a group called that. Didn't last long though. Some nut in a bat costume broke it up. So I took tha name. Funny how life is."

1161502 And I'm thinkin' his card'll be somethin' along the lines of...

The King of Hearts, located in his hat :yay:

Right, took me a while to wade through all the blogs, but I thought of additional characters for either the brotherhood (Can't have X-men without the brootherhood) or the X-men in general that relate to Magneto's views. Snips and Snails. depending whether or not they have characters, I think one would made a perfect Toad and the other the Blob. Just an idea anyways.

1187220 actually...that might work.

Since their both too stupid to be any kind of REAL threat...


Yeap but that's what makes them work with someone like Mystique and the general idea its people like them who get manipulated by the general superiority idea.


"Imma Raep u!:pinkiecrazy:"

No srsly, thats the Rapiest Rape Face i've seen all day, no wonder the Hellfire Club is terrified of her :raritydespair:

1283476 *evil laughter*

Do you like the idea of Laura being a hippogriff (that's X-23)

1283480 Well if it was Ponies trying to create a new Weapon X, it'd make sense to me, to try and make something more.. Equine.:pinkiehappy:

Agent Spike Approves :moustache:

1283489 Figure it was ponies yes.

But as part of an ultra super secret black ops not sanctioned by the government type thing.

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