• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
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Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.

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    Storiesatrandom Stories are going to be rebooted

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Father's day tribute countdown: top 10. · 8:13pm Jun 15th, 2013

Hello, I'm storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have too.

Father's day is coming up, so, i want to make something to tribute the best/worse fathers in media history. It's an all out dad's night. These are the fathers that are always their for their kids or just down right suck at it. Father's day is like a sequal to mother's day, cause, well, someone has to be reasondsable on why we were inside mom to begin with. He played his contribution, and what he does afterword, it's up to him. It's a popular clishe that in some movies, the father is either the only one who's there for the protaginest, or, he's actselly dead as well. This countdown goes out to some of the best know best/worse fathers in media. so, to avoid wasting time with dribble you most likely don't give two shits about. It's the father's day, Top 10.

Number 10.

Peter Griffin

It's plainly clear to see he's a shoo-in for this list. I mean, the show is called "Family Guy" for the love of jesus! Peter may be a fun and great character, but most of the time.... he's a FUCKING MORON!

Also: Take a long of this!

Yeah, for as far as i can see in most of the more recent Family guys, Meg has been pretty much been treated like shit. In fact, sometimes, he treats all of his family, (even Lois) like shit at times! but for what it's worth, he does have a heart, and it's clear in all episodes. Early, or later. Peter can and does show compassion to all of his family (even to personal punching bag Meg in some selected episodes), he's just kinda a fucking moron about it whatever you think of him, you can't deny that he does try to be a good dad. Just, in his own, very retarded way.

Number 9.

Homer Simpson

Homer, while is even more moronic then Peter, and just as prone to acts of stupidity, it's clear that he does care for his family, even Bart, though it's clear Bart gets him mad as hell.

regardless, it's clear the two do have a bond, as well as all of his members of his family. in any episode, he might do something stupid enough that might seemed unredeemable to any of them, but Humor can in fact earn it back some way possable. Homer doesn't intend to be a bad dad, but it's clear he is prone to bad ideas 100% of the time. Homer acts like he's smart, even fact, he even has a song like that.

but sometimes he does realise he made a huge error and his parts, and does make amends if he can... after he blames himself first and gets drunk like a jackass.
Like Peter, he's an awesome dad, just moronic about it.

Number 8.

Darth Vader.

I know it's weird to add a villain here, but remember that certain moment in Star Wars episode 5?

yes. He in fact does belong here.

in first glace, it would look like Vader doesn't belong here. But then. Remember this moment?

Yes. Vader was a complete asshole, and is still considered a villain even to this day. But, he desides to redeem himself for the last time in time for the saddest villain death ever. in where your, actselly sad a villain dies at this point. Vader may had been a bad dad at first for listening to Sidious, but, he is prove that even the most awful father, can have som good in him.

Number 7


Oh believe me, as much as i like Lion king, i can't help to nitpick on how it appeartly endoses Xenopobia by treating Hyenas like shit, and that three of them, represented African Amaricans, Latios, and the mentally retarded.

but regardless of Mufasa's possable racisum, one cannot deni he is in fact, a great dad. He raises, protacts, and even teaches his son. he even grooms him to one day become king. However, his possable racestisum bite him in the ass hard eventually, thanks to his own freaking brother!

but as a giant cloud ghost, he inspires Simba to eventally get even. Though i am specical of Mufasa's race ecnics, i can safely say Mufasa, is a good dad.

Number 6

Mr. Ping.

Yes, Ping is a simple noodle obessed duck that only played a brief role in the Kung Fu panda movies. but in some episodes in the show, he does have like a father/son relationship with the main hero Po. also, let's remember that in Kung fu panda 2, he took in po and raised him. he also gave him last minute advice in the first movie, and in at least 1 or 2 episodes, actselly helped him out of a scrap.
Ping's a great dad, if though not too impourent of a character in the Kung Fu panda movies, he is respondsable of there even being a Kung Fu Panda franchise.

number 5

Timmy Turner's un-named dad.

he may not have a name. He may be like a toned down verson of Peter and Homer, and he came along way from the original "Oh Yeah cartoon shorts"

in fact, he's among our faverite idiots.

he's not by all means an awful dad. well, not intentionally awful. He's just poorly and painfully ignorent. But for what it's worth, when he IS aware of Timmy, he can show love, if though he is an idiot. He does have a heart, his brain is just not screwed in properly. He's not a bad father, but he needs alot of work to be justifyed as a good dad. But still, he tries. he tries.

Number 4

Hugh Neutron

Hugh is another well-meaning but clear as day idiot that does care for his genius Son, Jimmy Neutron.

In some episodes, Jimmy and Hugh try what they can to understand eachother, and the only time Hugh bonds with Jimmy when when Jimmy's head is misplaced with that of a Hamster!
but still, this is not bad dad secnario. Just, idiotic dad secnario.

He does have moments he tries to care, but his mind can't always process how his own offspring's words is smarter then he is.
But if over-look his idiotcy, he can legitamy care if he can process it.

Number 3

The Sultan, from Aladdin.

Dispite that i do like Aladdin, i can't deni that the sultan is an idiot.


And we all know how everything went to shit because of it!

but for what it's worth, he does care for Jasmine. In fact, he only forces Jassy to marry one of those rich noobs just so she's cared for.

and yes, he does get Aladdin and and they lived happly ever after... aside from Jafar's return..... the events of all the episode of the TV series.... and the 3rd sequal.... and Jafar's comeback thanks to Hades.

but still, if though the Sultan should've found a more, trust worthy adviser, and just pick Aladdin from the start, he would've gotten a higher rank. But still. he still got a high rank, if though not 2 or three.

Number 2.

King Trident.

Personally, i think of him more of a Xenophobic asshole. he scolds his daughter Ariel for being in love or having fun, he hates humanity, he's a strict asshole, and hard to reason with....
but he does have a heart.
He does care for ariel. In fact, he's an asshole because in the prequal of the little mermaid, his wife was killed by a human ship. alchorse, after that, he can't trust humans. alchorse, after Ursula gets out of the way, he does get the idea that maybe he did got the wrong idea. i guess that quilifys as a redeeming quility. otehrwise, he's mostly a benvolent king that just cares painfully too much. By no means, is he awful father, just your clear cut case of not understanding your kids. alot of Media dads can be like that.

The the number 1 of the father's day tribute is:

Hank Hill from King of the hill.

I know it doesn't seem fair that more popular characters lost to him, but, let's remember:
Homer and Petter are idiots and more geared torwords comedy.
Vader was mostly, and can still be seen as an asshole
Mufasa is suspected of Anti-Hyenaisum.
Mr. Ping is limited and not seen to much, and only there storywise.
Timmy's Dad is also a moron, so is Hugh, and the sultan.
and i explained why Trident is number 2.

Hank, in my opinion, is a realitively balence dad, in fact, almost realistic.
He is only strict when need to be, but can be gentle. He's no brainiac, but is not a complete idiot.
He can try to connect with his kids, but fails only when they won't listen, not because of his own short-comings.
I am not a complete King of the hill fan, but i can't deni that as far as cartoon dads go, Hank seems like an exsamble of a good dad. he knows what is considered right and wrong, and helps more then just his family, also his friends and other people depending on episode. This is a man of moral. Yes, he does have flaws, sometimes his advices don't worry work thanks to karma, or karma just want's to be a bitch. but aside from that, he's a perfect exsamble of a good well meaning dad.

And that's my Father's Day tribute, i hope you like it. i apologies if it doesn't have the MLP dads, but they're like Ping times a hundred. We only seen them for like a millisecond, and know ABSOLUTELY nothing! I'm Storiesatrandom, I remembered, and Happy Father's day.

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