• Member Since 23rd May, 2013
  • offline last seen Nov 18th, 2023

Runcible Spoon

More Blog Posts21

  • 549 weeks
    So, the moment I decide to actually start writing...

    About six story ideas rush to the forefront of my mind, all deserving equal attention...
    Do I start with the new one...
    Do I go back and try again with "Vinyl's Refrain..."
    Do I start on "Boon of Ages?"
    There aren't enough sides on a coin to flip for it.
    How do I even approach the organization?
    I've never even attempted a writing project this large before.

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    3 comments · 367 views
  • 550 weeks
    Ladies and Gentlecolts, I've decided...

    To get off my lazy bum and actually begin to write a story.
    Well, not so much a story as a one-shot.
    I've been toying with an idea for a while now, and come to the conclusion that it's worthy of being written down.
    I cannot say that it will come soon, knowing my notorious affinity for writers block.
    This is my solemn vow to you.
    It will come.
    I swear.

    0 comments · 304 views
  • 552 weeks
    I fixed my Skype

    Lel, add meh.
    Include who you be.

    0 comments · 317 views
  • 562 weeks
    Is My Update Star Thingy the Only One That's Broken?

    I shows three updates, but displays none when I click on it.
    It's fine, not like it's bothering me or anyth-
    OKAY, YES!
    It's really annoying, and has been going on for some time.

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    3 comments · 357 views
  • 566 weeks

    I come back to the ridiculous amount of one hundred ninety-six feed notifications and twenty-six social notifications.
    Christ above.
    I leave for a week!
    Whelp, I am glad that my totally justified fear of this site burning to the ground in my absence didn't come true.
    In fact, I'd say the site improved somewhat.

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    0 comments · 279 views

Spoon log, Day #4, part 2 · 2:22pm Jun 2nd, 2013

Log entry #3, cont.

As I mentioned on the previous page, I have noted a social hierarchy inherent within the complex social structure of the Bronies. Here is the social ladder as I have noted thus far:

At the bottom rung, you have the outcast "Cloppers", those Bronies who seem focused on the more... sensual side of the equines they are all so keen upon. These are generally shunned and ostracized from "polite" Brony society. Though, I must admit, they are something to be admired. Despite all of the hate and disgust they seem to dredge up in much of the community, they keep their shoulders back and heads held high, weathering the storm.

Second to last, you have the "Casuals", Bronies who simply hang around with minimal knowledge of the "Mane 6"* and other ponies**. This caste is barely above the Cloppers when it comes to tolerance, but a Casual can get away with passing for a higher class.

Third you have your actual "Bronies", the nature of these Bronies can be easily deduced by their habits. They hang around, talk pony, visit Gates, and just love.

Fourth, you have the "Legit Bronies", the ones who take the Fandom way too seriously. At least in my own opinion. These are the Bronies who take things to a whole. New. Level. Pointing out each and every little flaw about anything. Should something stray a little too far from canon and into fannon, Celestia*** help the Brony who crossed the line.

Next you have the highest class, the ones whom hold all the power. These are the "Gate Crafters". It is just as the name implies. These are the guys who actually created the strange gates. How they've accomplished this, simple enough to listen to, but difficult to describe on paper. But this class isn't nearly as elitist as I have probably made it out to be. Anybody can craft Gates, but only a few can do so with any skill.

* "Mane 6" is a term I have picked up from the locals, it's what they call the six main ponies in the Gates.
** Ponies is the term they have given the multi-colored equines I have mentioned often.
*** Celestia is the pony/Brony version of God. My, isn't that adorable?

Report Runcible Spoon · 314 views ·
Comments ( 72 )

Y'all are a bunch of smart asses, ya know that?
But yes, it is here.
I plan on working on the Condensed Post later today.
I run sound for my church.
The guy doin' slides slipped away, so I took advantage to post this comment.
Hallelujah chorus is one of my favorite songs.
I love dat tune.

Well, it's one of my favorite classical tunes.

1119900 Good too know.
By the way, out of these five things what one do you like; Cinema, club, bar, diner or amusement park.

Assuming a date scene, so decision will be based as such.
I thought about listing my reasoning behind the decision, but then my train of thought had a horrible head-on collision with my ADHD.
I forgot all of my valid points.
Was that a fly?
*prances off to Pony-Land*

1119956 Pimp slap dat ADHD.

I can't, it's what allows me to be bored and uninterested at one moment...
then explode forth into a sweet euphoria of creativity...
then fall back into my dismal mood five minute later.

1119962 But I do that and I don't have ADHD. Maybe, just maybe, it was just you all along...:pinkiehappy:

Or you have it, and just don't know it.

1119968 *Hears voice in back of head* You know he is probably right.
*Smacks head* I didn't ask for your opinion.
Um.... I don't remember what I saw going to say.

That's okay, neither do I.

I half want to stop conversing, so that I can attempt to work on my post...
But in all likelihood, I won't be able to.

1119981 I'm going to try out maple story just now anyway.

A'ight, you'll love it.

1119985 Okay, thanks.

1119985 Say's that it's going to take 3hrs 3mins to download so ya know.

Lul, yeah.
It's only two gigs, so don't worry 'bout file size.
Check this out.

1119991 I actually feel sympathetic and sad now, F*********************CK.
The singing and voice actresses in that were amazing. the voice actresses played the characters perfectly and the singing was amazing. But you still made me sad you foolish boy, There will be consequences.

1120005 I LOVE that song, but it won't help. :fluttercry:

1120011 I LOVE that one as well but, ahhhh:flutterrage:

1120014 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

1120027 Where are you getting all these video's from?!

1120029 *Growls* Wise guy, eh. I mean are you subscribed to like; The living tombstone, Wooden toaster, Brony dance party, eurobeat brony etc.

1120037 Yeah, same here.

1120042 Seen that one, I can actually sing it perfectly. :3

Sweet, it sounds great.
I think I might try and learn the lyrics to this 'un....

1120045 Love this one;

In exchange, have this.

Yea, the guy's a great artist.
He went out for the X Factor online.
I hope he makes it, it'll be a reason to watch the show.

1120053 Yeah. By the way have you ever thought of making a pony?

Yea, occasionally.
Never on when I think about it.

Comment posted by Pazzy deleted Jun 2nd, 2013
Comment posted by Pazzy deleted Jun 2nd, 2013

1120057 There is always various pony creators.

'Spose so, but they aren't exactly touch-screen friendly...
and I am far from a gifted artist, so I'd be without my invisioned Cutie Mark for a long while.

1120074 I'm alright at drawing if you want me to try.

1120074 If I may ask, do you know about "Creepy pasta's"?

It's come up on FunnyJunk a few times...

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