• Member Since 9th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 21st


Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, and, I, do stories..... At Random.

More Blog Posts103

  • 280 weeks
    Storiesatrandom Stories are going to be rebooted

    Back again. Hey, I know I haven't been able to be around as much, but I had to do alot of hard thinking and, I realised that due to how some of my stories' content, contain alot of unpleasent things, not to mention alot of LOOOOOOOOOOOONG outdated content, I desided that the Storiesatrandom Stories would need to be rebooted to match current canon, and that too many of these stories are either

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    0 comments · 356 views
  • 465 weeks
    Now that I am back, I need new help.

    Now that I uploaded a new story for the first time in, a long time, I need some slight, help with the many, many, MANY, Hiatus stories under my belt.

    Excluding the storys that don't even have a fanfic in them yet, I need help with these storys. You need to vote who gets to move on or what's better off canned.


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    7 comments · 536 views
  • 519 weeks
    Storiesatrandom Editorial: What it means to be a good critic, and the difference to be that, and just being a writer basher.

    Hello, I'm storiesararadom, I remembered it, so you don't have too. Awhile ago, I came across a youtube user named TheMysteriousMrEnter. Who is he? Asentually, a faceless critic on youtube the defines certain media creations into two groups: Admirable Animations, and Animated Atrocities. To be fair, he does have a liking to many

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    2 comments · 780 views
  • 525 weeks
    Top 14 things I never expected to see in MLP:FIM season 4.

    Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have too. Well, Season 14 is coming to a close and come next week, the finale of the whole season and soon, Season 5 would be apawn us.... Hopefully, it would offer more then crappy Equestia girls' shorts. The two part series finale has yet to be released and many questions need to be comfirmed! From the leiked pictures alone there is a

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  • 534 weeks
    Top 14 Sequals/spin-offs to Good Movies/TV Shows/Games that went bad.

    Hello, I'm Storiesatrandom, I'd remembered it, so you don't have to.

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    4 comments · 2,237 views

Two cents on Digimon now on Nicktoons... or at least sometime in early june. · 12:34am May 31st, 2013

Hello, I'm storiesatrandom, i remembered it so you don't have to. How many of you are aware of Digimon? That is, if you didn't got too caught up in the Pokimon craze.

Like Pokimon, Digimon was another monster-fight-monster anime show that was around in WBkids or something like that. It had the same, wacky, comedic animation and sometimes cutsi looking creatures, as well as alot action, drama, and tons of cool stuff. sadly, it was somewhat obcured because, well, Pokimon came first, and it did WAY too well. Also, Pokimon didn't changed all too quickly in the first few generations, it was still humans using creatures to fight, but with Digimon, it eventally changed that the humans can BECOME the creatures, or even the humans can have a war with them. Pokimon, no matter what generation, stayed with the simple formula that Pokimon are strictly non-sentient creatures that can be like battle monster pets for you. Digimon, well, it had it's creatures have the ability to talk, that they frankly exsit within data in the internet, and alcourse, the Human becoming Digimon, Human Digimon war thing. It's understandable why people were more into Pokimon then Digimon, but for what it's worth, Digimon on it's own right is an ok anime, and worth a watch.

why i am saying this? well, get this.

well, just like Yugioh and even the famed Dragon Ball Z, Nick desided to add another anime into it's list. i think it was an ok show, and i don't mind Nicktoons too much (except when Viacom made a rather questionable choice of having all those awesome old shows out of exsisence entirely) and might be fun to take a look at. I do find it somewhat, strange that Nick is suddenly take a sudden interest in Anime. Nick's normally about mostly amarican shows, in fact, it's normally as amarican as apple pie. Although in it's early days, the critic said it once hosted canaidian shows. I assume Viacom and Toei animation became friends or something, or Viacom is buying the anime shows, cause why is the likes of Dragon Ball Z, Yu-gi-oh, and Digimon finding itself on Nick now? is it some sort of attempt to make us forgive you for the barely impressive shows your giving out these days or the sad decline of Spongebob's credability? or is it just... one of those things? Well, i can't say we'll ever know for sure, but for what it's worth, it might be fun to see Digimon again.... though i have little memory of the episodes. if i am able to catch them, and if your interested, the show will be brought back from the grave of obscurity and be in a cablevision exsclusive channel Nicktoons. There is worry that their might be alot of voice cast changes to simuler sounding copycats like in Dragon Ball Z, but it might still be worth the watch.

I'm Storiesatrandom, i remembered it, so you don't have too.....

and now, this actselly nearly the shortest blog i made.

Report storiesatrandom · 979 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

The first and second may have been the only Digimon that I got to watch, but this is awesome. Wish I had the channel. Oh, and it is Pokémon not Pokimon.

1116198 hey, potato po-ta-to. I never actselly have people respond to these blogs before. not in most of my reviews, my 2 cents, my editorial, na-da. It's nice someone gives a crud about me. I feel so lonely.

As fast as I saw the video I could not help but comment. Else it would only have been a correction.

Digimon meant much to me when I could watch it, but as Pokémon stayed on TV and I had never discovered internet, it took over.

It would be nice to watch the two first Digimon shows again, and this time on English.

Even have a poster with the original Digidestined with their partners on the wall behind me.

i used to love watchinhg this show as a kid, god the memories.

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