• Member Since 17th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2020


More Blog Posts2

  • 494 weeks
    Im back.

    So after a long break from the fandom and from my writing I'm back and i will be updating my old stories. (for those of you who read them) I'll be starting with finishing highschool that is a story that has burned holes in my brain yearning to be written down for a long long time. even before and after i started writing it during my break from the fandom the ideas behind it still itched at my

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  • 577 weeks
    Random Blog #1

    So these are something that I'm going to do from time to time maybe after i update a story or i make some kind of writers block breakthrough or something anyways. Most of you are probably here from the latest chapter of Highschool and that brings us to the topic at hand. I am in desperate need of some good classical music or any music really, that is good for writing to anything you guys

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Random Blog #1 · 9:12pm May 15th, 2013

So these are something that I'm going to do from time to time maybe after i update a story or i make some kind of writers block breakthrough or something anyways. Most of you are probably here from the latest chapter of Highschool and that brings us to the topic at hand. I am in desperate need of some good classical music or any music really, that is good for writing to anything you guys have to offer would be great. And aside from that all of you are probably wondering why it took me so long to post the latest chapter of Highschool, No I haven't been busy with schoolwork, No there was nothing irl that stopped me from writing and no I didn't have a terrible case of writers block. I just plain didn't feel like getting the writing done, that's right it was all pure laziness. Really i just never sat down and started writing i did a couple of times and within them i got about a thousand words or so down or sometimes only a few hundred I've just been really distracted lately. The main real reason was that i just wasn't very excited to write about this chapter I had a vague idea of where i wanted it to end up but didn't really have a straight plan on how to get there this led to me writing myself into corners and making it an overall unpleasant experience which isn't what i wanted it to be. So it took me about two weeks to finally stop doing that and just scrap the 2000 words i had written down and start the chapter over i successfully did that and having fleshed out all the ways i didn't want the story to go i found it much easier to actually start writing. Aside from that it was mainly just laziness. The next chapter of Highschool should be up a lot quicker than this one but unfortunately will be a lot shorter I think it will be somewhere between 3000-4000 words, or so i think, I dunno we'll see.


So the rest of this blog is going to be me rambling on and on about things that I've been doing when i haven't been writing Highschool stay if you care leave if you don't. So first off I haven't been completely lazing off I have been writing other things that aren't Highschool but we'll keep that for a surprise, what i will tell you about it is that its not a shipping fic and instead its an adventure Keep an eye out for it if everything goes according to plan it will be up in about a week or so. Alright now down to the real randomness of this blog. Some of you may be wondering what I've been doing besides writing. no? Well I'll tell you anyways. So every time I would sit down and try to write, something would distract me whether its friends calling me on skype who want to play a game of league of legends or myself clicking on imgur then watching an entire Saturday slip away. either way these two things have been the main reasons why its been so delayed. Another one is that I watched Angel Beats all over again (Its a popular anime if you haven't seen it go watch it right now its on netflix.) and let me tell you I thought i was safe from feeling anything since i had already seen it. I was utterly and completely wrong I still felt my chest well up at the end It's a little bit more fast paced then i remember but maybe that's just me. Aside from that in the past two days I've been very distracted about finishing F.M.A Brotherhood I made it about 40 episodes in until netflix ran out of them and never really got the ambition to go and find the rest but I've found them now and I'm about to start a marathon to finish the last 30 or so episodes. Aside from anime I've also had things to do on most of my weekends and since i stay up late on the weekdays when i get home from school I'm too tiered to start writing and even if i did try to get something done it would probably be

terrible because of how tiered I am so most schooldays i couldn't really write much.

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