• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 24th, 2023


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  • 503 weeks
    Yā min'na, sore wa shibaraku shite imasu!

    I like playing with Google translate.

    So, how have you all been? I've been doing great. A shame no one wanted to try and finish SP But I guess it's better that way for most of you. But anyway, just wanted to say hi to you all and see how things are going for all of you.

    Also, how many people are in a state of bitter sweetness about Naruto ending in 5 chapters?

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  • 507 weeks
    If you like watching Let's Plays and Dark Souls...

    You should watch this person, I think they're interesting and I like watching him play.

    22 comments · 822 views
  • 510 weeks
    Regarding Split Personalities...

    If someone wants to take it over, then send me a Pm. I'm hoping the person that wants too can do it justice and it is unfair that I left it unfinished.

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  • 510 weeks
    I love you all.

    Just making this blog saying what most of you probably figured out by now, Writing stories has lost all it's amusement to me. So, don't expect me writing anything else. And I won't be finishing SP, either... So to anyone this disappointing, I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me for your sake. You guys really are great people though and I wish you the greatest futures possible. ^_^

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  • 516 weeks
    Well, well, well...

    Time to open the floodgates and unleash havoc upon the world!

    36 comments · 900 views

I've done it. · 5:49am May 4th, 2013

Show Stopper has now surpassed A Core of an Apple in likes as well as having fewer dislikes! I am so happy that it happened. I hope I can get better and surpass it one day,(Though I have some doubt I will get much better) and make some memorable fics for you all to read.

Currently I haven't really worked on the next chapter of Show Stopper at all. I can't quite think of a decent beginning to it yet, but once I do I will immediately get to work on it.

Also, if you all remember, there is another fic I am working on off and on and that being Tentacle Fetish, is sitting at around 2.2k words. Not sure how long it will be just yet, but it is coming along slowly but surely, though I don't really expect it to go far by itself. Just wanted to do it because, well, I can. Lol

Also, I have hit 333 followers. Wooo!!

Report ReaperofSouls42 · 483 views ·
Comments ( 48 )

I guess this is

*puts on sunglasses*


Congrats, you're half satanic! :pinkiehappy: Now we just have to wait for your follower count to double and I'll drive you over to Silent Hill myself! :pinkiecrazy:

1053537 Indeed.

1053542 Lol! Screw that, I wanna go to Raccoon city!

1053549 That works too! :pinkiehappy: To be honest, at least we know what to expect from Umbrella. Silent Hill can be... random, in a highly disturbing manner. :applejackconfused:

1053559 Lol Yes, though I'm sorry to say... I see zombie dogs... I'm out of there. Lol

1053570 Thanks!:pinkiehappy:

1053580 Right! Zombie dogs = haul ass! Perfectly understandable, really.

1053593 They were the source of my reason to stop playing RE after the very first one. I didn't start back till 4. Lol And I've read the 2nd one is even worse. Lol

1053597 Can't say I blame you, that hallway got almost everyone. :applecry: They just don't make survival horror like that anymore. :trixieshiftleft:

1053605 Yes! It was always the blasted hallway! Ugh I hated it. And the front door...and the back yard....*shivers* And you are correct, survival horrors are pathetic compared to the older ones, I think a lot of games have gotten easier to play or to short all in the name of making the game look pretty....

1053610 Modern games are definitely easier than a lot of the classics. Don't get me wrong, there are some really great games on the market, and I'm more for story than difficulty, but I do enjoy a good challenge from time to time. I was just playing Metal Gear Solid 3 recently and it is ridiculous how much has changed between then and now.

1053627 I love a good story, and it is the story that let the easier games slide with modernly high marks from me, but It just feels like such a let down when you finally get that game you've wanted to play forever ago, play it and in beat it on average difficulty in 8-9 hours. I mean it was amazing but when you beat it then you're just left with this 'where did the rest go? I was to rushed!' like reading a great fanfic with jaw dropping moments, but the author skipped the build up between each scene.

The one game I am referring to in this instance is God of War 3. Though I thoroughly enjoyed it, It was just to short coming from someone who is used to those 4 disk 100+hour games from PS days. Lol But even the older GoW series gave me 30 hours of enjoyment at least, you know?

Of course I have yet to play a lot of the ps3s line up sadly, And I mean I have skipped unfortunately 80% of the newest franchise and a lot of the games that are out for it seem bad ass and with Ps4 just around the corner I can only pray that I can catch up soon. And I have to mention, Skyrim blew me away with its 100hr+ gaming experience. felt I should add that to my rant to give a better clarity to what I enjoy. :rainbowlaugh:

That said, I know games like GoW are going to be immensely shorter the any Rpg. Damn, that was a fun, but long rant off... my bad.:twilightblush:

Also, I love MGS3, and MGS4 was also very good. I enjoyed it a lot and balled my eyes out.

1053636 Only 100 hours in skyrim? Noob :rainbowlaugh:
I got 300 and still counting. But it's bloody awesome.

Hey, you should sign up for the closed beta of Tes Online :twilightsmile:

1053676 Lol I was going by average. :rainbowlaugh: But 300 is still very impressive. Lol MMO's are out of my reach on this computer I'm afraid.

1053680 Last thing we need is Trixie getting into Skyrim... though she IS in a caravan, maybe the magic competition will be in Skyrim. :rainbowwild:

... No, I've never played Skyrim. :ajsleepy:

Regardless, congrats on the tremendous amount of success of Show Stopper. But waaaait...

Currently I haven't really worked on the next chapter of Show Stopper at all. I can't quite think of a decent beginning to it yet, but once I do I will immediately get to work on it.

You, Me, ArmedBrony. Teatime at Zecora's Hut. We'll figure something out. :coolphoto:

In conclusion, Eclipsed likes, it's gone past the "Anthropomorphic dislike" phase, and each chapter gets more and more attention. Couple that with much less dislikes, and 333 followers, plus!


1053696 Lol I'd be curious what side Trixie would pick... plus if Trixie was Dragonborn...fuck...:rainbowlaugh: And don't worry I will come up with something, but if I can't I will ask for your help.:twilightsmile:

1053699 Hey, the creative juices have been flowing non-stop for Show Stopper for me! I just haven't posted anything because it's not my story! :rainbowlaugh:

I'll ramble to myself for, like, a half-hour then go "... oh wait, not my story..." Then ramble for another half-hour before needing to remind myself again. Heh...

It's got a lot of potential, hence why I keep trying to think of things. Heh... Can't help it, it's who I've always been when it comes to great stories: Just... thinking of all the different ways it might go, until the author ends up blowing me away with how they've decided to pursue their story.

That's the fun of it. :raritystarry:

... but if you'll excuse me, it's 4:41 AM. I stayed up just for the after-party. :derpytongue2:

1053705 Lol I wish I could do that. :rainbowlaugh: Though, now I', nervous bout the ending of my story...LOL

1053709 Was about to sleep, but I'll just close with this: I think I've got an idea about the basic ways it could end. The problem is how much emotion will be brought into it. Wanna cover quick plot points?

- Caravan's on it's way to the Grand Magician Invitational.

- Once reaching it, Trixie hopes to win.

- The Protagonist wants to go home based on a promise he had made, that Trixie would send him home, but is having trouble leaving Trixie by herself after hearing some (but not all) of her story.

- They both have feelings for one another, but haven't made an official 'push', one way or another, towards meeting those feelings.

- Trixie has been seen naked by the protagonist, AND despite being bare naked in front of him, they STILL shared a heartfelt conversation that left her speechless at the time.

... This has so many points, so little time to weave them together through the fabric of imagination... as it will work to cover all who read it, in its comforting, emotional warmth.

... 4:48 AM. :raritydespair: I NEED SLEEP.

1053713 That was beautiful. I want to write now!

You had me at tentacle.

...I mean next chapter! Yeah totally looking forward to the next chapter. Not tentacle. Totally not looking forward to that. :trixieshiftleft: :trixieshiftright:

1053680 No network? :facehoof:

Anyway, good to see you. And please drop by on skype a little more :rainbowlaugh:

1054042 MAAAAUL!!!

I recognize that adorable avatar! :pinkiehappy:

1053797 JAAAAACKER!!!

I recognize that sexy avatar! :ajsmug:

1053714 Well, jeez, all I did was cover the plot points and summarize it by waxing poetic a bit! That said... I can't quite deny the unusual trait I have, being that the more tired I am, the better I write emotion.

... It's not fun, though, because I only get to type for about ten to thirty minutes before I just go into "zombie mode". :applejackunsure:

But yeah! Consider that summary of events to be a nice little placeholder for where to start, or where to move next, like a verbal chessboard! :twilightsmile: Now you've got lots of pieces in play! And you just need to make the moves. :eeyup:

1054133 hi again :rainbowlaugh:
Yeah, i do belive I asked you people over there in that place for help :pinkiehappy:

1053777>>1053797 Oh nooooo, not at all. Why would you want Tentacles? Their so slimy and wiggly, and they go EVERYWHERE.:raritystarry::raritystarry:

1054133 Yeah, now I just need to find a way to get to each check point. Lol

1054652 Take the caravan. It's powered by magic.

... Wow, saying that out loud sounds REALLY weird. :rainbowhuh:

1054695 No I mean, the build up between there. Thats the hardest part for me. Pretty much the rest of the fic will be in this town so I need to come up with things they can do and whatnot.

1054647 everywhere... everywhere.... harm many. harm many.

1055049 Lol These tentacles wont harm though.

1055086 unless your into that kinda thing and they're comfortable with it. Tentacles have feelings too.

1055634 Lol That is true, I do like it if it's mild rape.

1055696 To be perfectly honest, I hate tentacle stuff. The reason being that, once used, it's just basic clop that goes through physical immersion rather than emotional connections.

It's a different case if and when the character it's being applied to finally begins to enjoy it, since the character CAN apply an emotional RECOLLECTION causing them to enjoy various sensations, but... I prefer romance over straight-up clop, really.

I do like it if it's mild rape.

:rainbowderp: ... What does one SAY to that!? :rainbowhuh:

1055866 Lol Thats fine, I wont have it being rape in this fic but the only real emotional aspect to it is from pleasure alone. This will be just a clop-fic though. Like I said, it is an idea I had and well, I wanted to write it out. :rainbowlaugh: So no worries about editing it if you don't want to. I wouldn't dare attempt to try and force someone to do something they disliked.

1053559 I don't know about that have you played downpour yet its more action based then survival horror based in that one.

1055879 Yeah, I never force myself to read a story out of my general zone of comfort, so I'll pass on it, but I hope I can still do work with Show Stopper! :twilightsheepish:

1056030 Yeah, no worries there my friend. Of course you can still help with Show Stopper!:twilightsmile:

1054133 Bows* My reputation proceeds me.

1055961 I haven't played it myself, though I've watched one of my brothers play through a good deal of it, as well as the entire Two Best Friends playthrough. Since I haven't played it myself, I won't say it was good or bad, but I can't say I was impressed either. That seems to be a turn a lot of older survival horror series tend to take these days, though there are still some great horror titles on the market, particularly Amnesia.

1053636 Can't say I'm familiar with the GoW3 plot, don't play many action titles myself, but I understand what you're saying. It's always a bit of a letdown when you're really enjoying a game but the story just doesn't last anywhere near as long as you'd like.

While it is true that action games are going to be nowhere near as long as RPG's doesn't necessarily mean they don't belong in the same conversation. One of the best things about Elder Scrolls games, or at least the most recent titles, is that there's just so much to do in them. The main storylines are of a fairly average, perhaps even somewhat short length, but thanks to the various other activities (guild storylines, sidequests, the various Daedric quests, etc.) there's so much more to the game than "Here there be dragons." This isn't even including the various DLC packs. I can tell you that in my time playing both Oblivion and Skyrim I had much more fun exploring the provinces and advancing through guilds than I did with the main quests. Of all the characters I've created in Oblivion I've played through the main quest line maybe twice, and I still haven't actually completed Skyrim's main story arc. They've got amazing replay value even among the role-playing genre.

Regarding the PS3 I haven't played a large amount of games on it either. I have one, but I spend a lot more time on PC and 360 than I do on Sony's platform. About the most prominent PS3 title I've played is Heavy Rain, and that had some particularly glaring plot holes that keep it confined to the "guilty pleasures" section of my favorites. Nevertheless it's got some great exclusives, and I'm really excited for some of the titles we'll be seeing on PS4; particularly Last of Us, Watch Dogs and Beyond Two Souls.

And to rant even further, I'm particularly enjoying Metal Gear Solid 3. I hadn't had much experience in the past, but I decided to pick the HD collection up to finally figure out what I'd been missing out on. It was a bit odd at first, but I'm actually really enjoying it. Haven't had the chance to play MGS4 yet, I'm trying to follow the series' timeline as best as I can.

1055696wheres the fun in completely consensual tentacles?

1056203 Yeah, I agree with you there; Skyrim or should I say, Elder Scrolls, is amazing. And as for MGS, you will have to go back to the ps1 mgs to get the time line right when you beat snake eater. Its fun but difficult.

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