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So list' bonnie laddie, and come awa' wit' me.

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Brave New World(?) · 11:48pm Apr 2nd, 2013

Sometimes I wonder why I do things. Sometimes I answer that question. Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm infuriatingly vague and meander and never get to the point.

I am so confused right now.

Really I'm a person of confusion- sexuality, career path, religion, favorite book, you name it and I have a crisis of identity related to it somehow. The only thing that usually doesn't confuse me on some level is the fact that I'm always confused. So it's really nothing novel when I sit here banging out a blog post on a site I never meant to register for following a comment I didn't know I was going to drop, and rambling on about things I'm not sure are worth saying, if I say I'm confused about how I ended up here. What am I doing here? What the hell am I doing here?

I've never really made it a secret that I like My Little Pony, everyone around me knows that a well done kid's show is like crack cocaine for me- I can't get enough of them. I watch things like Kamen Rider not because I'm doing it in a jaded, ironic fashion but because I genuinely love the blend of bombastic and larger-than-life emotions and goofy, transparent special effects that are hallmarks of the franchise. MLP has distinct, fun animation, a genuinely appealing cast with a lot of characterization that I'm particularly fond of, and a sense of humor that generally amuses me. I know why I like it- or liked it. To be honest, my fandom for the show cooled off during season two, and I've been on hiatus from the fandom up until Twilicorngate. At which point I came back to see if a train wreck occurred. And it didn't. Yet.

(For the record, Magical Mystery Cure was only so-so.)

So what puzzles me isn't so much that I'm watching a show about little cartoon horses. What puzzles me is that for the past couple of years I have barely interacted with this fandom. I've done a lot of watching, lurking, absorbing, silently following. I have yet to do a lot of talking, contributing. I think that's a mistake.

Sometimes I see things that I should be talking about. I don't really subscribe to the credo of "it's just fanfiction, it's not important". Fanfiction is still art. We're still artists. Not all art needs to be the goddam Mona Lisa, but it should all try to excel at what it is. And sometimes I see failures in that department. And sometimes I see glorious successes. And I want to say things about them and be heard.

And I want to contribute too. Throw my hat in the pile. Produce, not just consume. I know I can do it. I just have no idea what to do.

All of which is to say in this very confused, halting, stumbling way, hello FimFiction. I'm here. My name is Scarlet, my username is a fighting game reference and not intended to key back to any sort of OC Pony character I have, I like pony fic, and I am here now.

Now what the hell do I do with myself?

Report ScarletWeather · 283 views ·
Comments ( 8 )

Now what the hell do I do with myself?

Whatever you want to do. Get a dart board if you are stuck or two d10s (dice) and create a list. Any list.


Took you long enough to make a suggestion there.

What do you mean? I just got here. Didn't I?


I'm the newcomer, old sport. Or was, when I made this post. You seem like you've been here substantially longer.

Sort of been here. You seemed more thoughtful about how MLP:FIM works.


I try to be, at least. Though there are probably more erudite people around with actual finished portfolios to back their stuff up.

Have thought about writing a story?

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