• Member Since 29th May, 2012
  • offline last seen April 4th


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  • 461 weeks
    What I'm doing now.

    I've officially retired from writing pone, it's just not something I do anymore.

    But that doesn't mean I've given up writing. If you want to see more of my stuff, I write monster girl stories for Touch Fluffy Tail.

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  • 501 weeks
    I done made a song finally

    Funk Rush Freak

    Took me a few hours to make, and it's just shy of 3 minutes, but I was very happy with how it turned out!

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  • 519 weeks
    Herple Snerple

    Whelp, I've graduated high school, and I've started the process of registering for my college classes. I'm going into commercial music, since I'm pretty good with my musical equipment and such.

    My modest little studio, cost me surprisingly little.

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    So I just saw Equestria Girls... [SPOILER ALERT]

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    Well, mostly my love for the show was fading. The fandom is still amazing and I will enjoy being a part of it for a while. :3

    So yeah, my favorite part was Trixie. Her appearance, however brief, was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

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One of my VERY few causes I fight for. · 3:03am Mar 29th, 2013

Warning: The following blog post WILL contain opinions about sensitive subjects. If this bothers you, get off this rape train now. You've been warned.

I really don't like America. Like... I am really disappointed in this place. The wealth distribution is bullshit. (1% of the population owns 40% of the nations entire wealth, and yet they still insist we tax the poor.)
The government is bullshit. (CISPA got waaay too close to getting passed.) That, and we've become corporatist rather than a free market. (Which is why FedEx and UPS are driving the US postal service out of business.)

But what really twists my titties the most is how ignorant the people are. Most of these facts aren't known by the average citizen, and most wouldn't care either way. I'm not saying any fellow american citizens here are ignorant! In fact being on this site alone requires a certain degree of social bravery and/or useful apathy. Now, I am very adamantly for clop, welfare, and gay rights. And recently, there has been a 'red equals sign' epedemic going online that shows support for this.
Normally I don't join bandwagons. But when I do, it's for one of my true causes.

I drew that today at the academy amongst a bunch of homophobes, and I didn't give two fucks about who saw me.

So for those of you who read this blog, tell me; what are some of your causes? Don't be shy. I won't get mad or offended at what they are. And if anyone gives you a hard time about it, their ass is mine.

Have a splendiforous day


Also, look!

Report Noponyatall · 822 views ·
Comments ( 92 )

The gay rights thing has always confused me... why can't they have the same entitlements and rights that marriage entitles? They can get legally married in most places, which baffles me. :applejackconfused:
Also, something that has bothered me and I can't say is the good old abortion debate. That's always good to bring out during a party.


You realize you are basically the antithesis of conservatism?
I like that.

I'm for gay marriage, a more sensible path to citizenship, the complete disbanding of political parties (Not having people tell you what you support? How radical!), universal healthcare (Obama-care is awesome.), and pone.

Mostly I'm for logic.
I'm an Independent.
I vote Democrat because they make sense.
I despise today's Republican Party because they have absolutely no idea what it is the American people support and believe in, and they don't care.

That's not to say America is all bad, far from it. Take a moment to realize that for every incompetent congressman and every idiotic law, there are hundreds of clerks and safety provisions and ingenious laws and beautiful ideals and other great things.

America is far from perfect, but I sure as Hell am proud to live in it.
Also, pone.

Carry On

955247 I'm firmly pro choice. Religion doesn't trump reality. If she can't afford the kid then she has the right to get rid of it. Putting it up for adoption is just too stressful for the mother. And expensive.

Parent licensing, people should be required to have a license to be parents. I get a lot of flak for this.

Same here. My friend called me a baby murderer for that, fun times.

There's no where I'd rather live than here, well maybe Canada; they have good health care. America has good ideas but with all the money laundering and bribes, etc have stalled any hope to really get anything done.

I agree with you entirely. Sadly, there are still some people that believe that abortion should be illegal even in cases of rape or incest or if the mother or baby will die in the process. Also it's save the fetus, not help the single mother who cannot pay for her child. It sickens me that we say we are the land of the free but we really aren't. :fluttercry:

I support spreading awareness about autism, and running tangent to that, standing against Autism Speaks.
For those that might be confused by how those two go together, I'm not really the best person to explain it, but in short, Autism Speaks is an organization that hands out a lot of misinformation about Autism(they will typically call autism "hopeless", "a disease", "disaster", or "an epidemic", and claim to be looking for a cure and/or the cause) and, because they claim to be doing good, that misinformation becomes believed. When autistic people speak out against the organization, they are typically met with legal threats and bullying. (sources: here and here)

I'll cut my rant short here, but there's plenty of information available in various places online if people want to learn more.

I'd have to say one of my causes is the fact that I tend to lean more for a socialist ideology for America. It's a belief that earns me some more than questionable looks, but in a society where the middle class is drastically shrinking and the fact that I'm in the middle class, I tend to worry about where things will be a few years from now. Getting a degree doesn't exactly secure you a 50k+ job.


I fight so that idiots and bigots that are anti-gay or anti-gay marriage have the freedom to say that they are.

I may not be old enough to join the military, but as soon as I am, guess what I'm going to do.

People will always be idiots in some regard. We can do amazing things like go to space and bring back the recent dead (some surgeries like heart surgeries can be done by basically cooling the body and stopping heart and brain function for a time), yet we have failed to evolve past our primal tendencies. Until we do, places like America will bring out the best and worst of people.

My opinions are rather long winded and often steeped in terminology.

However, to adhere to brevity (and becase I'm not sure you want to hear them) I'll just say this: I sympathize with choice and inclination.

In terms of political parties, I have no affiliation and I will not let something as stupid as a label such as Democrat or Republican influence my choice in who I vote for. Which is why I hate political parties as a whole. They tend to lead the layman to establish generalizations about each party, some more true than others, but it essentially boils down to, "I'm voting republican because I'm apparently a republican or vice versa with democrats"

I tend to look more into my political candidates and if neither one of them really represent what I believe or stand for issues I'm for then I simply don't vote.
The downside being I really have no right to complain, but I'm willing to keep my mouth shut in such cases.:twilightblush:

Well I love all those causes and think that all of what you are saying is great but the red equals sign thing. Shit like that just gets nothing done. Most people put those picture things and nothing else. That is why it is pointless. I feel a bit like a dick saying that but it does ring true.

If you make your views clear in a calm, non judgmental way I will happily shake your hand in either support or understanding.
Make your stance known by attacking those against you whether that be physically, verbally or any other way then not only will I judge you poorly but I will go out of my way to piss you off. (in a kind, totally not mean way)

Every had that moment where you know if you include part of your original comment then you know you will literally piss off everyone? Yeah that just happened. Goodbye 4 paragraphs of ranting.

come to britain we already have gay marriages here now anyway, plus the situation is the same over here anyway, the government are all assholes cause the cant decide whether to support gay marriage or bring all the soldiers from over seas home!1 i aint got nothing wrong with gay marriage but seriously the government is just shit, and were are a democracy but its becoming more like a fucking dictatorship cause even now there banning papers from writing what they want, im slowing losing faith in this country (not that i hadn't already) and humanity, america sounds a lot more fucking promising than this shithole with the people here also just being generic dicks (not all of you honestly), no i know how every over brony feels to leave this fucking planet and head to equestria!

im canadian. :scootangel::heart:

Thanks for the equality support. We gays need all we can to get this done. If this was legal I would hae married about 2 years ago, but the illegality of same sex marriage cost me my 4 1/2 year relationship. Really though, thank you for supporting our right to marry.


I despise today's Republican Party because they have absolutely no idea what it is the American people support and believe in, and they don't care.

I feel like this was a major over-generalization. There are groups within the Republican Party, the Libertarians for example, that have a really good grasp on what the people support/believe in, and they do really care. Please do not lump all Repubs in with the uber-vocal portions of the party. It would be like saying all Dems are Commies...the most radical Liberal edge.

Please don't hate on Conservatism, because, it takes both Conservatism and Liberalism to run a country properly. At this time though, Liberalism is probably the better go. Liberal ideas are best suited for a country that is not operating efficiently. Conservative ideas are best when we have a good thing going and to mess around with it would just screw things up.

So please, please don't just hate on all Repubs because the more conservative of us are the more vocal. Remember, just because I'm Republican doesn't mean I have to vote for one...if they are not right for the country then I'll vote for whoever is right.

Signed a Republican Libertarian

P.S. I can respect your opinion so long as you respect mine. And if you need some info on what ties most Republican Libertarians together, just ask and I'd be happy to tell you!

This is a very sensitive topic, Jex... But I really respect your bravery for even bring it up. Our country is mostly ignorant when it comes to these facts indeed.

I'd like to contribute to world wide relations, education and information through the media.(Digital Productions student.)

Amen, brotha. This is how I see homosexuality:
Gay? Don't come onto me about it and we can be pals.
Lesbian? Cool, just means you like what I like.

Of course, with my family being as...picky as they are about homosexuals, I usually just hold my tongue when the topic is brought up.

Honestly I don't understand anything at all.:ajbemused:
What am I against?:twilightangry2:
What should I know?:derpyderp1:
What is a waste of time?:rainbowderp:
What do I want to FIX!?:trixieshiftleft:
What must be done?:flutterrage:
What can I do?:twilightoops:
How many years have I wasted?:facehoof:
I just don't know.:pinkiecrazy:
We humans need to just let things go sometimes I feel, we cause pointless problems for one another.

One of the good things with being Swedish, we are not Amerika.
As far as I know, we have a more balanced economy and a better government (I still think they are idiots).
Heh, and Amerika says that Socialism is a bad thing. :trollestia:

*Note that these are my opinions, and I am very critical towards politics. :scootangel:

955284 This guy knows what Amerika needs!

Honestly I love my country it has provided me with so much.I would die for my country, its people, and the ideals of democracy and I believe it is unfair to hate my country just because the dip shit 1% want to ruin it all, but when I see some of the shit that goes on in my country all the hate and ignorance sometimes I just want to say Fuck THE USA.

I'm too young to even understand most of the important terminology running around this blog post, so I'm fairly certain my causes don't matter much yet. At least, not until I know more.

I may not be living in America, but i have following the news and things happening for a few years now.
Some things i have seen happening there, well they are really just fucked up.
Things like how CISPA got so close, latest version of the NDAA (the small part that the goverment can lock anyone up legaly without any evidence), the rider in the lastest federal appropriations bill that basicly makes Monsanto untouchable, the whole drone thing flying in your country and above your cities, people trying to get everyone a biometric ID, (this has been tried many times and failed everytime, but there's another one coming up soon) Homeland security buying hollow point bullets, bulletproof highway check points and armored personnel carriers in massive amounts.
I may not live in America, but i can see that these things are just not right.
But the universal healthcare, gun control (of course not the total ban) and such, well these things i do support.
Anyway, you all have my full support.
Especially on things like equal rights for everyone and rights for gay marriage (i mean why can't two people who love each other marry each other, and if people bring religion to the discussion, well the line says that you do not treat a fellow man as a woman, there is nothing about gay marriage in the whole thing, it just says that you will never treat a woman as a man, and since that womans were lesser then a man during those times then it basicly says that you will not treat a man as a lesser being.) (i am sorry i brought this up, i may have been better if i did not do this but i just wanted to typ this)

Ugh tell me about it, i am autistic myself and in my country the word autist is used to call someone retarded.
Luckily its only used by thirteen year olds and such but it still annoys me.
The way how i see it, we have now that autism is finally viewed as a legit thing, now we indeed have to spread awareness about it since that people are ignorant about it, it is not that much of a bad thing, people just don't know.
Personally i see autism as a diffirent way to look at the world and at life, a complete diffrent way of thinking, a bunch of weak points and a bunch of strong points, i just need to minimalize the weak points and exploit the strong points.
People with autism who manage to pull through and do these things, well those people can achieve great things on the subject that they are intrested in, those people are specialists. (this is my opinion about the subject so yeah)

955723 I have a lot to learn. You'd be better off looking elsewhere for now.:applejackunsure:

The thing is i am from a family formed with a father a brother and me (also a guy) and were all autistic.
And well, my dad is living a quite succesful life with a high classed job.
And my brother and i are just finding our own ways.
I am also living in a student house at the moment and its filled with people who only have a slight form of autism.
If you do want to chat and such, i have skype. And i would like that very much. :twilightsheepish:

For me... I can't really say anything else except that I agree with you. Thou living in USA is still cool... -ish, as long as you feel it's the place that is your home.

You see. There are lots of ignorant people here too, but for some reason, we Finns are doing pretty fucking well at nearly everything of those things. We have also lots of problems, but not nearly as bad as USA has for the reason that here the people just... do get good possibilities to have a good life without any bigger problems.
BUT, I believe we have bad flaws, Finland and Sweden both are very close to being a wonderland, but even wonderlands have problems. Everyone has them.

I'm not sure how the fuck did I end up writing like that, even if I don't give two shits about that stuff, as long as others who I care enjoy about (my life's nearly perfect currently, that's why I want others to enjoy too. I feel... selfish...).
But what I'm trying to say, is that you eventually are one of those who will change your country when the time comes. You are going to build what they have missed, cause you are the future...

...good god... what the fuck am I saying...

955739 I have no problems with that. Would you like me to PM you my address?

I believe in the right of every American to a steady, good-paying job with sufficient benefits, including free government-paid medical care, so that every person can take time to find what truly makes them happy and become informed about what's going on around them. Democracy just doesn't work without those very basic rights taken care of from the start.

I think if we focused on attaining such basic needs for all of us, if we realized that, in reality, we all really want the same thing, we'll realize that wedge issues like gay rights, racism, gun control, abortion, sexism, and everything in between are much simpler problems to solve.

What sucks about right now is people are so ill-informed because they're working three jobs just to stay above the poverty line, and the resulting ignorance is making debates out of issues that should really be a no-brainer. Of course gays should be given the right to marry. Of course women should have a right to seek an abortion. These and many other problems aren't ones we can't solve - they're ones the powers that be won't solve. And when we don't hold them to task, the status quo is maintained.

We should have a pool soon to determine where everybody is from :pinkiehappy: I'm just curious to see how widespread it is, or if Fimfiction is primarily used by Americans.

I myself am Danish, as you might have guessed, but i did live in the United States for a year as an exchange student. I will be perfectly honest: your politics does not make sense to me. Seriously. I was completely speechless when i saw the first few political commercials on TV while i was there. Normally, i would think a political party would make a commercial about what they support, how that relates to you, and why you might benefit from it. It would still be all lies, but still, that's the approach i'm used to.

I actually thought it was a joke, or a part of Saturday Night Live, or something, when i saw a commercial that was straight up putting their opponent down. "Senator Whats-his-face was in 1990 caught cheating on his wife. He can't be trusted" and so on. In my mind, when a political party choose to tell you why their opponent are worse than them, instead of why they are better than their opponent, you know they have hit rock bottom.

I'm not very enthusiastic about politics in the first place, but i still like to follow your current events, like the presidential election, and the whole gun control issue. It's kinda the same way it might be fascinating to watch a guy juggle with knives, just waiting for him to stab himself in the hand with one.

Also, go gay rights! i mean, it's got nothing to do with me, but my boyfriend is gay, and i like to support him whenever possible ;) JK


I have autism as well. I have heard that there is multiple types of the condition.

Seeing as I'm a communist, I think you can guess what I'm fighting for. I view all struggles, including this one over gay marriage/adoption rights, as class struggles. I'm just waiting and fighting for the day I see us free.

955253....I'm Republican lol although I don't have a problem with homosexuality...

I support the marriage rights of anyone who knows what they are doing.
Go, Go, Jexxy, or is it Jezzy?

i'm severely anti-corporate, like, almost marxist anti-corporate. thankfully, royal mail (UK postal service) is doing as well as ever. primarily because it's taxpayer money it runs off of.

secondly, I am for the dissolution of the church of england, and it's assets (money, land etc.) given to the government. but then again, i'm militant atheist to the point where i would likely riot against pro-religious laws. I have done in the past, and i'll do it again.

third, LGBT rights and abortions. LGBT people should allowed all the rights straight people are, there's no (logical) reason why not. christians will always say i support genocide (heard that one plenty of times) for supporting abortions. if a women cannot support a child, or doesn't want it, e.g. rape. she should be allowed to abort it.

I can be kinda extreme at times, I sometimes troll conservatives and fundies with this :P

Before I contribute my 2 cents: I think same sex marriage is fine, because after all: we're fucking America, we support freedom and equality for EVERYONE. The fact that this issue has escalated to the point it has is nothing short of idiotic, and I direct that to both parties. I really don't care if you want to marry someone of the same sex, but I don't want to hear about it. And to the people against it: who the hell are you to judge others? Why don't you worry about our economy and the people below the poverty line? Don't make it illegal, but don't waste the Supreme Court's time in deciding something that should be obvious: allow same sex marriage. It just goes to show that religion plays more of a part in this country than the very ideals we were founded upon...

On the wealth part:

The way I see it, we both should and shouldn't tax the rich more. I think if they go and horde their wealth in an account and don't do anything with it (don't invest it, don't use it for anything) then the government should tax it that way the money is at least flowing in the economy. However, America is a land based on economic freedom, so increasing the taxes for people with more money just because they have more is kinda stupid-- a good number of them employ a lot of American employees and keep the economy going. However, when a good 47% of people don't pay taxes, the government starts looking for places to tax, and the rich are right in the center of that cross-hair. Also, if the government's generating revenue so they can pay for health care and welfare programs, why the hell do we send billions of dollars in aid to other countries when about 16% of Americans live below the poverty line? Before we even think about taxes and shit like that, maybe we should look at our government's massive budget and the inefficient use of it. I like how the government is bitching about the Sequester and the 95 billion dollars in cuts this year, but when that's only 2% of the federal budget, you can see why we have the issues that we do.

Bold = an opinion that could be sensitive, although I guess you could say my entire comment is an opinion that will make a lot of people pissed at me or something.

Keep in mind that politicians use this to their advantage, since minorities make for easy votes. Why do you think Obama appealed to Latino-Americans and African Americans? Because they represent a growing number of votes (Romney tried to appeal to women and failed. Women happen to be a growing number of votes as well). Also, when you give people free things and make it easy for them to manipulate the welfare system, they tend to vote for you :|. (Then again, I digress: The Republicans aren't any better.) The issue with this country is that everything is tied to money nowadays, and the very ideals we were founded upon are being trampled, raped, and then stuffed in a dumpster. When an issue as simple as same-sex marriage comes up (We're a country of equality for EVERYONE, it's a no-brainer that it should be legal) it becomes escalated to an insane level. The same can be said about racism (you used to be able to joke about your own race. I can't even make a joke about my whiteness without a fellow Caucasian getting mad at me.), gun rights (Constitution again), etc.


(mostly my opinions, so feel free to call me an idiot on some topics (or all of them) or agree with me on certain areas.)

The issue with our country is that bringing up anything offensive will result in you getting shamed, blamed, and then killed/screwed over. I guarantee if any of the colleges I'm applying to found half of what I debate, I'd be doomed educationally. Half the reason I don't have a Facebook, because you have to be a "good dog" and be "normal."

It's also the reason why our country has degraded to a bunch of sissies and hypocritical morons. Egypt hates us? Send them 50 F-16's. USSR is communist (the complete opposite of the basis our country was founded upon) and we hated them with a passion. Now we buy from China, a communist nation and practically love them. Military veterans suffering from PTSD? Screw them, we should send billions of dollars in aid to Africa instead of helping our struggling nation.

My opinion: The United States is suffering from a decay of values, the signaling of a nation that is about to fall. We all know how Rome fell (and we mirror Rome almost perfectly, and I'm not sure if I'd rather move from where we are now to the Empire of the United States or just cease to exist and break-up into separate states.) and although I don't want to think about it, I've already started to make guesses to when shit hits the fan. I don't agree with Confucius on a lot, but I think these issues are arising from the fact that the modern nuclear family in America is broken and divided. To fix a nation, one must start with the home...


(mostly my opinions, so feel free to call me an idiot on some topics (or all of them) or agree with me on certain areas.)

I dislike the Democrats for the same reason, but that doesn't mean I love the Republicans either. Also, I have no problem with Obamacare or welfare, but it needs to be regulated (or what's to keep us from becoming complacent because we get stuff for free? That's what I dislike about socialistic-based ideals). Don't give the people who are worthless and don't want to help themselves free money and stuff from the hard working tax payer, but help good 'ole John if he's suffering through tough times. I have no problem giving money to help someone who is truly down on his/her luck-- I have a problem giving money to someone who doesn't deserve it and thinks they're a "victim."

To end on something we can all agree with: pone.


You dirty commie! *gets into pointless fight because of differences* [/joking] :pinkiehappy:

(opinions, opinions in my comment everywhere!)

I kid, of course. Despite being mostly capitalist, I think there are certain aspects of communism (or am I thinking socialism? One's economically based and the other's somewhat different. Both have some values that I agree with.) that should be implemented so as to give everyone and equal chance of success.

955690It's America dipshit.

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