• Member Since 7th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Jul 9th, 2014


Machine-God be praised. Also, call me "Mago-Five" and I'll forcefully shove a chainblade mechadendrite up your rectum. I mean it. Don't do it.

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I Think I Need Help... · 11:39pm Mar 11th, 2013

I don't know what came over me. I... I just don't. All of the sudden, I just had all these new crossover ideas that I really want to do! It's an ugly thing, guys, to have so many ideas in your head, each of which could easily be turned into a multi-chapter, full-length fantasy epic. It's pretty obvious from the way I've been using my writing time that I am not the most get-to-it guy, so some of these ideas will never see the light.

I will finish Name's Ellis and I will continue O.i.E. After that, I may take up Grey Warden Gilda, but my ideas on that aren't so solid anymore. So, for my next big story I need your feedback on what to do. Here's some things that have been running around in my head:

Berry Punch in Pandaria
World of Warcraft may not be your thing, but let me tell you, Mist of Pandaria is just... just beautiful. The story, the quests, the quirky races and characters. So much vivid potential for a perpetually inebriated mare to stake her place in this crazy, brew filled world. I'd have her start out in Stormstout Brewery, where she would declare herself in some kinda plane of heavenly existence and starts sampling every kind of beer, stout, and ale she could find. Things would turn raunchy as soon as a brazen hozen gets between her and her bliss. Big mistake. Great big Pony-Fu clashes ensue, escalating to great heights as she single-hoofedly faces down the great big party animal himself, Ook Ook (this would make much more sense if you've played this dungeon).

Chen Stormstout in Equestria
Another WoW crossover, for the same reasons mentioned above. Chen is, by far, one of the more notable and likable pandaren of Warcraft. A big, boisterous kung-fu master who is kind and polite, but not afraid to drink, be merry, punch someone in the snout, and laugh it off afterward. As for why he's in Equestria, I've been working on a backstory where a human adventurer had found a way to absorb the power of the Sha, granting him immense abilities that he immediately uses for his own dark purposes. This human gather's all the malevolent energy of Pandaria and becomes a Sha-King, razing the land and all its inhabitants. After a climactic battle involving nearly every force on the continent--the Horde, Alliance, Shado-Pan, etc.--and heavy losses. Weakened, this Sha being is banished from Azeroth by Rhonin Redhair (who, I suppose, happened to be there at the time). Leader of the Shado-Pan, Taran Zhu, is outraged that he would do such a thing, handing off their problems to another world. Who will be there to defend the innocent from these dark forces? "I shall." Says a somber Chen Stormstout. "I will head after the Sha-King and bring it back to Pandaria, so no other world must suffer." He had lost his niece, Li Li, in the battle. He was inconsolable. Despite the urgings from his friends and distant relatives, Rhonin agrees to send him on this quest. This quest that takes him to Equestria, far from the pain of Pandaria, far from the sting of loss...

Of course, I'll have to read up on all the lore and add alter it where it may contradict.

Lyra in Gotham
I've already been working on the first chapter today, just to see how it looks on paper, but after a couple thousand words it looks like I'm summarizing Anthropology with a few tweaks here and there. Bleh, no matter. The important part is that, when she simultaneously changes herself into a human and casts herself into the human world, something goes awry with the magic. It does not happen immediately, but minutes after setting foot in the dark, grimy city of Gotham, she finds her new human form changing. Her body grows past amazonian proportions. Her skin thickens and her bones harden. Her muscles bulge and raw strength courses through her veins. A small, mint horn, a vestige from when she used to be a unicorn, sprouts from her head, granting her powerful telekinetic magic on top of her already augmented brawn. During this second transformation, she goes into a heated bout of madness, rampaging through the darker parts of Gotham, leaving Batman, the Dark Knight, to try and subdue her and figure out what to do with this reckless, delusional stranger.

I have other ideas, but I think I'll flesh them out at another time. So, please feel free to leave comments, constructive criticism, the like. I'll see you again with the next chapter starring everybody's favorite zombie-killin' redneck.

Report MAGO5 · 548 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

I have exactly the same problem, too many ideas, not enough time to write them.

Yes! MoP out performs both of the last expansions! I can't speak for BC, I wasn't around, but damn if MoP doesn't perform things I've only dreamed of in an MMO. My vote is for the first. The second one seem really forced, since so much of the backstory would have to be told instead of shown. And I love having Equestria be some hidden land/dimension of Azeroth!! Having killers come to Equestria and calm the eff down has been done plenty of times. But ponies picking RPG classes? Win!

I highly recommend World of Ponycraft (starring the Mane 6, and actually makes ponies seem a more viable Alliance race than Worgen [doesn't take much admittedly]), and its spinoff A Day at the Quest Hub (which focuses on an area almost never explored, the vendors, and an economy fueled by wealthy mercenaries).

Are these going to be actual stories, or just crack fic one shots only a few thousand words long at most? (such as Batman is Cheerilee)

They are all serious, save the first. Oh man, my mind went NUTS with this one. The more I think about it, the more I REALLY want to do it. Can you imagine a purple earth pony clearing out an entire room of monkey-people in a blaze of drunken hooves and slurring battle cries, all while the hozen scatter in sheer panic, flailing their arms high in the air, running into each other, getting painfully "ooked in the dooker." Then, from the rafters leaps a giant boss-hozen, screaming "WHO CRASHING OOK PARTY?!?!"


I think it's very interesting. I myself am doing a WoW crossover, to which at some point I'll be introducing Chen to Equestria. I think it'd be great if you pursued that idea, too. :twilightsmile:

All these ideas make me tingly. The good type of tingly.

Name's Ellis will be the first thing you'll update?:pinkiehappy:

Well, when I say serious....

Keep in mind, I even consider O.i.E a serious story, because I really do see an ork acting like that, and I see Twilight Sparkle and the rest of Ponyville freaking out when he comes stomping in town. It's ridiculous because the orks are ridiculous, and that makes it make sense. The hozen themselves are the most entertaining species since murlocs and gnolls from Vanilla. And the Pandaren? They offer bedding, food and services to species that they have literally never seen before, and probably wouldn't act too shocked at a talking quadruped. They worship some of those, right? So Berry could have plenty of shenanigans. But she should still meet a few grounded people, and/or explore the world some. We know a lot about the landscape and neighborhood, and it would seem odd if they were never mentioned in detail. I can imagine running into a Jinyu, who says "gaze into the waters, Berry Punch." "How do you know my name...*hic*... And what's this clear, nonalcoholic beverage?"



Get that mare to Halfhill to meet with Jogu the Drunk!!

Wait, did you say a few THOUSAND words? And... and you didn't even tell me... :<
Our friendship is now null. I've replaced you with my toaster.
[Edit] : I'm cool with the WoW crossovers, as long as you leave the Grummles out. You know my disdain for the blind midgets.


Nice Ideas, MAGO5. To let you know, Rhonin Redhair actually died when the mana bomb was dropped on Theramore Isle.

Darn. He was my favorite mage guy.
Jaina could fill that spot, though.

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