• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2021


CAUTION: User is British, and thus may use British spellings. Expect an 'S' where you'd normally find a 'Z' and the letter 'U' in places you never thought you'd see it. You have been warned. :P

More Blog Posts45

  • 170 weeks

    ... been a while, hasn't it? Just passing through for a bit of a nostalgia trip!

    6 comments · 210 views
  • 468 weeks
    *Zombie shuffling noise*


    (...blimey, this place has changed a bit. New curtains?)

    6 comments · 511 views
  • 539 weeks
    I'M ALIVE!

    ... I know, I can hardly believe it either!

    8 comments · 773 views
  • 557 weeks
    One hundred....

    ...subscribers! Yes, I can't believe it either. Granted, 75.3489% of these are probably "watch as many people as I can for the sake of my e-penis" types, but screw it, I'm quite pleased anyway.

    Thanks y'all!

    6 comments · 569 views
  • 563 weeks
    Chapter 17 of BITC....

    ... is coming within the next 24 hours!

    I know, I can barely believe it either...

    13 comments · 575 views

I haven't forgotten about y'all! · 6:47pm Feb 24th, 2013

Hello, people who inexplicably follow me. Just thought I'd drop a little message to say I'm sorry that updates have slowed to a crawl. Yes, updates ARE coming at some stage, honestly! Just had a lot on my plate lately, and continue to do so at the moment.

Had some health-related issues lately, and at the moment it's looking as if they may be neurological in nature. Which means I *may* be requiring a CT scan of the inside of my head. Which concerns me, not least because they might actually see what kind of idiocy and depravity occurs in there..!

Also moderately concerned about what may be found - the docs have been telling me things along the lines of "It's probably nothing, but at the same time it *could* be that your brain is going to burst forth from the inside of your head, gain a life of its own, steal your car and commit a citywide double-parking spree which will end in a police chase and a shootout with a 3-figure body count." In other words, it's a precautionary measure which carries a small chance of some very bad juju being discovered.

So yes, not entirely focused at the moment, and it's put a crimp on my ability to write properly. Was hoping to have BITC's next chapter out this weekend, not sure if that's going to happen.

Not posting this for sympathy, just letting people know why I haven't been updating - everyone's been so great in sticking with the series, I feel I at least owe them an explanation!

Report PointlessGizmo · 249 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

I'm sorry to hear that you gotta get your head scanned, man. I've been having some weird health issues myself. I woke up a few days ago to find a weird lump in my armpit where a major lymph node is and it's been growing and hurting more and more ever since. I'm worried I might have lymphoma or something. :fluttershysad:

Then again, I'm probably just overreacting I guess... I've always been a hypochondriac. Still, I wish I could get in to see a doctor. It's been damn near impossible for me to find one since I moved.

Honestly, your brain bursting out of your head and gaining a life of its own is probably the best organ to do so. At least you'll be able to build youself a robot body in that case instead of just dying.

Now, if it was your heart planning to burst out of your chest, grow arms, and beat you to death, then you'd have a problem.

(But seriously, hope it all goes well. It'd be best if it was nothing.)


I've always been the opposite, I've brushed things off when I shouldn't have. Nearly went blind in my left eye after I got a metal shard in it, and refused to go to the hospital until it became unbearably painful!

Also, lymph nodes can become tender when you've got a minor infection. As far as I know, lymphoma-affected nodes are hard and painless. Hope you feel better soon.

Huh? Who are you? What's a changeling? Where is my awesome Trixie love?!

Aw man, that sounds serious. I hope everything turns out to be fine.

Well. gl bro. :unsuresweetie:

What do the doctors think it might be? :fluttershysad:

I'm hella worried now...:applejackunsure:

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