• Member Since 26th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 2nd, 2016

Showmare Trixie

"If I desire to possess everything, does that not make everything mine by right?"

More Blog Posts311

  • 417 weeks
    Beginnings and Endings.

    Hello. I still, inexplicably, get attention here. Not sure why. I don't go on Fimfiction, or write ponyfics anymore--I do however, write original fiction, yay!--or really do anything pony related. Don't consider myself a brony, though ponies are always cute, and stuff.

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  • 477 weeks

    Since some of you, for some silly reason keep trying to get in contact with me through this account, I'm just going to post a link to my current one: Here.

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  • 536 weeks
    Important-ish notice: Account closing down.

    I won't go into the details. But this account is essentially going to become abandoned after today.

    My story, Path of Fomalhaut will be getting transferred over to a new account, so for you guys, don't be confused if the author suddenly has a different name and two hundred less followers.

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  • 536 weeks
    Youtube, why!

    They just changed their UI again and it looks bloody horrible. :facehoof: Ugh, why does Youtube keep doing this?

    18 comments · 710 views
  • 536 weeks
    Character analysis blog: Trixie [canon].

    Not being written at 6AM, but I am tired, hungry, upset, and unmedicated. So it's close enough to my usual conditions for analysis blogs.

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    8 comments · 929 views

So, Trixie gonna complain about downvoting. (And not for the reason you likely think.) · 6:10pm Feb 17th, 2013

Yup, Trixie has an issue not with random down-voters, but with the concept that down-voting requires an obligation to do more. Trixie is not directing this complaint towards any specific writer, so put those torches and pitchforks away, Trixie's gotten chased by enough of those by now.
No, Trixie is only complaining about a few concepts, namely...

-Someone down-voted me but didn't explain why or tell me how to get better, I either dislike them for it, feel their opinion is now completely invalid or both.

-Someone up-voted me but didn't point out why they liked my story, They are obligated to criticize my story constructively and politely!

-Someone down-voted my story before it was up long enough to be read completely, or while admitting to of not read the entire thing (Or at all). That makes them an idiot! And their opinion is invalid, they have no right to down-vote me!

In all three cases, Trixie noticed a rather common trend both for commenter and writer: A sense that the viewers are completely obligated to read through the entire story then provide a time-consuming strip down of everything they did or did not like in a polite, kindly worded review.

Trixie finds this, quite simply... Bafflingly silly (Not stupid, silly. Big difference... And yes Trixie knows Bafflingly isn't a word, shut up.) that this is randomly expected. While there is no actual rules on Fimfiction for up or down-voting stories, (Trixie checked, twice.) there is a guide on doing it for comments. (Which was quite simply: Like it, up-vote. Don't like it, down-vote.) The main issue here: We all have lives, our free time is not inherently infinite* and there's quite simply not enough time for such a thing. That is of course assuming that for some reason, we are more obligated to treat fanfiction differently then everything else in life that is capable of being reviewed. Does everyone get told off that they need to watch every movie, play every video game, read every book and try every food then analyze every little thing about it to decide if they like it or not? No? Then why is fanfiction any different? Heavy emphasis on the 'fan' part. Not to be rude, but while a writer may be fond of a story they spent weeks, months or... hours working on, that doesn't make it some special snowflake of life that claims the devotion and time of everyone else just because.

Now onto the more specific complaining, yay! :yay:

-Someone down-voted me but didn't explain why or tell me how to get better, I either dislike them for it, feel their opinion is now completely invalid or both.

Now let's pretend you go for a walk and find, what appears to be a pile of steaming dog... well you know. Quick, what's the chance you'll go 'eww' and walk away in disgust? Now what's the chance you'll go 'Wow! I absolutely hate/don't like/find this disgusting/why is this on my bed? I better get my tools out then spend the next half an hour pulling it pieces, learning everything about it, nitpicking every little bit about it, then track down the dog that left this here and constructively explain my views that I'm under no sense of obligation to give!'? That's what Trixie thought.** Yes, in a perfect world, everyone would do such a thing and totally explain why. But the thing is, if you are being down-voted, it means people disagreed, for some reason. This will happen regardless but really, take a look at your story and it should be evident what is causing the vast majority of these down-votes. As the writer, you are literally the only one obligated to make sure your fic is of high quality. Reader's are under no obligation, that is why they are readers and not polite proofreaders here to make your life easier. (That would be these guys here.)

-Someone up-voted me but didn't point out why they liked my story, They are obligated to criticize my story constructively and politely!

Similar, but not quite the same issue here. Quick, what does writing a good story usually infer? Escapism, an emotional roller coaster ride, the ability for just a short while to get lost in a fantasy world. These are not elements you can throw at an average reader then expect them to come out criticizing, be happy with your short, "Awesome!" and "I loved this!" comments. Of course you'll get readers (Like Trixie!) who enjoy analyzing things they like to find out why, who will frequently point out what they did or did not like, and all that.
But the thing is? By the very concept, those types of people are a minority. They are not your inherently "Good" fans and readers, they are just your naturally inquisitive, analytical readers. The guy's who are lost for words, having little to show outside of a profound sense of enjoyment and post-immersion afterglow are not nonconstructive with their casual comments. It means your story is doing its job and making the average reader have their hit of that escapism high. It gives you as a writer, the feedback you need to compare it to your other works and find out what it makes things pop. So don't belittle your poor, one word comment, emote spamming readers. They are appreciating your work, and likely in a situation that makes it difficult if not impossible for them to review and analyze without kinda... ruining the entire magic of friendship fanfiction.

-Someone down-voted my story before it was up long enough to be read completely, or while admitting to of not read the entire thing (Or at all). That makes them an idiot! And their opinion is invalid, they have no right to down-vote me!

Rhetoric question time! Yaaaay rhetoric! Does making a good product mean your job ends or starts at making the product?
No, no it does not. It starts at the advertisement and introduction. Trixie (And your average reader) doesn't especially care if you wrote the best story ever to grace the world, if you do not actually, say... Make it look pretty, very few people are actually going to bother reading it. Quick, when was the last time you were in a bookstore? Another Rhetoric (Isn't Rhetoric fun!) Trixie doesn't care. Now how many people do you see find books from the following process.
1. Go into a section for a genre that interests them.
2. Look for a catchy title and cover.
3. Read the little summary thingie on the inside flaps.
4. Look at the back of the book for reviews on it's quality.
5. Decide whether it's worth reading or not.

Now how many people do you see who use this process.
1. Go into a section at random because they don't want to discriminate against types of stories.
2. Look for any title and cover.
3. Buy it on the spot.
4. Read the entire 800 page novel.
5. Hate the entire thing.
6. Happy with their decision to waste their time reading a story didn't like.

Ya, that's what Trixie thought. Now you can argue that fanfiction isn't quite the same, most fics aren't nearly that long!
... Except it's relative, the amount of spare time a person has is generally going to depict how much time they really have for such a thing. (Which is why you will occasionally get readers who go "I didn't like your story and here's why..." But as with all other 'constructive' types, these are an incredible minority, not the majority. )
Now, it should be evident to what Trixie is working towards stating, right? (... Does Trixie really need to point out this is Rhetoric? No? Good.)
As a writer: You do in fact, fail if you can not make an intriguing advertisement for your work, it isn't the readers fault, in any way, shape or form. (In the spirit of being helpful: Synopsis guide, And Title assistance) It's completely unrealistic and quite frankly, silly (Trixie refuses to say it's stupid, Trixie can see where the perspective comes from.) to expect your readers to feel obligated to read the entire story before forming an opinion.

Yes, Trixie gets it, all that work, days, weeks, months, maybe even years of work... All dismissed with a roll of the eyes and a down-vote without being seen.
But quite simply, if that's happening enough to piss you off... Sorry to say, but you need more work! (You heard me non-existent writer that Trixie is referring to for the ease of writing this!) A decent story synopsis, title, image, character tags, story tags, and preferably, your Author's notes in an actual comment, NOT in the story itself, (even in the box for it, because nothing really breaks immersion like reading a sad, love filled drama, then right as you go to flip chapters and keep reading to see what happens to Bon Bon... "lol i was so tired when i wrote this like srsly, i also feel obligated to leave random statements at the end of every chapter for no real reason outside of stroking my ego, hurr."... Okay, Trixie may be a tad bit biased against that one...) and yes, you even need to make sure your intro is easy to swallow. I don't care if your writing suddenly becomes stellar 5k words in and the plot twist 17k words in is absolutely to die for. If the first several chapters, hell, the first paragraph, is absolutely dry and gives the hesitant reader no reason to keep going.

... Don't expect them to, just so you can feel better about the reasons they disliked your work. It's really quite silly... By which Trixie means, you look incredibly butthurt to everyone else even if they don't say anything. (Consider this the only time Trixie will say it directly. :trixieshiftright:)


So, again, as with the previous two concepts frequently used by many a writer and reader alike. The responsibility and obligation lays with the writer not the readerwho just tapped the down-vote button. They are under no obligation or need to review or give a reason for it, they are under no obligation to read the entire thing, they are under no obligation to give second chances, or really take any more time then it takes to look at that title+synopsis and down-vote.*** Yes, it's not the fairest thing ever, but guess what, virtually nothing else works that way, there's literally no reason for this to be any different.
Of course, it doesn't mean there's no reason to try making things better (And not because of that silly, misunderstood friendship is magic, love&tolerate crap, because you buggers actually care without needing to rely on misunderstood memes.) but don't expect everything to magically fall in line to a magical world where everything you write will be responded to with constructive comments, 100% of the time.

Also, as a side note, if you expect nameless down-voters to respond, ranting in a stories comments section with a bunch of other people about how pissed off it's making you and how many unpleasant things you desire to do to said down-voters, reeeeeallllly isn't helping. :twilightoops: Especially if they are shy to begin with as their reason to not say anything. :fluttershysad:

Now to finish this up with a fairly important fact Trixie doesn't intend on hiding or dancing around: Trixie is not an unbiased third party, Trixie is someone who legitimately does down-vote without commenting(****) and as such, is inherently biased so do take this entire thing with a grain of salt, Trixie isn't trying to play ethical high-ground, just point out her take on things. (And complain, because... seriously, There's no way Trixie is going to complain in blogs or stories where people are throwing around violent, gore filled fantasies about down-voters like Trixie, or at the very least angry mobs... Trixie's had enough angry mobs, thank you very much. :trixieshiftleft: )

*That is to say, it's not inherently infinite unless you are DaemoN, Regidar or Trixie.

**Yes, Trixie totally thought you'd choose a stupid, unlisted third option. Trixie is smart like that. :trixieshiftright:

***Unless, you know... Knighty writes a rule about it, in which case Trixie will shut up.*****

****Well, kinda... Trixie will downvote without commenting, unless Trixie likes it or thinks it has potential. In which case, yes, Trixie will generally throw a quick set of nit-picks at the spelling mistakes, awkward word choices and such. And throw the story into Read-Later so that the down-vote can later turn into an up-vote.

*****Trixie totally wouldn't shut up, just stop complaining here... loudly.

TL;DR People have their inherit right to opinion (Even if Trixie dislikes the concept of right to opinion) and that does not change, just because they don't have the time (Or desire) to spend time they aren't obligated to spend doing things that is inherently the responsibility of the writer. Opinions, they have value, even if you disagree with how they are formed. Trixie enjoys complaining.

Now, then, with everything off of Trixie's chest and out in the open...

You all still love Trixie right?

inb4 silly wall of text comments.

Report Showmare Trixie · 769 views ·
Comments ( 63 )

Now why can Trixie casually write blogs with no issue, but can't get the next 1k words of "The Companion" written... Ah, well.

... Anyway, Trixie is now going to hide from the ensuing angry mob.


-Someone down-voted my story before it was up long enough to be read completely, or while admitting to of not read the entire thing (Or at all). That makes them an idiot! And their opinion is invalid, they have no right to down-vote me!

There are cases that the author is a cancer-dispersing idiot, and it is quite oblivious that his fic is going to be shite.

...Yes, I had to downvote few fics of his.

Won't brain work my why?

I like crack, I've never tried it, but I like it.

Wow. Huge blog...:rainbowwild:

And I agree with some of it, but not all. The readers can reserve the right to anonymously down-vote based upon first impressions. I admit on certain stories i read the first 20 words and down-voted it on the spot.

But all in all I think there are some idiots that walk around just disliking certain story types: such as clop, or mature stories, or shipping etc... so just learn to ignore it. :twilightsmile:

I once wrote to a lady in Deviantart about how comments like 'Thanks for the fave!' and 'You're awesome! Keep it up!' are good things in their own right. I actually described those as little appetizers(Not much to them but there's no reason to not take them as a good thing.) where as more elaborate comments are like a full course meal(Has everything you need.).

You worded it much better than I ever could including the part about the down votes so, basically...

I agree!:eeyup:

Considering the varied types of intelligence along with EQ I don't really see the issue there.
Yes, someone may automatically dislike clopfics for being clopfics. The point is still relevant however: The down-vote expresses that the author posted something that is disliked by a portion of the community. But of course, Trixie's purpose here, is just to point out that random down-votes aren't inherently nonconstructive. An individual being an 'idiot' has no real bearing on the matter. What is relevant is a few factors.
1. This is a fanfiction site.
2. This is here for stories to provide entertainment, feels and escapism.

There's no actual rule where people need to meet incredibly biased qualifications (where they need to be intelligent in a few specific type of skills, while others don't matter, just because.) in order to have a valid opinion on what they personally as sentient individuals do or do not like.
In any case, thanks for posting, Trixie appreciates it, and your civility. :raritywink:

839457 Overof wow flords…

brain not respon.exe ding is.

agreed. one of my Favorite writers really pissed me off, because he had a whole blog post on commenting "nice".
what the hell give someone the rite to get angry if someone likes their work, when often the people commenting have nothing at all?
greedy b@steds

If you think that's bad you should see Trixie in casual conversation.
Trixie is liable to swamp people with 300+ (Literally) messages while a person sleeps, leaving them with literal hours of reading.
Trixie is very good at not shutting up.

Indeed, thanks for sharing. :twilightsmile:

... *Gives cookie*

in response to that last comment, of 'you still love Trixie right?' Of course I do! *hugs*

839425 Don't worry Trixie, I'll protect you! *hugs, and stays infront of protectively*

839699 *hugs back* by the by, I'm curious, does thou read stories staring thyself often? I know about....2 or 3 I've read that feature thee. that thou may enjoy.

Trixie is from an AU, most of the "Trixie" fics kinda focuses on the OTHER Trixie on here. Not this one.
So not really.
Trixie is writing a story about this Trixie though. Kinda a big (Year or maybe longer) Project.

Damn........you make some seriously valid points, one does not have to give a reason as to why they disliked a fic, but that does not mean they should hate the author themselves, it's all a matter of option, for example, I shall NEVER read a fic that has Spike Rarity in it....ever, but that's MY option, it has no effec towards an author's future stories or even their writing, it's a matter of what I like and don't like. And THIS blog right here is why you are going to be ruler of the world one day my friend, don't ever change who you are, please:yay:

839660 I share your opinion.

At least for the first half. :twilightsheepish:

The rest kinda broke my mind.

839726 well, not exactly, one story I read, focuses on what happened to the Trixie we saw in Season one, aka YOU the Showmare Trixie, after the Ponyville incident. it's called Trixie's Gettin' Back on her Hooves! it's quite good. I'd recommend it.

While completely intended as part of the complaint, Trixie thinks I may of forgotten to give that it's own section, the entire "Personal opinion and perspective doesn't especially lend itself to making criticism appropriate."
Thanks for reminding Trixie, gonna edit that in.
*Hands a cookie*

As for changing, Trixie is fickle and capricious by nature, changing and never settling on a single perspective is what makes me... me.
Glad you are fond of Trixie though, in any case. :raritywink:

Trixie will look into it.

Tis good to hear we agree, lower chance of conflict. :raritywink:
... What was bad about the second half exactly? Trixie doesn't mind changing or rewording things.

839828 actually, My dear, Trixie, I have it right here: hope you enjoy it *kisses* consider it a slight gift.

839828 Oh it's nothing…

…Just the insane amount of words…:applejackconfused:

Oh! That fic, that was probably Trixie's favorite Non-AU Trixie fic, really enjoyed it, didn't remember to save it though. :trixieshiftright:
Thanks love. :heart::heart:

839847 welcome my dear *hugs* Well, there's one more that definitely has my eye, ever read the story 'it's the thought that counts'? it's an AU story where you had adopted Twilight, who was an orphan. she and you are also much different.

Trixie is currently reading that one actually. :twilightsheepish: Glad we have such similar tastes in Trixie fics.

Oh, sorry. Trixie tried to keep her Psychology rambling out of the blog, should Trixie just put in a tl;dr?

839860 It would help. :rainbowlaugh:

Although the first parts can describe the whole well.

839860 I don't read fics starring Trixie often, mostly Luna fics for me, but sometimes, I find a fic that happens to involve/star Trixie, that catches my eye, such as It's the Thought that Counts, and Especially Trixie's Getting back on her Hooves, that one was hilarious and good. really good characterization for Trixie in that one, since it not only tells us the authors version of what happened to you after Ponyville in S1, but it also shows that 'you' REALLY didn't know who 'you' were dealing with when 'you' encountered Twi and company.:rainbowdetermined2:

Trixie edited an existing portion into it.

TL;DR People have their inherit right to opinion (Even if Trixie dislikes the concept of right to opinion) and that does not change, just because they don't have the time (Or desire) to spend time they aren't obligated to spend doing things that is inherently the responsibility of the writer. Opinions, they have value, even if you disagree with how they are formed. Trixie enjoys complaining.

And psh, the title of the blog is "So, Trixie gonna complain" not "So, Trixie is going to make a coherent argument."
This is what Trixie sounds like when complaining. :trixieshiftright:
Tis a legitimate title, wasn't supposed to be funny. Actually complaining, and ranting. Unlike a certain someone who makes blogs about complaining. :trixieshiftleft:

Ah, Trixie sees.
You may like Trixie's fic then. :scootangel:

839910 possibly! if my dear Trixie can get off her lazy flank and write it!! :rainbowwild: :rainbowlaugh: anyway, there IS another story I loved to read, but...sadly, the author had them taken down. :flutterrage: it was Red Thrush Private School.

839902 You mean, "complaining." :rainbowwild:

He is such a faker. :trollestia:

Trixie is actually getting fed up with trying to do unrelated one shots, and is now focusing on the story Trixie has no issues getting words down for. Act I: Path of Fomalhaut, here we come!

Yes, indeed... Trixie is glad we can agree that Knighty is a fibber.

... What? :trixieshiftleft:

839989 Hm, well, I do look forward to reading it, if it's similar to Trixie's Getting Back On Her Hooves, or It's the Thought that Counts, as you say.:rainbowdetermined2:


So, this gives Trixie an idea.
What if The up-vote, down-vote system had sub-categories?
Trixie goes to a fic Trixie ends up not liking.
Click thumbs down.
Click: Poor execution, Bad characterization, Other. (Other being, Trixie just doesn't like the concept.)
Boom, done, constructive, accurate information that can be tracked by the author (and other readers), it wouldn't of course be as efficent as a proper response, but it would be anonymous, allows a writer to see more specifically what's liked and disliked about their fic, let's people be more constructive without actually having to go through a hassle of dealing with a fic they don't actually like. (Or have the time to deal with).
Gives more happy readers a chance to point out exactly what they liked about a story without "ruining" the magic of the escapism by having to analyze, just quickly glance over and connect enough neurons to click when something applies.

As is, the only real issue with the entire thing as is, is that the mechanic is quite simply inefficient, Trixie just thinks the system would make things more constructive and efficient, without needing to really change the way people approach fics.

Trixie thinks one of you should go bug Knighty about it.

840020 that does sound like a good idea my love. perhaps somepony should start poking Knighty to 'bug' him about it?

Hardly, It's a very unique alt. Universe that starts about... Thirty, forty years before the beginning of the show, it's one of those, big world building fics really.But with Trixie, Luna, and such as primarily focused on characters.

840027 if Luna's involved, then thou may have caught my attention again! remember, most of the stories I read, have Luna as a main character. either her, or Scoot, Rainbow Dash, and VERY occasionally, Trixie (by very occasionally, I mean TWO stories, or 3)


840020 The idea is good, I actually like it.

Too bad knighty hates me for some reason.

840020 "hey knighty, come over here"

Psh, impossible, who could hate you? :heart:

Ah, Trixie sees. Luna is very important for the first four acts, not really sure about the Sequel... Maybe, Trixie could work her in.

Annnd we have a volunteer!

840082 perhaps Trixie could work yours truely in :trollestia::scootangel:


840082 A lot of people it seems. :ajbemused:

Especially those who cannot handle critique.

840082 done. if our most wonderful and grand master doesn't get the message, I'll PM him, but I've just commented for now..

Was actually thinking of PMing you later, there's a few slots open for OC's that Trixie hasn't worked on yet.

*Trixie is currently on her brainstorming Gdoc, outlining the intro*

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