• Member Since 11th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 17th, 2021


CAUTION: User is British, and thus may use British spellings. Expect an 'S' where you'd normally find a 'Z' and the letter 'U' in places you never thought you'd see it. You have been warned. :P

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  • 170 weeks

    ... been a while, hasn't it? Just passing through for a bit of a nostalgia trip!

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  • 468 weeks
    *Zombie shuffling noise*


    (...blimey, this place has changed a bit. New curtains?)

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  • 539 weeks
    I'M ALIVE!

    ... I know, I can hardly believe it either!

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  • 557 weeks
    One hundred....

    ...subscribers! Yes, I can't believe it either. Granted, 75.3489% of these are probably "watch as many people as I can for the sake of my e-penis" types, but screw it, I'm quite pleased anyway.

    Thanks y'all!

    6 comments · 569 views
  • 563 weeks
    Chapter 17 of BITC....

    ... is coming within the next 24 hours!

    I know, I can barely believe it either...

    13 comments · 575 views

Q and A... · 8:32pm Feb 10th, 2013

Yes, I'm jumping on the Q and A bandwagon, and I have NO REGRETS*. None at all.

So, you most likely know the drill by now. You ask questions, I slap the keyboard in an attempt to produce a response that will satisfy your perverse cravings for Gizmo knowledge. It can be about anything - ponies, my stories, things completely unrelated to this site... the only thing I'm not giving out is personal info. No real name, no contact details, etc. I'm a miserable and antisocial secretive brony and I want to maintain it.

So then, ask away! Or don't! Makes no difference to me!

* Well, no regrets relating to this, anyway. There was that time in Mexico... with the matches... and the livestock... I mean, who knew goats weren't fireproof? That was fairly regrettable.

Report PointlessGizmo · 318 views ·
Comments ( 44 )

What are you planning on doing after your "Leech" series?

And what is your favorite cheese? :pinkiehappy:

Alright! Q&A! Okay okay, hm. If you could make ONE change in the show, what would it be and why?

You have ten seconds.

Nine... eight... clock is ticking!

Was your mother, in fact, ADOLF HITLER IN DRAG?!?!

Will Leech and Trixie get happy endings?


Change one thing in the show... hmm. Oddly enough, the theme song. I think I'm the only MLP fan in the entire known universe who finds the opening theme to be immensely irritating. I always turn the volume down during the opening sequence.


Gizmo hazz planzz. Oh yes, he does. After the Leech series is finally consigned to the fetid sewer of history, I've got lots of ideas for one-shot, single chapter stories. The first one is going to be starring Iron Will, because there aren't enough Iron Will stories around here! Then a little later on I'll be doing another chapter-based story which may take place in the same continuity as the Leech series but won't star either of them. The Leech series itself is going to be subject to some modifications - there was an entire chapter cut from BTTS which I want to re-implement, explaining Leech's origin story.

Also, I can't eat cheese. Not out of any dietary restrictions, it just tastes foul.


Fraid not. My proverbial bread isn't buttered that way, unfortunately.


HA! No, my mother is in fact a whited-up Robert Mugabe. :moustache:


If you mean that in the sense of them getting endings where they're happy... well, you'll just have to wait and see. If, however, you mean "Happy Ending" in the massage parlor sense... eeew, I'm not that kind of writer! What's wrong with you?! :twilightoops: :rainbowlaugh:


Endings where they are happy. I don't ship TrixieXLeech.

Mostly because I pity anyone who has the grave misfortune to be romantically involved with Leech.


One shudders to imagine what kind of unusual and highly personal injuries you'd have to try and explain to the hospital staff...

How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if you were on fire in Nebraska on a November night?


It's a question that has troubled the scholars of the world since the dawn of civilization. Unfortunately, I've never been able to find this out. Every time I've been on fire in Nebraska in the presence of a woodchuck, I've been too preoccupied with the whole "being on fire" thing to establish the quantity of wood the wood chuck is chucking. Next time I'll take an independent, not-on-fire third party with me to measure the wood. lol, double entendre.


When contemplating shipping with Leech, you don't wonder who he'd be happy with.

You wonder who deserves to put up with him The answer to that is probably something along the lines of comic!Queen Chrysalis, kitten murderer.

Which side are you on? Solar Empire or New Lunar Republic?


Epic troll. You win a :trollestia:


Neither, I'm a mercenary. Whoever offers me the most muffins gets my services. :trollestia:

Comment posted by The Sergeant deleted Feb 10th, 2013


(Offers you 1000 muffins) Will you serve Our Princess Luna, and take the fight to those Traitorous Solar Imperial dogs?


Depends. What flavor are they?


Whatever flavour you want them to be. Right now they're chocolate muffins with Chocolate chips. Wait, DERPY! THOSE AREN'T FOR YOU! :derpytongue2:


ok ok, how'd you come up with your name?


It's my birth name. My parents are cruel.

Actually, it's because the username "Gizmo" was already taken. So I decided to slap a pointless word on the front of it just to make it different. Because I was lacking imagination that night, the pointless word I chose was in fact the word "Pointless" itself.

And that's how Equestria PointlessGizmo was made!

Well. Ok then.


Yeah... sorry it wasn't more exciting than that. It really was just a case of "Oh, bollocks. That name's taken... alright, let's just shove another word on the front. Job done."

Usually when I choose a username for something, there's more explosions, car chases and ninjas involved. This one was just plain dull.


Once the Leech series is 'complete' do you think you'd do an occasional one-shot with them as a special for Halloween or Christmas or something? (Or if you're just feeling bored?)


Possibly, but the main problem there is that you'd need to read the main series to understand them. My writing skills haven't yet reached the standard where I can write a continuation that doesn't rely on knowledge of the previous installments to work. Perhaps I'd do shorts as blog posts, since the people following me are the ones most likely to be familiar with the characters.

Either that or learn to vector and give them their own Tumblr...

Is Trixie your favourite pony?

Don't even lie, it's impossible to say no.


Actually, no. She genuinely isn't, I chose her for my story because she made for the starkest contrast with Leech. I mean she's alright, don't get me wrong, but not my fave. I actually don't have a favorite per se, although :duck: is a guilty pleasure. Guilty because I *hate* uppity people in real life.

What is your favourite Military plane? (Story Research)


I'm detecting a preference for Russian hardware in your story... however I've always been more into military transports and bombers rather than fighters. Always been partial to a good V-Bomber myself, the Handley-Page Victor being my fave. It's so ugly, it's awesome. Just wish the authorities would let the one working example fly again...


World war II wise, I have a soft spot for the Focke Wulf 189, a two engined recon craft. Same story, only one example left. :fluttershysad:

Haha I know you're lying because nobody can resist Trixie's charm.

The sooner you admit Trixie is best pony, the sooner you can find true happiness in life. This applies to everyone.

I should start a cult. A cult of Trixie.


It already exists, it's called EqD.

NO! It's a trap! Those aren't chocolate chip! They are RAISINS! :pinkiegasp:
Treachery! :flutterrage:

How do you deal with SPAHS!
(Totally ship Trixie/Leech btw. //dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Trixie_lolface_1.png )

Nazis had the BEST toys.


Well yeah, but sometimes they talk about things other than Trixie. In my cult, any conversation not directly related to Trixie is banned. Breaking this rule is punishable BY DEATH.


Easy - Degreaser + Homerwrecker combo. Burn the spahs, then deal with their sappers.

And I AM NOT SHIPPING THEM. Ever. I mean seriously, imagine the foals... :rainbowderp: :rainbowlaugh:

Won't somepony think of the FOALS! :raritycry:
But Leech/Trixie is the only way Trixie could sleep with herself! :rainbowlaugh:
(S'ok, I really ship Twixie anyway! :derpytongue2:)

Sadly those flameproof goats really never got past the design table. *shakes head sadly then perks up* Anyway!

Do you find Leech and Trixie change or do things that surprise you?


Well, they can't really surprise me since I write everything they do. :pinkiehappy: However, they've both changed significantly from when I first thought them up. Or rather, thought Leech up, Trixie was a pre-existing character, this is just one interpretation. Initially Leech was going to be a fairly competent assistant for Trixie, with a decent level of intelligence and no buzzing impediment. The story would have revolved around Trixie attempting to keep his existence a secret, and the humor would have come from Leech not understanding pony culture rather than merely being an idiot. I've actually started to shift back towards the latter in BITC, as Leech is slowly learning common sense but still doesn't really understand how ponies do things. The first story would have also ended with Trixie and Leech parting on sour terms, but of course it didn't work out that way. :moustache:


Hey, they weren't all Nazis.

Well true. But you know what I meant. For clarifications sake though, I will change it to, the Wermacht got all the best toys. Well, the Heer did anyway. The Luftwaffe got kind of shafted.


Luftwaffe got the Me-262 Schwalbe. Schwalbe wins :rainbowdetermined2: points.

Yeah, pretty cool pretty cool. And the Stuka was a piece of work too. But the Schwalbe came too late to really help things. And the Luftwaffe just didn't get much love. Actually, a contributing factor to Germany's defeat was a lack of 4-engine strategic bombers. (They did have the Henikel He 177, but that was the ONLY long range bomber they had, and it was only two engines and less payload than the B-17) Whereas the allies had such gems as the mighty B-17, The cool looking B-24, and the OMFG huge B-29. Not to mention a lot of other cool planes. The Thunderbolt comes to mind.

On the other hand, they had Hans Rudel, possibly the most dangerous pilot to ever live. Rudel flew 2,530 combat missions claiming a total of 2,000 targets destroyed; including 800 vehicles, 519 tanks, 150 artillery pieces, 70 landing craft, nine aircraft, 4 armored trains, several bridges, a destroyer, two cruisers, and the Soviet battleship Marat.
An effing battleship!


That's hilarious! I LOATHE the main theme song! HOW LOVELY! I think it's only because it reminds me so much of the 80's itineration of the show... ew. EW EW EW.

Excellent answer! JOLLY GOOD SHOW!

:pinkiehappy: - ... Pinkie fight?


Germans had the Focke-Wulf 200 Condor. I think it was their primary 4-engine bomber :pinkiehappy:

I hesitate to continue this due to the fact I think we a pretty much spamming by this point. :twilightoops: :twilightsheepish: Oh dear.

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