• Member Since 9th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 2nd, 2020


More Blog Posts91

  • 509 weeks
    Writing stuff... and music and stuff

    One of my goals this summer was to make a fic... I wish it had happened, if only to see those people that used to be my friends and fans telling me that I'm okay at something even if I could never believe it myself. Music has been... great for me, I'm more well-known now than I ever was before.

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  • 525 weeks

    Different facets of reality can warp the perspectives of others by the transfer or matter
    The mind is the dimension above the one we’re in, where matter is the transfer of ideas, emitted by thought

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    2 comments · 416 views
  • 549 weeks
    Proctra — Night Mare (Ft. Feather and... me!)

    When I set out writing on this page, one of the end goals in mind as I started to grow popular was that I wanted to get onto Equestria Daily. While it may be a shallow reason for creating art, it was a goal nonetheless. Well, I accomplished my goal, but not through my writing. It was for something much more wholesome in my opinion at least.

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  • 577 weeks

    Hi! I'm still alive, I think...
    Um, wow. You know, I was reading over some of the comments in HitS part one, and you guys...

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  • 583 weeks
    April Fools

    AHAHAHAHAHAHA Damn I seem to have been given a free Fimfiction Gold Membership! Wow, this is the happiest day of my life! Senpai finally noticed me!
    Kinda strange how nobody else seems to have gold membership except for me, but who cares? I'm a freakin' gold member!

    Nice try, Knighty ^^

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Chrome's Hour of Blog · 10:31pm Jan 26th, 2013

I have approximately an hour until my time will arrive that I may head off to work. A friend once told me that the first step to writing is just to write, so that's exactly what I'm doing. This page is going to be filled with whatever comes to my mind in the next hour, be it little updates about what is going on in my life in the aspect of writing, music, some upcoming ideas, and maybe a little IRL stuff, depending on how free I'm feeling. So, for those of you with a weak resolve and not much time on your hands, I suggest you go ahead and leave, cause it's gonna be a long one.

Well, since I obviously gave my writing a break for a reason, I'm gonna kind of show you a little insight as to what I've been doing on the alternative. Some of you who know me a little better understand that I have a busy mind; something that tends to traverse into my hands. I'm never EVER doing nothing, and I never stop learning. This whole "hiatus" thing was more of a way to clear my head a little, but that doesn't seem to be working. I suspect I need a vacation...

Anywho, another thing that some of my closer followers might have picked up is my overwhelming desire and love for composition, a talent and long that has moved on to full-blown sound engineering. If any of you have the notion in your head that the computer is not an instrument, then I'm here to politely tell you that you are mistaken. It is an instrument, and a very hard one to master. But, with a little bit of $500 dollar software, some help from Glaze, and some slightly less official software, it slowly becomes easier if you're willing to take the time to learn it. I don't normally like to self-promote (hah) but here's the most recent project I've been working on, based on the idea of breaking the walls that deny you inspiration. It came to me through an RP sesh that I had a few days ago.

That Wall

Dragnovox is convinced that I should send it to EqD, but we'll see.

Another thing that has come to mind is a friend of mine, the same friend that helped me, in a lot of ways, to break free of my mental block. M1SF0RTUNE, a fantastic friend, a very hard critic and a better writer than I, has been slaving over his story "Price of Loyalty" for as long as I've known the guy. I, being the great comrade and semi-avid reader that I am, agreed to help him with pre-reading the project and giving him feedback. I'll admit, it's quite the long read, especially due to the fact that it's only four chapter (one of them being an introduction) in, and it's already well over 40,000 words. I've wholeheartedly stuck with him in this endeavor since our introduction to eachother, and I must say, this story is amazing. There's one scene in particular (I won't go into detail about it) that has, to date, been the only scene in any fanfic that has made me shed more than one tear. He's really a modest guy, especially because his writing skills exceed mine, I'm just a little more lucky. Well, here it is, the only story to date that I've heard submitted to EqD and sent back with minor grammar mistakes without a strike counting against it. That's amazing, just so you know.

Price Of Loyalty

We will also, sometime in the near future, be doing a collaboration on a story of his choosing, so be on the lookout for that (I will be making a post about it for sure, but jus' so ya know).

Well, some of you also saw that blog post that I made about a week ago with a completely random explanation about some hospital scene. Well, the secret is out. I'm making a shipping story. BUT WAIT! Chrome, why would you do something so shallow? Well, for one, I'm kind of in a hole, and need to get out some frustration on a new story, but mostly because this shipping isn't very usual, and has the potential to be made into a pretty interesting story. There is a blog on Tumblr made specifically about a relationship between Rainbow Dash and Bandy, a character based on Rainbow's hospital mate in Reed it and Weep. I'm not gonna go into it too much, but I will, however, link you to the blog:

Bandydash Tumblr

I contacted the guy, and he seemed pretty into it, so I hope that goes.

I've expressed this with a few of you, but I'll admit it here where everyone can see: I'm really disappointed with Relapse and Wicker's Guide to the Departed. It was the story that I put the most planning into, and I really am sad to say that it didn't make it off the ground. I hope that someday I'll do it right. It really does have a fantastic story arch, but I think the slow start turned a lot of people off.

And that's another thing, I just today updated HitS2, and it was featured again. I'll be honest, it didn't really seem to pull very many readers in. More than anything, I found it to be really strange, but I digress. I've got a lot of things planned that are supposed to happen in it, and the finale I hope will at least give you some sort of life perspective, or inspire some thought. Thing is, and the main reason I'm having so much trouble with writing right now, is I just can't get from point A to point B like I used to anymore. And I don't like skipping around either, I don't want to move ahead, cause that could unintentionally jeopardize the continuity. Well, feel free to give me your support, moral support from strangers seems to be what helps me the most through these times.


My cat is getting old. He was laying in my lap a few days ago, and I started tearing up because I knew that I wouldn't have much more time with him. I'm basically his favorite human, and I wish there was an easier way to say goodbye to him when the time comes. He's sitting here right now. He's probably hungry.

Rarity is best pony.

I wrote an essay in English out of boredom. It wasn't an assignment, I was just really really bored. The premise around the whole thing was that life likes to mess with people in very ironic and twisted ways. It was centered around the idea that "Everything will be Okay" usually means that something terrible is going to happen.

I made a group on Skype, and it's taking up a ton of my time.

I never realized how great an RP relationship can be. It's really kind of calming, and Chromy is more happy than she has ever been.

But yeah, I really want to reboot RaW, and start from a more opportune spot, somewhere that the readers can become attached to the meticulously crafted characters that I made for.

I think I should probably start getting ready for work, so I'll leave you all to it. If you reached the end, you deserve a metal. I don't have any, so I think I'll just put a gif at the bottom.

Report PegasYs · 342 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

Dayum that's a long blog.

Wut. Hiatus you say? I have plenty to do as I wait.

Fear not, for my resolve is unwavering, and my time unchallenged by routine or appointment! That Wall is pretty good, and I'm glad you are still liking music so much, and getting to work with Glaze some more. I'll check out the story you mentioned, although maybe not immediately, I gots so many things to read right now ya know?

Good luck with your writing though, and sorry about RaW's reception.

(:raritywink: I checked, the Rarity armband my sis got me today tells me that yes, you are indeed correct, Rare's is best pony)

Dat gif....wa.....?

Let me just say that I absolutely Love being a part of some of these events

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