• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 27th, 2018

Cranberry Muffin

More Blog Posts65

  • 584 weeks
    Bad News, Guys

    I'm going to have to call a hiatus from writing here =/

    For the past couple weeks, I haven't written a single thing -- I think I'm kind of burnt out. I haven't really read much, either, and I could easily blame the new season of Transormers: Prime for this, but I was already losing steam before I started roboting.

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  • 586 weeks
    In which Cranberry offers to make things...

    ...For a small fee.

    So here's the deal, everypony. Me, Random and Toastie had such a great deal at the local con that we want to make a trek to Anime Boston at the end of May.

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  • 587 weeks
    Cosplay Pics! X3

    Sooooo...It was Genericon weekend! I am posting a small sampling of the pictures I took.

    This one was from the con sponsored photo booth:

    Random as Fluttershy, Discord, me as Pinkie, and Toastie as Trixie.

    The Great and Powerful Trixie's awesome cloak.

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  • 588 weeks
    From the mouths of foals...

    So E. and I are derping around while cleaning up his toys tonight and he was looking at the wallpaper on my phone, which is a goofy picture of Discord and Pinkie:

    He looks up at me and very seriously asks "Does Pinkie love Discord?"

    I made this face: 8D

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  • 588 weeks
    Good news, everypony!

    I've been doing some writing, finally!

    I had some free time yesterday, so I started some work on the next chapter of "All Is Calm." It's about half finished and I hope to have it completed and up sometime before the weekend.

    I also have a lot of ideas about what I want the next part of "We're Gonna Get There Soon" to be like, so I need to get cracking on that.

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What's a Pinkie without her curls? · 4:31pm Jan 21st, 2013

A sad, sad thing indeed.

Hey, Chase, remember when we were talking about the noodle-maned plushies? (That was you I was talking to about that, right?)

Well, I tried re-maning a Pinkie today, to much success. I found this nice, thick yarn at Walmart that unwound well to make shiny curls. One hour and one bleeding finger later (I poked myself; nothing serious), I have a curly!Pinkie on my hooves.

In other news, I got it into my head yesterday that I could make a Discord. I spent the better part of the evening rooting in my fabric bin for the right colors in large enough quantities (he's going to be about two feet long), digging for the floofy white yarn I had from a different plush project from many moons ago, running to Walmart to fetch the missing fabric colors (I HAD NOTHING BLUE!), and puttering around with ideas about how to piece our mismatched friend together.

His body, his goat leg, and his lion paw are mostly complete -- They're waiting to be stuffed. I goofed up the claws on his dragon leg and need to remake it. Figuring out his eagle claw arm and head are going to be difficult, as well as his antler, but I'm excited for making his beard and horn. I think those will be fun.

Right now, it looks like he exploded all over my work space.

Also, the local anime/game/nerd convention is coming in a month and a half and my friend (who shall be known henceforth as Toastie) and I want to do Pony cosplay. I'm going to be fixing up a Pinkie costume; she wants to be Trixie. We need to do more plotting; I'm not sure yet if we're going actual pony or human or whathaveyou, but I'm excited for a photoshoot.

And now, back to writing and sewing (and tidying before the Handyman comes!).

Edit: And I am soooooo LOLOLOLOLing about the fact that there are two guests on Maury that are arguing and sniping at each other...And their names are Diamond and Tiara.

Report Cranberry Muffin · 346 views ·
Comments ( 29 )

Wow, looks like I wasn't the only one bitten by the plushie bug. I built my girlfriend an Applejack (who still needs eyes and a hat) yesterday. Also, I didn't read directions and instead of getting 1/3yd of fabric like the instructions said, i got 3 full yards. I can probably make 5 Applejacks out of it, and I have no idea what to do with so much cloth.

2ft tall discord? That's awesome. Will he stand on his own?

And yes, I was the one that was discussing noodle-manes with you.

And now I want to make a pony out of noodles. A macaroni body, and a spaghetti and penne mane and tail. Serve with sauce. nom nom

Applejack WIP


Your AJ is adorable (and I love the catbutt, too XD). Might I ask what pattern you're using?

If you have that much leftover fabric...Why not make a blanket? You could totally make a fleece throw simply by hemming around the edges and, I dunno, adding AJ's cutie mark to a corner or something. That would be adorable and it is my personaly belief that you can NEVER have too many fleece blankets (although, where you live, that may not be true...).

Two feet was a rough estimate...I actually think, now that more parts of him are finished, he'll probably be bigger. He's still in pieces, though all his limbs are now complete. I need to attach them and make his head, still. His eagle talon's not in this picture, but it is complete. I've stuffed him quite a bit, but I don't think his skinny legs will support him. He's meant to be pretty floppy and cuddly X3

A blanket is a pretty good idea. We'll see. I will most likely make another AJ plushie for myself once I finish my GF's. I used Voodoo-Tiki's pattern on deviantart. It was really easy, just print off on cardstock, cut out, and follow the directions. The hardest part was the mane and tail because I didn't have a pattern for them and I just kinda 'winged it'. She took 5 hours to sew by hand, but I think that now that I know what I'm doing, it will go by faster.

The Discord parts look cool. I can't wait to see then when it's done.

And I actually use a fleece blanket my GF made me last year on my dorm bed now that I don't have to have my university-issued sheets and have to make my rack to standard.

Also, Pinkie looks much better with her new mane and tail. :pinkiehappy:


Hand sewing is a bitch. When I made Derpy here she took me about seven hours. She was so small I had to do it by hand, despite the fact that I own a sewing machine.

Yarn hair is my favorite. I'm not one for stuffed hair -- I like being able to do things with the hair. Though if I could buy fake fur in fun colors at JoAnn's, I would probably make furry manes and tails instead of yarn ones.

Discord is completely pattern-free, which is why his head is still kind of a puzzle. I'm trying to sew his ears right now, but something is off-kilter with the sewing maching, so I need to figure that out before I can proceed -_-"

Also, Pinkie looks MUCH more Pinkie-esque with her new mane and tail.

I don't mind hand sewing. I mend my clothes and gear all the time, so I am actually pretty fast with a needle and thread. A sewing machine would be awesome, but I don't have the cash or number of projects to drop on a decent one.

As far as going without a pattern, it's just a lot of hit and miss with designs. When cutting out her mane, I poured over hundreds of pictures of AJ plushies and vector images to get a good idea of what it should shape up to be.

I really want to get some 500 denier cordura to make a bombproof tactical plushie.


I don't mind hand sewing either, when it's...less tiny(?) product I'm working with. The hand-sewn parts of Discord were pretty quick to piece together, as opposed to Derpy's bitty wings and ears.

My mom got me the machine for my birthday back when I was making kimonos for a cosplay Random and I were doing for Katsucon. It's been a huge help since then, because I've made tons of little pillows and animals and costume parts. I'm also half-finished with a Gusty hat. I need to sew on the ears and make a horn :D

And yes, using pics as a reference is a must. You can kind of see a couple Discords in the background of the limb shot. I was looking at them while trying to figure out his legs.

Making a plush horn has to be... interesting. Though this hat sounds intriguing.

I really want to make another plushie now, I just don't have the time for it normally. Stupid school :/


I haven't gotten to any horns yet...But soon I will be making Discord's. Once I get the head done, that is -- The first attempt was on the right track, but his muzzle was too long. Have to recut and try again...*putters*

And I know the not having time thing. Plushing making is time consuming. I want to get this done today, because I won't have more time for sewing until Friday if I don't.

Don't fret, there are still hours of daylight left with which to work by! Or at least there are here.

And this semester is bringing me my first homework assignments in two years. I hate busywork. :twilightangry2:

As far as Discord's head goes, is it something you can unstitch, but and restitch?


I have a good 5 hours or so to work, have dinner, and take out the garbage/recycling before bed...And I'm drawing to a close.

I totally had to recut it; the first one looked kind of anteater-ish. The one I just flew through the sewing machine is better, so I stuffed it and am now sewing it shut so I can add the ears, eyes, nostrils, tooth, beard...Then make his horns and mane.


What kind of stuffing are you using?

And is his tooth stuffed, or just a bit of cloth?


Poly-fil. I had it in my closet from past projects.

His tooth is likely going to just be a piece of felt. I haven't gotten to it, yet, but that's what I'm thinking.


Nifty. I wonder how hard it would be to sew a real fang onto a plushie. It may make it a little less huggable, but it would look cool.


Definitely less cuddly! I wouldn't want him biting me in my sleep!

It would be a very discord-y thing to do though...

And plushie cuddles are second best cuddles.


That is very true.

And I don't get real cuddles. Haven't found a special somepony for myself yet.


It'll come soon enough. But plushies come close. They don't snore, kick you, talk in their sleep or steal all the covers.

<-- says a guy who talks in his sleep, steals covers, sometimes snores, and wakes up at ungodly early hours of the morning for no reason.


I wouldn't trust a Discord plush to not do those things...

When I was in college, I apparently used to throw plushies in my sleep. Most mornings, my BFF (who was also my roomie for a year and a half) would wake up with half the cast of Inu Yasha on her bed.


True. Though with Discord, he would also probably turn the sheets into wet noodles, pillows into cotton candy, and make the bed spin in midair.

I think my roommate would go nuts if I threw things at him while I was sleeping. He already has to deal with my unconscious ramblings (seriously, why was I asking him for a bent hair whistle while digging though the window?) and my odd tastes in music.


He would be kicked out of the bed if he did that. I require very specific circumstances for proper, restful sleep.

It helped that Nellie and I have been friends since we were eight. We each knew what we were getting into when we decided to share a room.

(Also, I'm watching Seinfeld and Kramer just shouted "And without rules, there's chaos!" which made me smile in my heart a little.)


I don't. So long as I can sit or lay down (or even stand still in one spot sometimes) I can sleep.

And I have never seen Seinfeld. But I don't watch much TV.


Oh, I am a picky sleeper. And a light sleeper. It sucks. I can never sleep well anywhere but my own bed.

Seinfeld is one of my favorite shows :twilightsmile:

I think being in a near-constant state of exhaustion helps. Between my studies and early morning PT, I only get about 4-5 hours of sleep a night. Sleep deprivation does wonders for sleeping issues (for me at least).

I think MLP is the first show I have ever actually gotten 'into' (into being defined as actively staying up/waking up early to catch the new episode and such). I do enjoy The Big Bang Theory and How I met Your Mother a lot too though.


Ah, gotcha. I usually get a solid seven to eight hours a night. I like my sleep.

Big Bang Theory :heart::heart::heart: I love that show. And being a nerd/friends with nerds helps me appreciate it even more.

I need a solid 8 hours too. I just don't usually get it in one night. It's more of a 5 hours at night then a 2 hour nap after lunch.

Being friends with geeks is fun. Especially because it's so relateable to my life(ish).


I make SURE I get enough sleep...Or I am the biggest grouch.

I have no shame in being a geek. It's hip to be nerdy!

And Discord is almost done...I just need to sew on one more leg, his arms, and his wings...Then the mane. I desperately needed a dinner break, though!


As long as I get at least 4 hours and a nap midday, I can survive so long as I get a midday nap or two. But I get cranky if I am up beyond 11pm.

I embrace my geeky side. It's more fun that way.

And woooo! Almost done!

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