• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th


aka Mr. Chaos of the "Harry Potter: Pokemon Master Series", "Authors of Our Own Fate", and "A Man of Iron"

More Blog Posts149

  • 139 weeks
    The God Squad Quickie: The Next Generation

    "Package for you Sunny!" Hitch said, pushing in a large wooden crate.

    "What the hay is it?" Sunny asked, tapping on the box.

    "Not sure... there is a note though." Hitch opened it open. "Huh. It says, 'Congrats on being an Alicorn, he's your problem now, Signed Twi'. Who is Twi-"

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  • 193 weeks
    Comedy Series Idea, looking for feedback

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  • 196 weeks
    New comedy one shot

    Still working out the finer details but I might be posting a new comedy one-shot sometime this weekend. I don't want to say too much so I'll just leave the title and the 1 sentence summary:

    Princess Twilight Blew a Walrus
    "Yes, you did read that right"

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  • 242 weeks
    The God Squad's delay

    Purely because work sucked up my time to right. Another chapter will be out soon.

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  • 246 weeks
    Sunset and Tydal in the EG Universe

    So, as established in Book 2 a Human Sunset still exists. And apparently when a being from the EG universe has an Equestrian take over their body... they remember everything.

    Meaning Dean Tydal, already not to most stable individual when it comes to protecting those he cares for... now has a War God's memories in his head.

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Plot Bunny #1 · 3:04am Jan 7th, 2013

Because of how weird my brain is wired, I tend to come up with story ideas very often, to the point that I will never be able to write them all. So, I have decided that I will share them here... maybe someone will take a plot bunny and run with it... maybe I will... or maybe nothing will happen. But at least I got it out of my head.

Plot Bunny #1: Harry Potter and the Elements of Harmony

The night that Voldemort attacked the Potter family, Lily sent out a silent plea to the universe that her son be protected. This magical plea was heard by the ruler of a land in another dimension: Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria. Celestia arrives to find baby Harry all alone and, out of pity and compassion, takes him with her back to Equestria. Harry is given to Twilight and her friends to raise.

The first part would focus on what would happen if a human baby with magical powers was raised by Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack and Spike. How would this shape the child to live in a world with pony values. The second half would deal with him returning to Earth to go to Hogwarts and how his upbringing would change things (because, lets face it, those 6 are going to really warp his view of the world).

This is up for grabs if anyone wants to take it. If not, no harm or foal.

Edit: Some additional bits/ideas that came to me for this world (please keep in mind that I have never watched the movies or read the books... all of this is based on research and fan fics I have read)

- Harry, being a human baby, would confound the ponies... they would panic because he wasn't speaking after a few months (or even running around and causing messes like the Cake Twins), and his need of a 'stick' to use magic... well...

-Some of the girls would adapt better than others. Fluttershy would be the most surprising, as she would quickly get over her fear of the soft squishy thing and be the most mothering of the girls, followed by Twilight and Applejack, then Rarity. Pinkie would view Harry at first much like a pet (think putting a collar on him and trying to teach him to fetch) and Rainbow would take a while to warm up to him ("All he does is sleep and poop! At least Scootaloo has that scooter of hers!")

-Because magic is more accepted in Equestria, Harry would be VERY skilled by the time he got to Hogwarts... to the point that he would be pointing out the mistakes the professors had made.

-Let's just say the idea of taking away Hagrid's baby dragon would NOT go over well with Harry

-Harry would develop many new skills, including leg muscles that would make him a great karate master, the ability to party till dawn, wonderful fashion sense ("Note to self... do not let Rarity see these robes" Harry thought as he looked over his 'uniform' in disgust), no animal would freak him out, thanks to learning 'The Stare' ("Harry, we came as-WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THE BASILISK?!?!" Dumbledore yelled, staring up at the young man. Harry was perched on giant snake's head, scratching him gently. "Basilisk? Oh, you mean Mr. Slinky? He said he is real sorry for hurting everypony and he promises not to do it again, Professor!"), obviously be VERY magical, and be the first human to perform a sonic rainboom on a broom.

-Sirius would, of course, hit on Luna. It would not go well (or would it...)

Report defender2222 · 701 views ·
Comments ( 26 )

I have the exact same problems with stories as well.
I keep thinking of stories, and then I never have time to write them all down.

I might do it.

Oh dear LOOOORD! XD What has your mind brought forth upon this world? XD


Somewhat reminds me of that Naruto fic someone was writing a while back.

If someone does do this, I want to be informed. As for the mane 6 warping his view(s) of the world, I'm fairly certain that Pinkie would do the most warping because... Pinkie. Who knows, she may just visit him at Hogwarts from time to time via the personal potted plant pony portal pathways (patent pending).

I wish I could write it, but I'm already co-writing a Maximum Ride x MLP:FiM crossover with RD becoming human and meeting the Flock on their post-apoc island.

Would it be okay if I take a shot at this? :pinkiesad2:


Anyone is welcome to take a stab at it... that is why I posted the bunny.


That was one of my first thoughts is Harry, upon meeting Ron and Hermione, would talk about never breaking a friend's trust, then check all the plants to make sure Pinkie wasn't ready to burst out... only for her to appear 3 hours later ('Because you would not believe the traffic, Harry-Wary!')

And I thought I was the only one who had this idea! There's also other ideas from common fanfiction tropes that I'd like to see be used in pony fiction, but haven't yet. Like video game style Peggy Sue fics.

This could be odd. Definite seed of somepony with a Hufflepuff personality stereotype (somewhat naive, very hard-working, honest and friendly), or possibly, if Twilight has the most influence, a very strong Ravenclaw personality stereotype (asocial, academically brilliant magical prodigy). Either way, his flying aptitude would remain unchanged - Rainbow wouldn't allow anything else - and Fluttershy's instruction would probably make him a CoMC prodigy too.

Restricting an Equestria-raised Harry to what the Ministry of Magic allows for underage witches and wizards would be difficult. He would probably apparate almost instinctively, especially when annoyed or distracted, and the use of kinetic magics would probably be so automatic to him that he wouldn't even necessarily know it's happening.

"So, what do you think of Potter, Hermione?"

"I don't know, Lavender. I try to be open-minded but it's difficult to feel at ease around a boy whose first instinct is to nuzzle you!"


"Your Highness, please be reasonable! The fate of our world...!"

"Professor Dumbledore, please understand that, as young Harry's magical guardian, recognised by powers before which even you must bow, I do not give my permission for him to participate in this ethically dubious contest. Do not presume to test me in this matter."

Some other minor ideas I had for this plot bunny:

-Because Twilight and her friends would raise Harry, we would be able to meet, finally, the CMC as teenagers/young adults. Bonus points for them viewing Harry much the same way the girls use to view them

-Harry's pet, instead of being an owl, could be something a bit more... supernatural (baby manticore, perhaps?)

-Harry is horrified that humans eat meat and has to explain why he enjoys a nice flower sandwich.

Anybody and everybody who attempts this must post a link here.
It has been decreed.

There aren't many HP/MLP crossovers and even if I found any, it's quality is usually...medium.So it would be interesting if someone accepts the challenge...

Time to reread the Harry Potter books to get familiar with the other characters.

I updated the bunny with more ideas, to help get the creative juices flowing for readers.


Unfortunately I agree that there are not enough HP/MLP crossovers around, the best one in my opinion is The Wizard and the Lonely Princess by Harry Leferts

If anypony hasn't read this yet this is a must read

This could be quite interesting. I may take a stab at it if I can.

They both smell and taste delicious.
Possibly a diamond dog, or are they too sentient ?

If I may be allowed to munch on that idea...thanks. Because your plot bunnies are increasing my own, defender 2222.
How would that go down?
.)Because of Twilight, Harry is able to understand and appreciate any book he comes across, making Snape really pissed off - this could lead to some instances in which the two of them are actually challenging each other in potions. And because of Pinkie Pies influence his potions - as strange or wrong as they were made - are at least as good as Snapes, if not better.
.)The twins (Fred and George) would try to trick Harry but him having all the experience of Pinkie Pie AND Rainbow Dash simply spurs them to even greater pranks - anyone simply wants them to stop but their pranks start to affect entire hallways and more.
.)Harrys fashion sense and mannerisms appeal to the girls - he knows how to treat them right. But at the same time, his 'quirks' simply weird anyone out. Especially when he goes around on festive events and quotes people on their fashion sense. This could lead to some rumors about Harry being gay (and his answer in typical Pinkie Pie sense 'I love EVERYONE!' makes this even weirder)
.)Harry and Luna hit it off quite early, although even she has her troubles accepting the fact that there are magical talking ponies.
.)When Lyras begging becomes too much she is allowed to visit humans for a day - to thoroughly freak out every magician in all of Hogwarts.
.)Draco is confused by Harrys omnious name for him - what is a parasprite anyway and why is he feeding them by taunting Potter?
.)Recommending a pet would be quite hard - I'd take a phoenix or a timberwolf. The first is actually known but very rare in the HP-universe and the second...well seeing as they can combine themselves, can recreate themselves and probably grow with magic and care, simply makes them even more terrifying for anyone not knowing what they are.

Hagrid was surprised. He knew on an instinctual level that few people liked animals as much as him. But Harry liked them even more! He even insisted on letting the Hippogriffs free on their first meeting, telling him that they needed a bit of wingstretching! And the way ANY animal adored him was...unsettling to say the least. His parents never had been good at this, that much Hagrid was sure of. Making a stroll through the woods, he saw Harry again. This time he was playing with a few unicorns and fairies! Hagrid didn't even know they had fairies in the woods! And why did the unicorns suddenly blush around him?

Oh, and when Harry freaks out (plenty of oppurtunities for that) then everyone tends to get unnerved by his behaviour. Think of Twilight and Pinkie Pie combined...with a touch of assertive Fluttershy thrown in.

And another plot bunny strikes again - Harry is able to spot any lie around him, even how well-meaning or intricate it is. This complicates especially Dumbledores job.

The most obvious problems of raising a human in Equestria are:
-Learn bipedal locomotion from quadrupeds .
-Omnivore: need meat and/or fish. No daisy sandwiches.
-Clothes (lack of fur AND a crotch to hide his dong ).
-Wizard special: need of a wand to focus his magic.


And allow me to solve each of these:

- Spike walks on two legs and was raised by Twilight, thus not a problem.
- Vegan.
- We have seen ponies wear clothing and Celestia would know that humans need clothing. Rarity would be in heaven.
- Twilight can easily teach Harry how to use even just a twig as a focusing item to unleash his magic.

Maybe when Harry starts showing his first signs of uncontrolled magic, Twilight will think of getting him a 'prosthetic horn' to let him focus his magic properly. Or, Celestia could just tell them ahead of time that he'll need something of the sort in order to control the magical power in him. It's not like they're lacking in proper materials after all. With plenty of access to phoenix feathers, pegasus feathers, unicorn horn shavings, dragon scales and Alicorn hair... he'll have one terrifying wand.

"Here you go, Harry. We've each put something of ourselves into this wand for you. A bit of hair from AJ and Pinkie, a feather apiece from Rainbow and Fluttershy, horn shavings from me and Rarity, a scale from spike, and some down from pewee too. Even the princesses decided to put in a strand of hair each. This way, even when we're not next to you, we can still be with you!"

and it shall be called 'Friendship Wand'.

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