• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 11th, 2016

Beyond the Horizon

That one guy who watches other guys write stories about extra dimensional sapient ponies.

More Blog Posts12

  • 514 weeks
    On the Nature of Real Life, and the Effects it has on an Individual.

    So, yeah. Real life kind of walked up to me, grabbed my head, and then beat my face in with its knee. Haven't been able to come up with anything for anything I'm involved in at the moment due to the fatigue (blame that one on having to drag a 70 lbs water heater out to the curb...). A little burnt out at the moment, sadly.

    7 comments · 555 views
  • 521 weeks
    Merry Day of Father's everyone!

    To all those who are Father's out there, I salute ya!

    Today isn't just about celebrating Fathers, it's about spending time with them as well!

    Why the frak are you still here?! Go! Shoo! Have a good time!

    0 comments · 260 views
  • 542 weeks
    Another Important Day

    Friends! Fellows! Countrymen! Lend me thine ears! For it is a most joyous occasion!

    I'm officially in college.


    24 comments · 441 views
  • 575 weeks
    A Cause For Celebration

    Hehe hehe!!

    I really should have posted this sooner, but I was a bit caught up in things.

    My friends, followers, and random people who have come across this page. . . . I have. . . .


    Yes, on this most joyous of days, I (Name redacted) have overcome the obstacle that is High School!!

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    2 comments · 416 views
  • 583 weeks
    A Pleasent Surprise

    Well, recently I came across Terraria in the Playstation Store. Having heard it was fun a long time ago, I decided to check it out.

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    7 comments · 375 views

Well, this is new. · 8:37pm Dec 24th, 2012

Well. It seems I've been tagged by this fellow over here. Interesting. As this will be my first blog post ever, I see no reason why not to accept his challenge.

All right, the Rules!!

1.) You must post these rules
2.) Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal.
3.) Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4.) You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5.) Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.
6.) No tag backs
7.) No stuff in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you're reading this". You legitimately have to tag 11 people.

Seems simple enough, don'tcha think?

Five things about me~♫

1.) I am a video game addict, and no, I do not need help, thank you very much! -Cuddles with Ps3-
2.) I spend most of my free time on teh interwebz, my various game consoles, or reading.
3.) I still play Yugioh! Yes. Yugioh!. Not Magic the Gathering.
4.) I have a rather overactive imagination.
5.) I'm a picky eater. I like my food plain and simple.

And now for the questions. . .

1. Favorite villain?
Ohh tricky one, which villain do I most enjoy. . . I'll have to go with Discord for this one. I just love reality warping entities.

2. What would be an ideal scenario for your OC? (If you have one. If not, just imagine a random scenario that tickles your fancy using characters from the show. Unless of course you favor crossovers like myself, then go nutbunnies!)
Ohh, probably fighting off hordes of various nasties, blowing away everything with a small, elite team made out of my favorite characters, looking like a total badass and pulling witty one-liners out of nowhere. :rainbowlaugh:

3. Favorite MLP Abridged series?
They have those?! But seriously, I haven't watched one. Yet.

4. What are your thoughts on Mr.Poniator's new art style?
Second verse, same as the first.

5. Favorite SFM/ Gmod Pony vid? (If you watched one, that is)
Third verse, I putcha in a herse!

6. What would be the best thing about the fandom in your opinion?
I suppose just how active it is. I mean bloody 'ell people! You're all like a tireless workforce of trained baboons, tirelessly working and outputting so much bloody amazing stuff! Seriously, its awe inspiring at time.

7. Cloudchaser or Flitter?
Cloudchaser obviously.

8. Is it easy being evil?
Hardly. You need to make your secret base somewhere safe, get competent henchmen, of which there are few, and somehow not alert the government to it all. It's hard work, being a villain.

9. What is your pet peeve when it comes to fanfiction?
. . . I would say needlesly turning your Human OC into a pony. For no reason. At all. I mean, come on, why!? Why would you even do that!? The draw of a HiE is experiencing Equestria from an aliens point of view! Turning them into a pony drasticly alters how they can interact with the characters in your setting, regardless of what the transformation does to their personality! Speaking of which, there will be changes in personality if you do it. Transformation magic has a tendancy to mess with the brain. Unless you cheat of course with more magic. . . Bonus points if your character hated Humanity as a whole, spouts how great being a Pony is, and quickly adapts to walking on four legs. Double bonus points if they're an Alicorn.

10. Have any authors on this site inspired you to make the heart-and-soul-induced fics you've made today?
I've made fics!?

11. Are you gonna wreck it?
-Glances over to the side.- Gee, you'd think the metric ton of primed C-4 would tell ya something, wouldn'tcha?

Don't have the time to find other people to tag, sadly. Christmas stuff is going on all over the place here!

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