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Triple Fimfic review (Spoilers/Summary · 4:29am May 18th

I have read 3 stories so far from the fimfic user known as "Hap". They were short stories, but I found them to be very interesting.

"The Basement" - https://www.fimfiction.net/story/410056/the-basement

This one was pretty interesting, as it was hard to understand at first. It revolves around a mare known as Feverfew who is writing a story. The story seems to mirror some of the elements in her life, and the main character is named Fortune Falls. The story itself within the story isn't all that important. Feverfew has a filly named Amber who likes to play with toys and stuff, and in Feverfew's basement are many reminders of things she has yet to do in her life. Goals she has abandoned. It seems at the end of the story, Feverfew makes Amber to grow up not to hold onto the past and instead, to live her own life. The story doesn't say, but I have the impression it is set in some sort of Post - Apocalyptic world where Feverfew lives alone in the woods and after Feverfew's "implied" death, Amber decides to move on and write her own life. At least that was my intrepretation of the events.

"the light on The Other Side of the River" - https://www.fimfiction.net/story/412370/the-light-on-the-other-side-of-the-river

This one was very surreal to me, especially since the POV character doesn't even have an established name. There are no names, time periods, or reference to the location of the setting in the world at all. It's a complete mystery. The POV character has been living in one place her whole life and finally ventures outside of it, with a lot of good rich descriptive elements to the gloomy area that she lives in that the inhabitants are satisfied with. It doesn't even feel like anything pony related at all, and that's a very interesting style for it to be written in. I have a lot of questions about the setting I suppose that will never be answered. I like the element where there is a Lantern the POV character recognizes from her youth and that brings a sense of "color" or emotional element to the scene, but that only deepens the mystery.

The Only Tree in the Forest - https://www.fimfiction.net/story/448953/the-only-tree-in-the-forest

I have read this one before a few years ago and it stuck with me then and it still sticks with me now. I can't believe I forgot about this story. If you want something that is surreal and so outside the realm of normal fimfics - this one is for you. This revolves around a tree's life - the tree first grows as a sapling, and hears stories about the "Great Ash" tree from other trees. The tree grows older until it is struck by lightning, burning its heartwood, and the other trees are eventually all cut down by ponies. The trees are actually sentient in the story, and can actually communicate with each other, somehow - so that makes it somewhat dark, but at the same time for some reason the story doesn't feel that way. It feels very melancholy in the sense that the tree outlives the forest and sees the banishing of Luna to the Moon, but doesn't understand it, and there was a fire around the castle of the two sisters that the tree thinks "stained" the moon. The ponies have no names in the story, Celestia came to the tree and wept at it's roots after Luna's banishment and the tree feels a kindrid spirit with Celestia, and it witnesses the Apples come and found Ponyville, of which Celestia eventually comes and removes the tree's rotted heart and it becomes Twilight's library tree. The wording in this story is absolutely impeccable and easily eclipses the other two in my opinion - I love it so much and I really encourage people to read this one.

Comments ( 1 )

The tree story sounds very fascinating, I imagine it certainly was surreal that that tree lived through so many important Equestrian events.

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