• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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News! What’s a Copy-Edit? · 6:30pm May 17th

Hey folks! Getting back into the swing of things over here on Unusual Things, post-move, and that means it’s time for a news post!

So, what’s new and worth talking about? Well, how about the fact that Axtara – Magic and Mischief is officially out of Beta? I’d say that’s newsworthy.

And long overdue. I’m quite glad to finally be getting Axtara 2 into the Copy-Edit stage. Which some of you might be wondering about. What’s a Copy-Edit, and how much longer is this going to take?

Well, it’s pretty straightforward. Copy-Edit is when all the proper formatting, title pages (with copyright), introductions, author notes, and the like are added to the book and properly formatted. As part of this process, a final read is done of both formats (ebook and paperback) to make sure that everything is both in its proper place and formatted correctly. No blank pages, no mistakes on the page numbering, all that jazz.

Now, you might think that sounds like it could take longer with the paperback, and yes, that’s true. A presale unit has to be printed up and sent out, which takes travel time, etc. Meanwhile the ebook copy can just be adjusted almost on the fly. This is generally why the ebook comes out first and a paperback comes out later.

So yes, Magic and Mischief will follow in that format. The ebook will come out first, followed by the paperback about a month or so later.

“But wait,” I can hear some of you saying. “Does that mean …?”

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