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My Review of Strange World (2022) · 9:45pm Nov 26th, 2023

Rating Scale:

12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws
8/10–a great film with numerous flaws but not enough to ruin it
7/10—a fun and entertaining movie; not great but still enjoyable
6/10—a slightly above average film; it is something I might watch again
5/10—mediocre movie; not awful but not great either
4/10—a below average film; it could have been much better
3/10—a bad film; poorly written and poorly executed
2/10—a very bad movie; the few good things in the movie overshadowed by the bad things
1/10—a terrible movie; a total waste of time
0/10—a worthless piece of abomination; should have never been made

Greetings, folks! Mr. J is back with another movie review for today! I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving! This evening, I will be reviewing Disney’s “Strange World” from 2022. Now, I had no particular knowledge of this movie prior to watching it, and the thing is…I just happened to discover it on Disney+.

So I randomly decided to watch it on the platform despite the fact I had no clue what it is about, and boy, oh boy, did I pay a heavy price for it. This film represents everything wrong with Disney and has every single cliche you can name of. To put it simply, it has nothing of value to offer.

This movie is about a man and his son who had a falling out a long time ago. As the son becomes an adult and has a family of his own, he slowly becomes what his father was. He soon realizes this once he reunites with him in a strange new world where their journey is about to begin.

Here is what I believe to be the biggest issue with this movie: the lack of creative imagination. Aside from the fact it had very poor marketing and little advertising, the filmmakers couldn’t be bothered with making something new and original for the world to see.

It has a very basic coming-of-age story that relies too heavily on overused tropes that makes things very predictable. You have a father who is very stubborn in his ways, and you have a son who doesn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps and wants to follow his own dreams and vision. Oh wait, he is pushing that same dream on his own child too! Hey, it’s coming full circle now! Who saw that one coming?? :facehoof:

The way they wrote this story felt so lifeless and boring; if Disney doesn’t change their broken formula soon enough, more and more people will stop watching their newest films altogether.

The characters are all forgettable and bland. Not only are they boring to watch but they all display common characteristics we’ve seen dozens of times before, especially when it comes to the theme of generational trauma—a theme that has been done to death too often.

And I especially did not find anything remotely unique about the other main character: Ethan Clade. He’s just a generic teenager who wants to explore the world outside of his dad’s farm—just like most other Disney protagonists we’ve already seen before! Is this seriously the best Disney can come up with? The only thing that makes him stand out from the rest is his status as Walt Disney Animation Studios’ first LGBTQ+ character. Other than that, he has no substance.

And let’s take a look at the “strange world” the movie is named after. It looks so horrendously generic and dull. It looks like a planet filled with crayon-colored features that only toddlers would draw. You can tell the animators were treated like shit, and they reflected their distaste for Disney by making something so insipid only people who have no love for creativity would like.

The voice acting was…not too impressive. Yeah, you have Jake Gyllenhaal and the others, and they barely did anything to make this movie interesting or fun to watch. There is zero heart or soul put therein.

This is probably the first time I’ve found absolutely nothing good in this animated Disney movie. Watching this atrocity made me realize that Disney is running out of ideas and simply refuses to look back on what made them special from the very beginning. This movie in particular signifies a drastic fall from grace and a major step back into an energy-sucking mediocrity.

With all this said, I have to give a 0/10. Such a shame and a waste. But I still hope that Disney gets their shit together and does something to redeem themselves from this utter failure that later became a box office bomb. One can only hope, ladies and gentlemen.


Comments ( 6 )

This movie serves as the prime example of what happens when you don't bother marketing your movies, Disney. (alongside Ruby Gillman for DreamWorks)

The only thing that makes him stand out from the rest is his status as Walt Disney Animation Studios’ first LGBTQ+ character.

At first, I was interested in checking out this movie since it was a Disney film, and because of the people who were part of the cast. But the moment I found out that Disney was going to make one of its main characters gay, I immediately lost interest. Everything about that was a prime example of film companies using LGBTism as a desperate ploy to attract interest and attention, particularly as a cover up from a product apparently having bad quality.

And you’re right. Disney needs to get their act together if they want to deliver something brilliant, and they should start by not incorporating any sense of political-correctness. I’m definitely hoping that their latest animated film, “WISH”, will be a massive improvement; even despite the mixed reception it received so far.

Since we are nearing of the holidays. Will you look into the Santa Clause Movies and the Series?

I’ve only reviewed the first film; it’s been years since I’ve watched the sequels.

But honestly, no. Tomorrow, you guys will see my list of movies for December.

Damn, this film's a big pile of dung here, but considering their latest track record for certain films it's not a surprise you didn't like it, and I can't really blame you for that. I kinda wish Disney could make something more dark and violent, considering how they have made a lot of dark films in the past and even some of their newer movies have brutal violence in them, including ones from Marvel, Star Wars depending on the project, and a few others.

It's kinda boring to see all these coming of age films from them tbh, when they've done loads of films like that, and others have made similar ones too. Variety from them would be nice for a change, but it may not even happen at any point.

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