• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 20 hours ago

Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

More Blog Posts1358

  • 1 week
    Torture Ideas for story plots.

    Why? Because sometimes you need to do so, or perhaps you have an OC who happens to be into the whole torture scene/is apart of an organization that occasionally needs to use harsh methods to extract information from otherwise "difficult" informants. (Yes I'm aware that was a run-on sentence. Sue me if you dare). Anyhow, allow my mystical knowledge to help with ideas for torture that can

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy 20th Anniversary "Shrek 2"

    Original Release Date: May 19th, 2004

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  • 3 weeks
    "Wicked"|| Official Trailer

    People. Fans of musicals. Fans of the story "The Wizard of Oz". KEEP NOVEMBER 28TH MARKED ON A CALENDAR!!!!! Part 1 of "Wicked" is soon upon us!!! When I tell you I almost had a stroke on the bus back from class when I saw this earlier, I stg!!!

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  • 3 weeks
    Ponies and Periods (Men Who are Squeamish This is Your Warning Now)

    Okay so that's out of the way. You're probably wondering about that title. Well on one end I was watching the original MLP movie the other night with my best guy friend and of course this being my "blessed" time of the month, he wisely came bearing my "please don't murder me" package he brings me every 3 or so months (disclosure: mine aren't regular because of birth control) and sat with me while

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  • 9 weeks
    Not Gonna troll at ALL today...

    I'm serious.....

    Not gonna do it......

    Seriously! I'm not gonna......

    Clicky :twilightsmile: for some Cafe ambiance...so soothing!

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"Hey there Lil' Red Riding Hood. You sure are lookin' good! You're everything a big bad wolf could want..." · 1:09am Nov 1st, 2023

*the door opens and in walks an absolutely s t u n n I n g, tall well built wolf man. Grey flannel shirt tossed across shirtless shoulders and walking with a cautious temperament in his gait. He approaches the den and is immediately frozen in surprise*

*Looking up from her basket and locks eyes with the male* Oh! Uh...he-hello my good sir.

Hello fair maiden.

Oh dear me, it appears that I must do the introductions. Bless the gods for both of you ambivertous young cubs. Okay. James, this is my granddaughter, Renee. Red lovely, this is my friend and neighbor, James. He's been doing some work around here and keeping me company for a while now.

An honor to finally put a face to such a beautiful name, fair Renee. Your grandmother has told me much about you however I'm beginning to think she's greatly understated her depiction on your beauty. Even with the plethora of pictures she's shown me, it occurred to me fast that these were pictures from when you were a mere girl.

*Blushing a rose color* Aha...well I should hope seeing me in person should not be a disappointment. *folds head into chest and tail lowers a bit in shyness*

*Backpeds a bit and stammers* Perish the thought! I can certainly see why it is my dear Luanne has spoken so sweetly of you, her lone grandchild. I only seem to be quite tongue tied in your presence. My apologies again.

Belay thine apologies. I may say grandma has been in good paws in either mine or mine mother's absence. It does comfort me to see her in such high spirits. Especially with it being Samhain, a day she loves almost as much as me.

Aand on that note *she rises from her chair and shakes a bit. Greyish blonde fur shaking slightly as do her slightly drooped ears* I feel it best that I get a kettle on and get some cakes together. Now don't you go fretting over me Red! I can still handle myself like that. Why don't you two stay here and chat a bit. Tea shan't be long and then how about us three go out and have a little bit of fun tonight?

*A pair of joyous nods were the expected responses*

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