• Member Since 24th Sep, 2019
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Every day is always crazy!

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  • Monday
    My Review List For June

    TV Shows

    June 1st—The Big Bang Theory

    June 8th—Spider-Man Unlimited

    June 15th—Ducktales (2017)


    June 22th—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

    June 29th—Lady and the Tramp (1955)

    Episode Reviews

    June 2nd—Transformers Prime: Beast Hunters episode 3 “Prey”

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    2 comments · 66 views
  • Sunday
    My Review of MLP: FIM season 7 episode 14 Fame and Misfortune

    Grading Scale:

    A (fantastic episode)
    A- (an excellent episode with at least one flaw)
    B+ (a great episode with a couple of flaws)

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    8 comments · 111 views
  • 6 days
    Between A Rock and A Big Gorilla

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding
    11/10—Excellent, near-perfect film
    10/10—the standard rating; awesome film with a couple of flaws
    9/10—a wonderful film with several flaws

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  • 1 week
    Is Star Wars: Tales of the Empire good?

    I'm genuinely asking.

    To be honest with you guys, I'm pretty much done with Disney Star Wars. I've just recently finished watching the series finale of "The Bad Batch" which is a pretty decent show overall. The final season as a whole felt really slow and dull, but it was okay.

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  • 1 week
    The BEST Movie of the Franchise!

    Rating Scale:

    12/10—a complete masterpiece; flawless and outstanding

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Goodbye, Zaid Magenta · 7:57pm Oct 20th, 2023

Hey, guys. Mr. J here.

It just came to my attention that the infamous MLP reviewer/ movie critic Zaid Magenta (formerly known as Misanthro Pony) is…gone from YouTube. Like, he deleted his entire channel completely not too long ago. To that I say…wow. Just wow. It’s…kinda sad to see him go out like this.

Now, I’ve never ever mentioned this guy on my page given how controversial he was over the years, but I still remember watching nearly all his videos. I used to subscribe to MAP as I liked how thorough, precise, and honest he was in all his MLP reviews. He was my second inspiration for me as I myself became a reviewer, and he used to be one of my favorite YouTubers. Even when he made rant videos on The Last Jedi, Space Jam 2, and other things, I admired his passion even more.

Sadly, my respect for him did not last long. Even though I would often agree with his opinions, I didn’t like how rude and aggressive he was towards other people who didn’t agree with him. Like, fuck, not everyone is gonna agree with ya, bro! Take a damn chill pill! Even worse, when I discovered the terrible things he did as perfectly explained and outlined in this video, that’s when I lost all respect for him. In fact, I HATED how dishonest and disgusting he was.

Then he had to take a long break from social media, delete his Twitter account, and try to become a better person. Predictably, he didn’t change one bit when he came back. It’s like he didn’t learn anything from all the crap his haters gave him for the way he acted. And yes, I am fully aware that there were some individuals who were harassing him and stalking him online for years (which is also NOT okay). They’re not blameless either, but the way he constantly threatened to make a hate video to expose all of them instead of reporting them to the authorities is just maddening to me.

He obviously has a LOT of problems, and he desperately needs a SHIT ton of therapy. (Sigh) All I am saying is that…I’m kinda sad…but also happy that he’s gone. The internet isn’t for him to use to bully and harass random strangers online for the “crime” of liking a movie he detests. Because to him, opinions don’t exist. Only “facts”, apparently. The only things that remind people of his existence are the hate videos on YouTube that expose him for the things he did—nothing good and nothing positive. What a way to go out.

Goodbye, Misanthro Pony. Oh, I’m sorry—Zaid. I hope you get the help you need and ask yourself this important question: Was it all worth it? Don’t be like him, ladies and gentlemen. We as a community must come together as one and embrace the magic of friendship—as a family and as friends. Wow, I can’t believe I’m saying all that.

Till all are one.

Comments ( 22 )

Till all are one, buddy

Sad to hear things ended like that. I used to like him and I thought for at least a bit, he might have gotten better.

This crap happened a lot, similarly in the FNAF Fandom community, Sonic, and others as well.

True, but some people just can't handle criticism. Criticism isn't meant to bash people, it's meant to point out your flaws and mistakes so you can learn from them and better yourself. People like this guy just think everyone hates their work and takes it too personally

Yeah, guess that's just how some people are.

I remember seeing at least some of his videos, but…I never really paid much attention to him. Heck, even though at least one person or more inspired me to make reviews, I like to ensure that my style isn’t influenced by them in the slightest.

Because to him, opinions don’t exist. Only “facts”, apparently.

Ironically, there are people on FiMFiction.net who are exactly the same way. They express their opinions, but they also treat them as though they’re facts, and sometimes they would even shoot me down specifically because I either don’t agree with them or have different opinions on certain entertainment-related matters.

In my opinion, when it comes to entertainment media, “facts” don’t exist. Only opinions and perceptions.

I basically discovered him during the crusaders of the lost mark which it was still a pretty good episode how he talked about the episode and everything and yeah I did remember he made some couple of rants on a couple of Brony analysis the most infinite is what he was talking about Golden Fox and this is when he crossed the line but he did felt terrible saying all that because he was just mad and everything but somehow they became good friends after they talk so thinking that this will be a good way for him not to go too crazy but unfortunately things got a little bit crazier for him how much he changed and for the worst I'm not saying that he has his own opinion but this is when he kind of take things way too far and he let his anger get the best of him he definitely has some anger issues so hopefully he gets the help and probably stay away from social media because it's really not healthy for him


In my opinion, when it comes to entertainment media, “facts” don’t exist. Only opinions and perceptions.

I respectfully disagree. I say that facts and opinions can both coexist, with facts being the objective events that happen in a piece of media that help determine your perspective, and opinions and perceptions being your own personal thoughts and views on it. Ultimately, opinions cannot exist without facts. Where Zaid went wrong is that he misconstrued his own opinions as objective fact, when that is in fact subjective. The only things that are objective are what happens in a story and why. Facts aren’t opinions, and vice versa. Zaid thought he was the only authority on controversial matters and he let the ego get to his head until it destroyed him. It’s a tragic case of choosing to let your enemies live rent free in your head until your mind explodes from all that anger. It’s why I try not to hold grudges.

Speaking as a former fan of his here, I used to watch Zaid all the time back in the fandom’s heyday when he was MisAnthroPony and he reviewed FIM. He was so much happier back then and he had so much insightful commentary about the episodes that made him a blast to watch. But after FIM ended, he seemed to spiral downwards as if the show was the only good thing left in his life and after that was gone, all he had was his anger towards the Star Wars sequel trilogy and other controversial matters. And the more he leaned into that negativity, the more it destroyed him to the point where he hopped on every hate train in existence in order to grasp on to relevancy. He began to issue out threats more, wish for horrible things to happen towards people he disagrees with, and obsess about his detractors to the point where he started literally calling them out at the beginning of his videos. His review on the G5 IDW Discord comics arc was the final nail in the coffin for me as he flat out admitted that the comics weren’t canon, yet still tried to use them to cast judgement on the rest of G5, while ALSO admitting that he had no plans to see Make Your Mark. He was content to base his conclusions off of an incomplete perspective and I was shocked upon hearing that.

Not sad to see that he’s gone at all. He fell off so hard after FIM ended and I now realize that the relatively positive reviewer I once fell in love with died with the show. He’s a horrible person and he shouldn’t ever come back. He’s had way too many chances. I felt awful for LioConvoy in his stream a couple days back as you can really tell how hurt he was that Zaid re-offended again. How does one find the ability to trust after that? It’s disheartening, really.

I feel you.

Want a hug, Admiral?

Yes I would like that very much, thank you.

Awww, thanks. I feel better now. :twilightsmile:


It’s why I try not to hold grudges.

I try not to hold grudges either. However, there are plenty of people who believe they’re right about what they see from a movie or show, and that ultimately causes them to not recognize that a personal opinion or perception isn’t a fact.

I respectfully disagree. I say that facts and opinions can both coexist, with facts being the objective events that happen in a piece of media that help determine your perspective, and opinions and perceptions being your own personal thoughts and views on it.

And I say they can’t. You and I both know that one’s individual perceptions and opinions on something aren’t necessarily gonna align with another’s, and therefore everyone comes to different conclusions about something, such as whether a character is compelling or uninteresting. Neither of us are right or wrong in what we think. Everything we perceive from a form of entertainment is ultimately based on what we see and how well it’d translate to us as individuals, which is why I believe that when it comes to entertainment, “facts” neither matter or exist.


And I say they can’t. You and I both know that one’s individual perceptions and opinions on something aren’t necessarily gonna align with another’s, and therefore everyone comes to different conclusions about something, such as whether a character is compelling or uninteresting. Neither of us are right or wrong in what we think. Everything we perceive from a form of entertainment is ultimately based on what we see and how well it’d translate to us as individuals, which is why I believe that when it comes to entertainment, “facts” neither matter or exist.

I don’t understand, how is that refuting anything I said? I agree with all those sentiments. Not everyone will think the same and that’s obvious. That’s what makes analysis fun, being that everyone has their own takes on everything and it allows for diverse perspectives. What I was saying was that facts exist as well. They are what happens in a film or TV show and why it happens. The conclusions you draw from them are all your own, certainly, but you can’t form those opinions without having the facts to back it up. For example, you say “I take issue with this character’s actions because” and then you proceed to cite what happens in that given moment. That is a fact you’re citing, not an opinion, because it is what that piece of media is showing you. You can’t change it, it is what objectively happens. Whenever we say something is this in our reviews, we back it up with evidence, facts. Facts aren’t opinions and opinions aren’t facts. Facts are what you see in a piece of media, opinions are how you see that piece of media.

Just because objective facts exist doesn’t mean we can’t draw our own conclusions and opinions from them. I don’t understand how what you’re saying is refuting anything.


I don’t understand, how is that refuting anything I said?

Maybe it’s because I misunderstood your reply or it has something to do with the way you worded everything, I don’t know.

But, I personally can’t recall any times a “fact” provides as the basis behind my individual thoughts on something and how I interpreted it. All I do know is that it really comes down to whether I think everything was executed and handled well, although I remember pointing out some certain aspects of things I disliked or hated to better back up why I’m not a fan of them.

Coming from someone who dealt with this overtly toxic and manipulative prick. (I was one of the many people he threatened to slander in his "hatedom documentary"). This guy should stay off of the internet if he knows what's good for him.

I and many others kept calling him out for the way he attacks people over opinions different from him (aside from Cuties, which anyone who defends that movie is a different level of unhinged that deserves hate), using burner accounts (he used those on not just Cartoonshi, but he used it on his detractors both on Twitter and DeviantArt. He death wished them and used them to middle finger his audience with blackmail and threaten to destroy their lives in the process like some anime revenge villain).

I won't act like 40% of his detractors do take it a step too far, but Christian Thomas Diaz has proven that he is no better than they are, and his behavior would only lead his haters to continue badgering him to stop and change and to see him finally get kicked out from the echo chamber that he used as a shield (aka The Senate) is very damning.

Goodbye Zaid, and never come back!

Neither am I. But at least he no longer has the backing and support he used to.

I remember watching his MLP reviews. I’m gonna miss them.

I had last heard from Zaid in October, maybe a couple weeks before all this went down, and didn't find out about it until now out of curiosity. Knowing what he used to be like, I had honestly hoped that he would've finally changed himself for the better. I'm disappointed to see that this is where he is now.

At this point, staying off the internet is probably the best thing for everyone, including himself.

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