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  • 3 weeks

    Hey, its been a while.

    Last time I posted an update was February 6th, and in that time I've done a few things.

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  • 17 weeks
    That Moment When You Finish Chapter 19 Before Chapters 17 and 18:

    I actually finished it up a week ago. Just didn't get around to putting up on FimFic until now. It won't be released to the public until after I finish the prior two chapters.

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  • 22 weeks
    Happy New Year! + An Update on the Story and My Plans for 2024

    Welcome one and all to the year 2024! Lets hope its better than the last.


    Eh, who am I kidding? It's a presidential election year here in the states. With the current state of US politics, it'll be all downhill until November lmao. But enough of that, allow me to become slightly egotistical for a moment and talk about me!

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  • 28 weeks
    Doing a bit of Research for Chapter Seventeen

    This is part of the reason why Chapter Seventeen is taking so long. Well, that and procrastination on my part. Ignore the last tab. That was just me getting a little distracted lmao.

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  • 28 weeks
    Name This Yak

    Trust me it's important.

    He's male btw.

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A Very Random Thing I Typed Up That May See Future Use · 7:20pm Oct 5th, 2023

While I only have "The Crystal Human" planned out to the end of Season Four, I do have some ideas for what Jackson may do during the Season Five finale. One of those is getting thrown through different timelines like Twilight and Starlight, though the ones he gets stuck in are a bit different. Possibly even familiar to frequent users of this site.

One is a timeline where Celestia becomes Daybreaker and does... well, a lot of questionable shit. Jackson sees the results of this first hand and somehow gets thrown into the royal dungeons after being less than cooperative with Daybreaker's demands to know the secrets of time travel works. He doesn't know either, but it's not like he's gonna tell her that. Self-preservation above all else.

Eventually, Daybreaker decides that traditional interrogation methods won't work, so she takes a page out of her sister's book and enters his dream realm. This leads to Jack, who at this point has been trained by Luna in methods of how to deal with intruders in his mind, to lead her on a long chase sequence that ends when this scene begins.

Without further ado, I present "Daybreaker Encounters Locke's Proposal."

(Daybreaker's POV)

This chase is getting tiresome. Why can't this human. Just. Stay. Still?!?!? How was he even doing all of this without magic?!

Another shift within his dream realm, this time to a clearing in the middle of a forest. A clearing in the Everfree, if the trees were anything to go off of.

He was standing under a canopy, with tarps protecting him from the moonlight on three sides. Standing in the center, simply watching me.

"Finally grown tired of your own games?" I questioned.

"Not at all." Jackson replied. "We have simply reached the conclusion."

"Conclusion?" I let out a hearty laugh. "Oh, so you're finally surrendering?"

"Not at all." Jackson repeated.

"Then how is it a conclusion?" I pressed. "As long as you continue to avoid me, to run from me, then this will not end."

Jackson was silent for a long moment.

"Would you mind raising the sun?" He asked suddenly. I'll admit, the request threw me off guard.

"This is your dream. Can't you do it yourself?"

"I could. But I think it'll be a nice piece of symbolism. A sign that I am surrendering myself to you."

"Oh. So he's finally seen reason. Good." Complying with his request, I used my horn to lower the moon. It wasn't quite the same - far easier than usual, in fact - but I could dismiss that. This was a dream of someone who had never touched the celestial bodies, after all. He could never know what it felt like.

I reached out for the sun and, same as before, I felt almost nothing as I rose it high into the sky. Leaving the sun at high noon, I turned back to the human of the hour.

"Now that that's settled, I will accept your unconditional surren-" I cut myself off when something caught my eye with some of the trees. They seemed to be… melting?

Another look confirmed my suspicions. The trees were melting, the leaves and bark giving way to a strange orange slime. It began to pool at the bottoms at the trees and even seemed to be eating the grass it came into contact with.

"What… what is this?" I questioned.

"S.D. Locke's Proposal." Jackson answered, as if that response answered my question. I was going to press him further to figure out who this 'Locke' was, until a small drop of orange fell to the ground in front of me.

Then another.

And then another.

Several more came in quick succession. Looking up, I saw a sight that horrified me.

Much like the trees surrounding us, my horn was melting.

I was suddenly aware of an immense pain along my back. Looking to the area in question confirmed my fears; my back was being melted into the same orange slime, with my wings having already suffered the same fate.

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!?" I demanded an answer from the human, using the Royal Canterlot Voice out of sheer anger.

The human didn't respond. Instead, he sat down in a chair and grabbed a bottle, taking a sip of whatever liquid might have been inside.

"ANSWER ME, MORTAL!" I pointed a hoof at the human, only to see an orange stub in its place.

An orange stub that was rapidly melting away, growing smaller and smaller.

"Locke's Proposal." He repeated from earlier. "SCP-001. When Day Breaks. The morning that the sun turned on all of those who depended on it."

"WHAT?!" I yelled. I attempted to move forward, only to find that my legs had already been mostly melted. "What do you mean by that?!"

"The whole idea of Locke's Proposal is the concept of the sun turning on us." He began. "Changing us all into the orange slime you are currently transforming into. A mindless being with nothing but jumbled up memories and an innate desire to bring any others they can find into the mass. To the point of resurrecting those who end their own lives in a bid to avoid such a fate, only to kill them and bring them into the mass anyway. A treacherous sun working only for her own desires, whatever they may be.

"I haven't been in this timeline long, Daybreaker, but from everything I have seen. Everything I've witnessed. I think this is a perfect representation of your birth. The death of a sun who nurtured and cared for her subjects, who wanted nothing but the best for them, and the birth of a sun who didn't give a damn. A sun who just wanted power and control and obedience. So much so that she would end the life of her own sister just to secure it." He took a sip from the bottle in his hand before finishing off his speech.

"In essence, Daybreaker, you are the treacherous sun. You are Locke's Proposal."

By the time it took him to finish, my mouth had already melted through. I couldn't respond to him, despite the fact I truly did want to. I wanted to shout at him, to tell him I was nothing like this. To tell him that I was a more benevolent ruler than I ever was as Celestia.

I wanted to scream from the pain of having my own body melt away into a featureless orange slime.

Yet I had no mouth, so I could not scream.

Then the human did something I didn't expect.

He stepped out of the safety of his canopy and into the sunlight.

The few exposed parts of his skin, namely his hands and face, reacted immediately, the process already beginning on him.

He stepped forward until he was right in front of whatever remained of me, where he then proceeded to take a seat in what little remained of the grass.

"I'm sure you're asking yourself why I'm doing this, right?" His voice had become muffled, yet still perfectly understandable. My ears must've gone.

"Well, it's because there's something you forgot. You may be immortal, and you may have power immeasurable, but you are no god. And even if you were, you still wouldn't survive this.

"For as we stare at the treacherous sun in fear and horror, everyone, from the poorest peasants to the richest kings, from the most powerful gods and goddesses to the weakest mortals, is equal. We are all equal in death, no matter our rank or power in life. That is something you understood when you were Celestia and something you must relearn as Daybreaker." He ended his speech as the last of his mouth was taken from him, rendering him mute, just as I had been.

Just as the process became complete, I began to hear the thoughts of others who were subjected to the same fate in this sick and twisted nightmare this human had concocted.

"Don't let the queen hear you say that. She'll execute you on the spot."

"Daybreaker sees everything, and she punishes everypony she sees doing something she doesn't like."

"Mommy, she scares me."

Is this… is this what my subjects think of me? Have they truly grown so afraid of me?

"You've become a monster, sister. One day you shall see that."

Luna's parting words to me.

That was the day I…

The day I killed my own sister.

"No… no, make it stop! Please, make it stop! MAKE IT ST-"

I awoke with a start, almost leaping out of my own bed as the nightmare concluded. I still had two hours before I had to raise the sun, yet I could go back to sleep, afraid of what I might see if I did.

"I-I-I just want whats best for them." I kept repeating to myself over and over again, the voices of those strangers and my sister echoing in my mind.

So yeah, tell me what you think about that. It'll obviously see revisions if I do end up using it in any capacity, so don't take anything here as set in stone. Think of it as a very, very early draft.

Report PhoenixHorseGuy · 217 views · Story: The Crystal Human ·
Comments ( 5 )

wow, that is a very good way to show humanity's darker side. Our imagination that can even scare us beyond reason.

I don’t know much of the scp stuff but some of it is quite creative. Nothing wrong using some inspiration.

I got a buddy who's an expert in the stuff, so I can always ask him for suggestions or to make sure I got certain details right.

I didn't ask him for his input on this since, as I said, it's a very early draft that may or may not see future use.

Damn, thats brutal
I love it

Sounds like this could make for a very interesting one-shot (if very long) story. The concept certainly has me intrigued by the draft you've presented to us.

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