• Member Since 4th Dec, 2021
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I am Spyder27 and I write MLP stories! I'm known as the Emperor of Sundagio by friends~ I don't write free stories, so DM me for comm details. Follow me if you want regular updates on my stories~

More Blog Posts138

  • Monday
    #FixTF2 is a worthy cause to support

    Hello, all

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  • 1 week
    Chapter 33 of A Dazzling Trio is out now!

    Hello, all!

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  • 4 weeks
    Sundagioverse Timeline! (UPDATED FREQUENTLY)

    This blog post is meant to serve as a timeline for the Sundagioverse and official order of the series. I will pin this to my profile page and other profiles like on Tumblr. I will try my best to update this as frequently as I can~

    -A Dazzling World Check it out here!

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  • 5 weeks
    3 chapters left

    So, how are y'all? Good? I hope so. As much as I wish this blog post is about a new chapter release, it is not. This post is about the near future for the story A Dazzling Trio.

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  • 6 weeks
    So, about the new pfp

    Hello, all

    So, if you've followed me for a while, you may know that I have used a pfp of a black and white Adagio with the bi flag behind her. Now, my pfp is slightly different. The art of Adagio is still from the same artist, Raika0306. However, I changed the background to represent two pride flags.

    Yes. Two.

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A lil update on upcoming projects... Cuz I was sick. · 11:23am Sep 25th, 2023

Hello, everyone~

So, I know I make a lot of blog posts. I get that, but I want this one to be meaningful. So, I'm going to share with you guys the information on a few different stories that are in the works right now and what I have planned. Basically, I've been sick for a while, but now I finally have some time to work on my stories again. As you all know, I'm Spyder27. I make a lot of Sundagio themed content. As you can guess, a lot of the updates in this post will be for Sundagio stories as well~ So, strap in. Who knows what surprises I have in store?

A Dazzling Trio

So, let's get the main goose out of the way. This is my pride and joy. We all know it. A Dazzling Trio is a part of my main series, the Sundagioverse, and I intend on working on this series for a long time. Many of the people who read my content already knows what this series is and it is probably the main reason why some of you even keep up with me or read some of my stuff. Regardless, my series has reached a critical point lately. If you haven't read the story yet, I highly suggest catching up before reading further on this segment. Regardless, Adagio met Sonata again for the first time in three and a half years. She still has a lot of work to do to repair her connections with her friends, so it's actually pretty evident what will happen in the next chapter of this story. Chapter 21: Rainbows are Momentary will deal with Adagio trying to fully apologize to Sonata and her attempts to make up for her failures with Rainbow Dash. Other than that, there will be a couple surprises in this chapter that I hope will make some of my readers pay attention~ Out of all the projects I have lined up, this is the most likely to get released within the next two weeks.

The Princess of the Knight

After the success of "The Princess of Friendship... With Benefits?", I got inspired to create another story in the same continuity as this one. This story would be a joke as well, considering the last one was a glorified shitpost. Any ideas what this story could be from the title alone? I'll give you a second.

Anything? Some of you probably thought of Batman. You are actually correct. In this story, I am making a short joke fic that will feature Princess Luna adjusting to society again after her banishment. As a result, she looks into pop culture and becomes a big fan of Batpony. Princess Celestia is happy to see her sister gain a hobby that she is so passionate about. Surely nothing could go wrong from a simple appreciation of a character, right? More like obsession...

Dreams and Reality

This is another series of mine. It started with a small ficlet called Sins of the Mother and now we're at the longfic sequel, Dreams and Reality. I still plan on continuing this story, believe it or not. The last time this story was updated was a crisp 9 months ago on the 12th of January. That's a long time for me to keep a story on hold. Regardless, I do want to finish this story because I have a really great idea in my head that I want to share with the world. In the last chapter of this story, it was revealed that Aria was being held in jail for an unknown reason. I am currently working on the next chapter to this story and it will, of course, deal with the aftermath of that phone call. Adagio's life as a guardian for Sonata and Aria gets tougher, but maybe she will have a chance to get an actual friend in Sunset. The next chapter for this story will likely be out in November, but that's mainly due to school issues.

Pride's Inhibitions

This is another story I have left on the backburner for a long time. Mainly because I kind of forgot about it. Remember how I said it was a long time for me to wait 9 months to write another chapter for a story? The last time I wrote for this story is a year ago tomorrow. September 26th of 2022. I am writing this on September 25th of 2023, meaning it will be a full year tomorrow since I touched it. Yikes. I think the main reason why I never touched this again is because every time I remembered it, I couldn't come up with a great idea of how to go forward. That and I did a horrible job explaining what this story is supposed to be in the story summary. Basically, this is supposed to describe Sunset and Adagio having a heated reunion until Adagio taunts Sunset that she knows her better than Sunset knows herself. Sunset would retort that the situation is likely reverse and from there, the two of them would be locked into a battle of pride. The two of them would challenge each other to show that they know the other better by bringing them to places they know the other person would like. Essentially, there would be multiple fake dates before the end of the story. From there, I think you can probably guess what happens. Kinda cute, right? I still want to get back to this story someday. Preferably before Christmas of this year.

Spider-Woman: The Setting Sun

Coming in from ten months ago, we have a story about Sunset Shimmer if she came to the human world with the powers of Spider-Man. This story is something I think about from time to time and I want to get back into it, but it's daunting for me due to the fact that I don't have much experience writing action scenes. However, I really do want to write an update to this. To give a better understanding of what this story is supposed to be, it is going to show Sunset in her high school life trying to use her new abilities for good after finally realizing why Princess Celestia told her that some forms of magic were off limits for her to learn. Now, it is her job to keep Canterlot City safe because it's a responsibility only she bears. Along the way, she deals with multiple foes that will finally form the Sinister Six. Since it has been a while since we have seen this story, I will go ahead and hint at the first villain. Let's just say we will get to see a variant of Doctor Octopus with an Equestria Girls spin to the villain.

Diamonds at Dawn

This is a story I have in mind that I really want to work on soon as a sequel to Of Steel and Diamond. If any of you have played Red Dead Redemption or its sequel, then that should give you a good idea of what tone this story will take. Diamonds at Dawn will essentially take place in the Old West era where Adagio hunts down her old gang. All the while, we get to meet new characters and see new locations of this world. Her romance with Sunset Shimmer won't go away either. I plan on this story being a medium length story, but it is possible it would be a longfic as well. I don't know when I will get around to making this story, but I hope it will be soon.

Did you think you were in control?

Before I even get into the update for this story, I really REALLY want to emphasize that this story is not your general romance with a "happily ever after" ending. This is a TOXIC story. So, before you read ahead, make sure you're comfortable hearing about what general topics may be in store.

So, with that out of the way, what should I say first? This story is intended to be a kind of longfic with Sunset Shimmer and Adagio Dazzle falling in love. However, it is not for the best at all. There will be a lot of abuse in this story with themes such as abuse of alcohol and drugs, references to self harm, suicidal ideation, manipulation, toxic relationships, gaslighting, abuse, verbal degradation, sexual themes, and objectification. Possibly even more. What is my motive for this story? I wanted to write a story about a toxic relationship to show the reasons why some relationships go down this path and how it is hard to get out of a situation like this. Many people in my life have gone through this, me included. This will likely not have a good ending, but it really depends on how the story plays out. I plan on getting back to this sometime in the next two months.

Untitled Racing story

What do I mean by "Racing"? I mean the act of running or driving vehicles in competition to see who can complete a set track faster. In the real world, I don't like this sport for multiple reasons, but in the fictional realm? That's not the case. I've had an idea ever since I started A Dazzling World. This idea takes place in an alternate universe where the Dazzlings never went to Canterlot High. Instead, Adagio spends many of her days chasing her highs through alcohol or racing her motorcycle against others, often illegally. This story would include Sonata and Aria as well as some Sundagio themes thrown in (did you really expect anything else?). The main reason I am including this in the updates list is because I really want to get in gear with this story by seeing how some of you react to this information. It's been an idea that has been bouncing around my head for almost two years now, so why not? What do you think? I want to clarify that this story is not connected to the Sundagioverse, even though I have been thinking of it since the time I was writing A Dazzling World.

Untitled Soulmates AU

Here's a second teaser for a story I haven't titled yet. In the fanfiction sphere, there is a big trope to set two characters in a soulmates alternate universe, usually using the red thread device or something else. For the most part, these kinds of stories bore me. It seems artificial to have two characters fall in love like fate determined it instead of having two characters be in the right place at the right time. It's boring to have a perfect match that you know there will never be a chance of the two characters breaking up or finding someone else who might fit them better. However, I did come up with an idea of soulmates that I think is really interesting. This idea has been floating around my head ever since A Dazzling World. I came up with the scenario of characters having dreams of their soulmates, but with a twist. Usually when people include dreams in this type of story, the dreams only start once they met their soulmate. This is not the way I thought about it. I thought it would make it more interesting if characters dreamed of their soulmates their whole lives. Not every single night, but you get the point. The identity of their soulmate would not be clear either. So, if Adagio dreamt of Sunset, she would see a blur where Sunset's face is and features that are kind of hard to distinguish. This would make the scenario ten times more interesting in my opinion since the characters don't know who their soulmate is and they would have to piece the identity together as they go on. Of course, there's more to the dreams, but I don't want to spoil everything here. My good friend H_phone001 helped me come up with this idea, so please check out his content if you feel like it! https://archiveofourown.org/users/H_phone001/pseuds/H_phone001/works


Do you like time travel stories? I know I do. They can offer such unique consequences and give interactions between characters that technically shouldn't interact. Such as Rainbow Rocks Rarity meeting Legend of Everfree Twilight. So, what is this story about. (I assure you it is not about Rarity meeting Twilight lol). Instead, I want to show a story where, in the aftermath of the Battle of the Bands, Adagio Dazzle actually goes back in time to the day she came to Canterlot High to try and right the timeline. Will this story be Sundagio related? For that answer, just look at my self-appointed title. In the process, Adagio ends up rewinding time over and over again until something changes. Will she change her plan or will she tirelessly try to win?

Swords, Potions, and Other Magical Things!

For the last update of this blog post, I want to present another idea that was conceived around the time of A Dazzling World. Taking place in a fantasy world version of Equestria, Sunset Shimmer acts as a sword-for-hire in Canterlot. In this story, everyone is human with the exception of some people having horns or wings. One day, Sunset finds a bounty spread across the kingdom for the heads of horrible monsters called sirens. Described as being creatures of nightmares who drain your energy to kill you, sirens sound as intimidating as they come. Sunset decides to try and collect this bounty, quickly stocking up on potions of healing and vigor and repairing her magical armor and sword. When she goes out into the forest, she encounters multiple monsters that she fells with no real effort. That is until she has to fight a very VERY large spider. At this point, she's low on supplies, causing her to succumb to the beast's attacks... That is until three women rescue her and heal her injuries... This is just the tip of this story, but I'm not willing to reveal more just yet~

So, that's all of the updates I have thus far. What do you think? I tried my best to make it clear where ongoing stories are directed as well as reveal some new story ideas that I've had in the works for a while. What's your favorite update? I'm going to be working on these projects in the upcoming year, but I just wanted to give everyone a little sneak peek considering we're almost two years in on my writing. October 15th will be the two year anniversary and I am definitely looking forward to it~ Thank you all for the support and I hope you all have a great day.

Stay special, everyone!


Comments ( 6 )

Wow, this sure was a lot to check up on it. Can't wait for much of it, just don't tire yourself out my friend. :raritywink:

Hard to believe you have so many ideas in the works, but if you enjoy it who are we to stop you? All sound good honestly, but I’d say the dazzling trio is most what I’m looking forward to the most, though the western, time travel, and fantasy ones also sound like great stories. Just be sure to pace yourself.

I don't plan on tiring myself out too much :rainbowlaugh:

There are a lot more ideas in my head than these, but those ideas will likely not see the light of day for another few years if ever. The ideas I posted today are the ones I am fairly certain I want to work on in the next twelve months :twilightsmile:

Looking forward to them

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