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  • Wednesday
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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  • 13 weeks
    I Got Writer’s Block + Taking A Tiny Break To Get Ideas

    You know that feeling when you know exactly what scene you want to play out, but aren’t sure how to execute it? Well, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got into this situation and you’d be right to ask that. It’s about Haven, which is doing decent so far in terms of reader engagement so far. Not a breakout hit by any means, but just the fact that I’m getting fans of the original

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  • 14 weeks
    ‘Haven’ Has Been Updated!

    While I’m impatiently waiting for the English dub of the newest Tell Your Tale episode to come out, have the third chapter of Haven! It’s been published and is ready for y’all to comment on. We’re back to the daily update schedule in full force. Thank you and see you all soon!

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  • 14 weeks
    ‘Haven’ Is Making A Return

    Now that the tie-in special has been released, my second order of business upon getting back on this site is finishing the story I promised I would update daily before I dipped. Haven, the sequel to Sanctuary, is making a triumphant comeback and I intend to see it completed. After that, I’ll probably get to work on either of the two Chapter5-set “Dadabittle” fics I have lying

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Why I’m VERY Excited For Make Your Mark Chapter 5 + The Game Has Changed!! · 2:46am Aug 22nd, 2023

Hmmm…let’s see. Breezies returning…interesting. More exploration for Misty’s character, I’m liking this…cool song number…wait a minute. Is that…MISTY IS ALPHABITTLE’S DAUGHTER?!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!

We called it!! We so called it!! The feels in that short little reveal though, wow! I wish they didn’t spoil that and kept it a secret as that would’ve been great to save for the actual episode. Oh well. What are you gonna do? First, let’s unpack what we’ve just seen. Special shout-out to ponydog127 for bringing these two videos to my attention.

I must say that these little teasers really surprised me. Like, my mind didn’t even think of the Breezies coming back! That honestly came as a massive shock. Not to mention, the designs are incredibly faithful to G4 as well and that portal too. You can tell the team did their homework and have so much more than just cliff notes of FIM’s lore hanging in their arsenal contrary to what you might hear from the mainstream fandom. It was so good to see them again after they were just forgotten about after Season 4. What have they been doing all this time? I’m genuinely curious. With the reveal that the other creatures are still out there, it really gets me intrigued as to what’s going to come next. I look forward to seeing what they’re going to do with this reveal. They’re already revealing so much and my hype levels are just increasing by the minute! Holy moly. According to the hints we do have, the other creatures like the dragons and Breezies have just been scattered and are in hiding. I wonder why. Could it be because of Opaline? We seem to be getting so many clues towards a greater lore mystery and I’m excited to see how it all pays off in Secrets of Starlight. Right now, I can’t say much as it’s just a teaser, but man, the actual episode is probably going to be lit if we’re slowly bringing back the other creatures into the fold.

I don’t want to imitate Zaid Magenta as he’s an arrogant prick, but if y’all will forgive me just this once…”IN YOUR FACE, G5 HATERS!!! I was right about Make Your Mark all along!! HAHA!!” I was right. I called it from the very beginning in my defense video and in my numerous debates. They were saving the other creatures’ reveal for later. Ha! Bet you guys feel pretty stupid now, huh?! Make Your Mark has proved all of you wrong, just as I knew it would the whole time!

Alright, I’m done. Sorry about that, but I needed to get that one out. Now let’s get into the other, arguably more significant reveal. Alphabittle is Misty’s father. To quote Lois Lane from My Adventures with Superman, “I KNEW IT!!” We all knew it and the reveal was just so satisfying. Like, we all knew there had to be something more going on there! That look he gave…we frickin’ called it!! I love where Misty’s arc is going. This is just fantastic stuff. The question about Misty’s parents has always been a huge one on the fandom’s minds and we finally got an answer to it. We finally got an answer and this was just amazing. If it hasn’t already been made clear to everyone that Misty is the absolute best thing that ever happened to this generation, let all doubts be squashed by this chapter. If this was how much they revealed in the teaser, imagine how emotionally cathartic it will be in the actual episode for both Misty and Alphabittle. And it’s coincidental timing too because I was actually about to write a scene like that today for Redeemed and Hasbro beat me to it! Well, I suppose we all saw it coming anyway and they did plan this out first, soooooooo…good on you, guys.

The amount of stuff they’re revealing already is insane. I think it’s become clear that this is going to be the best installment of this series by a massive landslide. I just love seeing the fandom have to cope with the fact that the show they dogged on for “retconning the previous generation” and having a team that “misunderstands basic writing”, is fantastic now. Hasbro really has stepped up their game and I can’t wait to see what comes next.

I know I said this for Chapter 4, but with the amount of stuff we’re going to get in this chapter, I think this might be the end of the G5 hate. I know that sounds hyperbolic, but hear me out. Chapter 5 has the chance to stick the landing and signal the end to the hatedom forever. Because what we seem to be getting is even better than Chapter 4. We’re long past the days of Chapter 2 and even Chapter 1. I know I based my entire Misty Saga around Chapter 2, but Chapter 4 was enough for me to pull a timeline retcon and make it take place in Chapter 4’s continuity instead. And you can see why. Even longtime haters of G5 were forced to be positive on it. I really hope this is the case because with the show ending this year to make way for Tell Your Tale, it’s really important that this and the next chapter stick the landing so that the legacy of this series isn’t bogged down by what these cynical nitpickers say. And who knows? If Chapter 5 and 6 are financially successful, maybe that’ll inspire Hasbro to do another CGI series with Netflix after the next year. Even if they don’t though, I’m really excited to see what happens in this next installment. Because what we have seen so far has been incredible and I think we’re headed towards a much grander story. They clearly are showing more and more hints of their overarching plan, so I think it’s time we show them how much we appreciate their efforts.

And you know what? I want to show this talented team how excited we truly are for what they have in store. Aside from my upcoming defense video being the ultimate tribute to this generation, I’ve decided that I’m going to do something a little bit different as well. Rather than have you guys wait nearly a month for my next upload, I’m going to promote the hay out of this new installment and kickstart my channel early. That’s right. Starting this Thursday, we’re doing Tell Your Tale review videos to prepare for Make Your Mark’s return! HALLELUJAH!!!!

Now this announcement is due to a combination of reasons, the main one being that I don’t want my channel to fade into irrelevancy by the time I’m done with the project. And so, I’m going to treat this video like an Avengers-level event and we’re going to build toward it. The second one being that I don’t like seeing the channel being inactive so we’re starting it up. All the better if I have a bigger audience for the Triple Feature Event, so I’m going to use these upcoming videos to promote not only the defense video, but Chapter 5 as well. My current launch date for this thing is September 18, the day the new episodes come out. I want that day to be the Day of Pony. We’re going to be holding this event online from the 18th to the 19th, all with the projects I promised. I’m going to promote Chapter 5, as well as G5 as a whole, through my content just like I promoted Avatar: The Way of Water to death on my Admiral Producer channel.

The game has changed, everypony. Together, we’re going to hype the ever living fluff out of everyone on the Internet and that starts with this channel! Who’s excited for my first review? I know I certainly am. Tune in this Thursday to see what I think of the next Tell Your Tale episode! Only on the Hawk Nightwing YouTube channel!! As for my account here, well, if the episode turns out to be a significant one like the last, then you know I’m going to talk about it in blog form as well. It seems like for every milestone episode, we get two “filler” (I really don’t like using the term to describe this series as it’s not, but you get what I mean) episodes, so we’ll have to see.

Are you excited to see Chapter 5? Let me know down in the comments below. I’mma dip now and probably put this out as a Community Post or something as well. See you all soon!

Comments ( 19 )

Holy Mackerel there was alot to take in and despite Charles Martinet retired from voice of mario luigi and so forth I am so excited for this chapter 5 and we're going to get a chance to see other creatures and Misty past

You know? Hasbro recently made a whole new team dedicated to make big budget productions of their franchises, that includes My Little Pony.

Considering TYT is the only web show for next year, maybe animators will spend some time of 2024 cooking so for 2025 we'll get either a new G5 movie, or a CGI new Show.

Holy moly, Breezies returning? Misty confirmed to be Alphabittle's daughter? Man oh man, this is gonna be one heck of a ride! And if this is the end of G5 (if Hasbro's pulling a Discord on us), then this is one heck of a party cannon bang!

Okay, they dropped a whole lot of bits about Chapter five coming in September. I don't know what they are going to do with the Breezies but let's hope they don't mess it up. There was an improvement to the writing in Chapter 4, so I think the writing team is 'finding its feet' with Make Your Mark. They might just be turning this around.

In the words of Tychus Findlay, "Hell. It's about time."

Or as others were say it’s about bucking time.

Well, it sure did cause some of the haters to turn their heads and wonder. . . 😏

(And I luv'd the other song video released recently that showed the Mane 5 as fillies [erm, and colt] and how they got their Cutie marks!) 😍 (And Misty magic-glamming up that tree so that we have a segway into the preview clip with the Breezies!)

(Btw, despite my issues with his critique, I realized I find Star Strike's exuberance quite striking [heh], exciting, and refreshing. Like, WHAM! Entrance! 😆/)
I hope I hear more of it in the future!)

Yes! A new movie would be awesome to kick off the next leg of the series! 😆/) Wonder if they'd bring the original movie cast back for it. Think they should? Or have we gotten used to the TV casting and it should remain consistent from now on? As much as I wished at least Vanessa Hudgens and Kimiko Glenn to have kept their roles, as they absolutely nailed em. (Plus, I imagine two celebrity paychecks would be easier to handle than five.) :coolphoto: (Btw we need more celebrity cameos in the show(s) itself! Because G4 was awesome at em!) :rainbowdetermined2:

1) That song between Misty and Hitch sounds like a Disney song. That’s how good it is.
2) I was NOT expecting Hasbro to confirm the fan theory about Alphabittle and Misty at all. This is a abosolutely mind blowing. Now the question is what happened to her mother and his wife. My guess? Opaline murdered her. She didn’t “find” Misty, she kidnapped her and erased her memory somehow.
3) My jaw literally dropped when the breezes appeared. Even if I like G5 better nowadays, it’s nice to see more continuity connecting it to G4. I wonder what other creatures will show up before MYM is over?
4) Of course, this still leaves the whereabouts and identities of Sunny’s mom, Zipp and Pipp’s dad, Izzy’s parents and Hitch’s parents completely up in the air. But maybe those aren’t as important to the story of MYM as Misty.

Totally escatic for chapter 5!

That's a really good comparison.

If you mean the Disney thing, thanks.

SerIt would not be a bad idea to make a fanfic about how Misty ended with Opaline and also to show how Misty's reunion with her father

Misty really started to shine in Chapter 4, and I'm all the more excited for what's to come for her in Chapter 5! Honestly, if it turns out that Make Your Mark was meant to focus on Misty from the beginning, I'd be okay with that.

While I really liked the cast from the movie, I've gotten used to the new cast now. So it would just seem too strange to change them back.

If you ask me Queen Haven would make a billion times better of a mom to Misty that Opaline anyday

That's true haven would be an excellent mother to misty

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