• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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More Blog Posts1380

  • Thursday
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

    7 comments · 212 views
  • 1 week
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    8 comments · 266 views
  • 3 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

    11 comments · 200 views
  • 6 weeks
    Author update!

    I'm editing stuff! But also incredibly dried out of writing power atm. I'll get going again soon, but just bear with me for a bit. I'm publishing a chapter of XCOM today, then start on the daily writing (not publishing) again tomorrow morning. In the meantime, always remember:

    4 comments · 173 views
  • 9 weeks
    Remembering Koji Wada

    Like every year, I like to remember the man/legend responsible for the theme songs of one of my favorite shows of all time on the anniversary of his death.

    So if you were wondering about the timing for the latest Isekai chapters? There you go.

    4 comments · 235 views

Post Con Blog 3/6 · 4:59pm Aug 21st, 2023

Day 3, Friday the 11th

Ah. Friday. Usually I am glad because it's the end of the work week, but this time around I am glad because it's the beginning of the work-ish week. Sort of. Maybe.

After a morning shower and waiting for the others to get ready, we got our daily dosage of Coffee and Hilda. Didn't have much time, since I wanted to be ready for both the marketplace being open, and my panel, which was slated at 10:15AM that day.

(I wasn't very happy with the slot allocation for that)

I met with Dash, Sammi and Corejo at the Book Nook for a last pre-actual-con meetup, and it seemed like everything was well in order, as you would expect of Dash and the Alicorn of HR and Logistics Management.

One thing I've done in all conventions I've attended has been to skip the opening ceremonies, and I think I'm going to try to change that. Apparently they're pretty entertaining!

Now, I don't know how this happened exactly, but I remember I was taking a last glance at the bookshelves, and I turned and Shakespearicles was suddenly there. Like an apparition. Like a playwright possessed, he handed me several printed copies of one of his stories, and staring me in the eye he said: "Can you sell these?"

Now, as a Marlow aficionado I was kind of taken aback, but honestly I didn't think it would be an issue. Still. I did not control the sales of products, so I directed his attention to Dash, who helped him set them up for a dollar each. 

As I was heading out of the vendor's hall to head over to my panel, I found myself staring in confusion at the bearded, familiar face of some Canadian. It took me a moment to realize that this was indeed GaryOak, and not the Ghost of Christmas Past, as I had initially assumed. Now, I realize that even with Shakes making me think of Marlow, it still made me a bit of a Dickens to assume Gary was dead, but we roll with what we have. 

People had to deal with my sense of humor all weekend.

I was in a bit of a hurry, so we only exchanged a few words about setting up a Fogo de Chao dinner before I was running out.

Anyway, I met up with Scampy and Gadot to sort out any last minute issues we might have before our panel… and people started trickling in early. That was a welcome surprise! I had some extra Isekai patches and cards to give out for free, while Scampy offered our guests some cookies.

Once it was time, we started! The panel went pretty well, with some joking around, hammering through a few points, even bringing up a slight difference of opinion between us as to what we considered a guest writer, vs a co-writer… which was followed by an anecdote from yours truly about what you definitely SHOULD NOT DO when reaching out to someone to co-write. Especially if you're the one reaching out.

The Q&A was a fun, with the last question being "What is your opinion of the Oxford comma?"

Which is that you should always use it.

After the panel, dustysculptures, Pen Stroke, Gamma, & Petrichord. I hadn't seen Pen Stroke for a while, and Gamma even for longer, and while I kept in touch with dustysculptures, it had been a while since we'd gotten together, and this was his first con (I think) where he was not vending!

He had spent some time with the Tumblr!Ponies so he needed a break, I'm sure.

So the conversation went from jobs, to degrees, to writing to food, to writing and food and sculpting and jobs and studying and catching up about mutual friends. Food was—as always—delicious, but this time we didn't bother ordering any special drinks.

On the way out, dustysculptures gave me a gift and a letter that I promised not to read in front of everyone at the time… and it's too nice and personal to post here just like that, but suffice it to say I'm glad we've been friends for this long, and I consider him one of the best ones I've made in the fandom.

(Thanks, dude!)

I had to head back to the vendor hall because I was slotted to sign books at 2PM, so I hurried back there, and found to my surprise people were actually buying my books. Go figure. Corejo gave me this look when I told him I had not expected that to happen, but come on, I was selling the same thing I had been selling online and at the con before that. I had figured my chances of selling out were close to zero, but… well. I guess I was wrong.

After signing, I think I went back to the hotel for a bit to stretch, then met with Corejo, Sammi, Gadot, Scampy, Dubs Rewatcher, Lord Camembert & spouse, Copperflame, ILikeLuna, & Lightning Wing for dinner. I wasn't paying attention to where we were going until we were halfway lost (due to construction). We eventually made it back to the Tavern I had promised never to go to again.


Anyway, after warning everyone else to NOT order the chicken wings, we all went in and Corejo and I managed to make Sammi question our relationship. Which is wholesome and respectful! I mean… under a certain definition of both… ahem.

After dinner I headed back to the hotel room and regaled Petrichord with a bunch of anime musician videos, including:

and not anime related but still memorable:

Before introducing him to one of my all-time favorite Light Novel series…

I got him started on the tv series, and it says a LOT about his patience when he would just smile and nod as I just kept adding additional context almost per-scene. Truly, he is a saint, but I think I got him snared on Tarnished Silver's misadventures before we called it a day.

Comments ( 14 )

Man I miss you dorks so freaking much. I knew I missed folks but then I see all those smiling faces and my heart aches.

Sorry you had to brave the tavern again.

Wanderer D

:heart: miss u too

I was taking a last glance at the bookshelves, and I turned and Shakespearicles™ was suddenly there. Like an apparition. Like a playwright possessed

It took me a moment to realize that this was indeed GaryOak, and not the Ghost of Christmas Past, as I had initially assumed. Now, I realize that even with Shakes making me think of Marlow, it still made me a bit of a Dickens to assume Gary was dead, but we roll with what we have.

I'm so strong from carrying the weight of all my sins.

I've never been one to be the life of a party or star of the show. I thrive far better in small circles and intimate settings. I'm incredibly glad to have you a part of that circle all these years :heart:

What's the one-sentence version of the thing that happened which made you swear off the tavern forever?

Wanderer D

5743281 $17 for 6 chicken wings.

People had to deal with my sense of humor all weekend.

I've had it to deal with it for an 8+ hour car ride. I'm somehow still here.

Wanderer D

5743373 Yes, you are!

If you are into Walkure have you worshipped at the altar of our lady and savior Hibiki Tachibana of Symphogear yet

If not you should (and go in as blind as possible) there is a reason that the EN Symphogear fandom has a single tagline of 'Watch Symphogear'

if you need more prodding well the seiyuu for Hibiki is the same as Madoka, except she gets to sing a lot and it is awesome

and every other main cast member is a queen of anisong its so goooood

Wanderer D

5744855 As a Macross fan, how could I not be into Walkure!? :rainbowlaugh:

But that is why I am trying to recruit for another gospel of song :o

Wanderer D

Hey, if you want me on staff for Idolfest stuff, I'm game. I'd rather work on that than current job. Does it come with benefits?

Uhhh it has a free badge that's about it at this time!!! alas we are a poor scrappy startup convention still :o

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