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Chapter 17

Hi I'm Chapter 17 and everything I touch inevitably turns grimdark! :D

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  • 4 weeks
    Happy Mother's Day!

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  • 17 weeks
    Another MRI is clear!

    Had my MRI done last Wednesday, and this Wednesday my radiologist and oncologist both confirmed that there was no visual signs of any tumor regrowth, to go along with my continuing to not have any of the symptoms I was experiencing prior to my July surgery last year! Still going well! I'll be getting a new shipment of Temodar pills this Friday, and will starting the fourth five day course

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  • 19 weeks
    Shingles, yay!

    So apparently the Chicken Pox virus that has been idle in my body ever since my early childhood caught sight of all the cancer therapy I've been doing and went "would be a shame if someone took advantage of a slight downturn in your immune system," and then I break out in Shingles on the right side of my head at age 37. They usually only START worrying about that at age 50+! What a blessed start

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  • 30 weeks

    Nah it's actually not as cool as that. I'm STILL alive, last MRI was clear, still no tumor related symptoms, and I've begun my second round of chemo wherein I take double or triple doses for 5 days in a row once a month for six months. The "LOLCYBORG" bit comes from a little device called Optune, which generates a Tumor Treating Field through basically all of my brain as long as it's attached and

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  • 42 weeks

    Holy shit I got back from my post surgery checkup appointment with the surgeon.

    Surgeon: "You were pretty out of it."
    Me: "Yeah I don't remember much two days before the surgery, I figure I must've been on some good medications at the time."
    Surgeon: "Uh no, actually you were on death's door and your brain just stopped working basically."
    Me: "...OH."

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    9 comments · 144 views

HAHA NO BIG DEAL · 9:44pm Aug 17th, 2023

Holy shit I got back from my post surgery checkup appointment with the surgeon.

Surgeon: "You were pretty out of it."
Me: "Yeah I don't remember much two days before the surgery, I figure I must've been on some good medications at the time."
Surgeon: "Uh no, actually you were on death's door and your brain just stopped working basically."
Me: "...OH."


I went from presenting with visible pain and confusion, to alternating between awake and unconscious and being unable to answer questions correctly, to being completely unresponsive and unable to be awakened, and I remained in that state until after the surgery where I rocketed back to normal consciousness. My surgeon ALSO showed me the CT scan they took a month ago, and put it next to the MRI they took last week before I started my chemo and radiation therapies. MRI scan just looked like a normal functional brain. CT scan was A GIGACHAD TUMOR UP AGAINST A CRUSHED GRAPEFRUIT. So yeah, when he said "death's door", he was not REMOTELY exaggerating, if I had gotten there even a day later I would have been TOAST!

Past Self: "The closest I ever got to dying was when a fan blade came off a ceiling fan and hit the wall like two inches above my head!"
Current Self: (With incision on side of head) "BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU, ME!"

Report Chapter 17 · 144 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Damn dude, thank goodness you're still here — that's frickin terrifying!

Oh it got even more terrifying when I read on the internet about my particular kind of tumor. That was a big mistake and my doctor had to talk me down from continuing to freak the fuck out! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh boy, the best possible thing for any diagnosis is to google it! :rainbowlaugh: It can be helpful, but it can also convince you that you'll die in 7 days. :pinkiecrazy:

Talk about cutting it close.

I'm at least happy to know that if I HAD to lose consciousness and be unable to be woken up until after surgery, it at least happened in a hospital, which is probably the single best place it could've happened lol

Holy shit Chapter 17. I came back to this site because Reunion will never leave my head for as long as I live, and I figured I may as well check if there's any updates for it or updates on your own life. Last I read your blog posts, you were dealing with a bunch of hard things in your life but not cancer on top of that, my god. I am actually really really hoping you are still doing ok because clearly I'm like 2 months late since your last post and that makes me worry.

Sending you hugs wherever you might be,

Aw shit I've been slacking on keeping people updated here, most of my updates have been on the Discord server for my streaming channel! My apologies, I'll have to post an update soon, but here's one for you in a reply!
I finished my first round of chemo pills and radiation therapy near the end of last month. Last week I've had my second MRI scan, and it came back clear of any visible tumors again, with the surgical site in my brain getting smaller as it continues to heal up. Soon I'll start on a second round of chemo pills at twice the dose, but only taken for five days in a row once per month for six months, and if I handle the double dose well enough it'll go up to a triple dose but that's as high as it'll possibly get. I'll also be starting on something call Optune, which is going to put nodes all over my super, SUPER bald head to create an anti-tumor field through my skull. I'll be wearing that for 18 hours every day, including while sleeping, and the 6 spare hours will be used for cleaning, maintenance, and probably chores before it goes back on my noggin. That can continue for up to two years, and I've been informed by my oncologist and radiologist that this point where there are no symptoms or visible tumors will be the most effective time to use this. So I'm doing well right now and steadily recovering from the radiation therapy.
Still trying to focus enough to work on a short story related to Ruined Forever, which I know isn't Reunion, but I'm trying to just get back to making ANYTHING after being out of commission for so many years. Thank you for your thoughts and I appreciate the hugs! :twilightsmile:

Ah that is such a relief, I'm so glad things seem to be going well. I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a detailed response too. You probably don't need me to say it but just in case, try to focus on yourself and your own needs as much as you can, you more than deserve it.

I am glad as well that you are still aiming to write something! I think you are a great writer and it's always good to do what you like most. And incidentally, don't worry about Reunion or anything. As long as you're writing at all, I'm more than happy. That story could be left as is and I wouldn't mind as long as I know you're doing well. Take care of yourself, and all my best wishes!

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