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  • Saturday
    Summer Is Officially HERE + I Binged Watched Make Your Mark

    Hey, everypony! School is officially done for the semester! And you know what that means. It’s SHOW TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!! Now that summer is officially upon me, I’m going to go commit to my mega projects and turn my channel into a true force to be reckoned with in the analyst community, as well as focus on rebuilding my presence here on the site as a prolific author. Like I said, I got a ton

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  • 6 days
    So ‘Haven’ Is Officially Over + The Completion of a Trilogy

    Well, guys. Haven is officially over. The last two chapters have been published and I can safely say that the story’s completed. It feels great to actually finish a multi-chaptered story of mine for once, and for my first G4 story in a good while…eh, engagement could have been worse. I definitely feel like it didn’t make as big of a splash with readers as I initially hoped it would. Maybe

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  • 1 week
    New Chapter!

    The newest chapter of Haven, titled IV. Moon Dancer, has officially been published! Feel free to check it out and give feedback on it. Chapter 5 is already fully written as well and will be published by Tuesday. I’m getting back into the daily update routine. Once this story is finished, I can turn my attention back to the upcoming G5 fics. But right now, this story deserves a

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  • 1 week
    Story Status Updated

    The story status for Haven has officially been changed from ON HIATUS back to INCOMPLETE. I wonder what that could mean…:raritywink:

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  • 1 week
    My Third Attempt At A Comeback + Why I’m Returning To Fimfiction

    Hello, everypony. I know it’s been a couple days since Repressed Memories dropped, but judging by the growing success of it so far, I think my decision has been solidified. I gave it a little bit of time before jumping into anything, and now I’d like to make it official. I am officially returning to writing stories on Fimfiction. This is like my third attempt at a comeback post-Misty Saga

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Please Hasbro, DON’T Cancel Make Your Mark! · 10:33pm Jun 18th, 2023

Hey, everypony! So I just watched Dr. Wolf’s new video on what he thinks the new G5 title My Little Pony: Secrets of Starlight might be and it’s a very interesting theory. As he said, we don’t have much to go off of yet, so it remains to be seen what it will be. But one possibility he mentioned did catch my attention and it’s something I hope doesn’t happen for the foreseeable future as it is a genuinely dystopian prospect.

According to him, Secrets of Starlight could very well be the finale of the Make Your Mark series and Tell Your Tale will end up becoming the dominant series in 2024.

Guys, I hope this does not come to pass as not only would that be stupid, it would be extremely counterproductive to the story G5 is trying to tell. Y’all know me, I’m a huge believer in this generation and I’ve defended it wherever I go. But G5 without Make Your Mark for me is a recipe for disaster. That series is far more interesting to me than Tell Your Tale and it’s where the more important story-related stuff happens. MYM is far more complex and focused and it’s where a lot of G5’s awesome qualities shine brilliantly. This series has only gotten better and better with time and has improved dramatically in quality.

I do love Tell Your Tale a whole lot, but it very rarely hooked me the way Make Your Mark has. I do appreciate what it’s going for, but it’s a different genre and one that doesn’t have the same appeal as its Netflix counterpart. That’s because very rarely does anything plot-relevant happens in this series. And that’s not a bad thing at all, really. I mean, despite my small grievances, I’ve been completely, and 100% cool with that for the longest time because G5 for me is dependent on these two shows co-existing and building off each other. That’s what makes it interesting. We have the shorter-form content for when we want to get to know these characters on a personal level and just vibe with them while watching them do everyday, ordinary stuff, whereas the longer form content exists for the more emotionally moving and/or story-related lessons. Make Your Mark is also way more mature with the way it tells its stories and I just can’t imagine G5 without it.

Now this is just a theory at the end of the day and it may not happen, but we also have to consider that this could be a very real possibility. I don’t understand why Hasbro would want to make the switch over to one series only, like, what does it give them? Do they really consider Tell Your Tale to be the definitive G5 series? I should hope not because that would reflect a fundamental misunderstanding on the higher-ups’ part on what this talented team has brought with this iteration of MLP. G5 is more to us than just 5-minute episodes about the characters living life and just being happy little ponies. It’s also an emotionally moving, brilliant story about finding yourself and rediscovering friendship in a world that needs it. It’s got engaging arcs, fantastic and relatable lessons, and even one of the best redemption arcs in MLP history to boot with Misty Brightdawn, a great story that Make Your Mark basically carried throughout its entire run on its own with Tell Your Tale only supplying a couple episodes to help out last minute.

People still love 22-minute episodes, I mean, just look at how well FIM has done with this format from 2010-2019. Call it an outdated formula if you will, but this is the modern day, and the success of G4 should explain that. There is no reason why they need to all of a sudden switch that winning formula up. I know I sound like one of the haters whenever I bring up FIM’s success, and trust me, I don’t like doing that. It’s pointless whining about nonsensical “arguments” you can only justify through being blinded by nostalgia, and G5 deserves to stand on its own. But if this is actually going to happen, then this generation is in big trouble. Like, unless Tell Your Tale suddenly switches up its style and becomes more story-focused like with “As The Misty Clears” demonstrated, then I genuinely fear for the future of G5.

Hasbro built this generation from the ground up with a 3D style and an amazing story, and as such, they should stick to Make Your Mark as the main series like they’ve been doing, with Tell Your Tale being a mini-series on YouTube. G5 works brilliantly as is, consisting of two different shows with completely different genres being interconnected by a singular narrative. It’s honestly a fantastic formula and one that’s unique and original to this brand. Tell Your Tale is a great series and succeeds in spades at being entertaining and a genuinely good time, but loses a lot of its luster once disconnected from Make Your Mark. TYT can’t carry G5 on its own, it just can’t. The story they’ve been telling isn’t built for that, and if Hasbro actually tries to do this, then I fear it’ll fall flat on its face.

If this is what’s going to happen, they better have a fantastic finale that’s worthy of this series ending so soon. If they do, I’ll come to terms with it. But for the sake of this fantastic generation, let us hope that it just ends up being a theory. A MLP theory.

With that being said, I’ll see you all soon. Bye!!

Comments ( 23 )

I think there's still a lot that could be explored with Make Your Mark, so I would really hate to see it end so soon. I just don't know how they could make a satisfying end with just 9 more episodes and 1 special. And I don't think I would enjoy Tell Your Tale as much if it becomes the only series. I really have enjoyed it for what it is so far, but I think that's because it's only ever been a side-series to MYM. I can appreciate the short, comedic moments it brings as long we get the more complex characters and deeper storytelling of MYM as well. Without Make Your Mark, I just don't think Tell Your Tale is gonna be as good.

Exactly. Which is why I hope this is just speculation and doesn’t get confirmed. Because I fear what will happen to G5 if Tell Your Tale becomes the only series.

They BETTER not end Make Your Mark early!!! Tell Your Tale was just supposed to be filler.

Right now, it appears to be just a theory on Dr. Wolf’s part, so we’re safe. I’m waiting to see if anyone on Equestria Daily has any confirmation of this rumor or not before we start panicking.

Edit: According to EQD, Tell Your Tale will be the dominant series in 2024 and so far, nothing has been shown on the leaked marketing slides in regards to Make Your Mark content. But they did note that everything is tentative and subject to change and 23 episodes was always the plan for Make Your Mark anyway, so it remains to be seen whether Hasbro will pick up that series for another go-around in 2025 or something. Nothing confirms the end yet, but we should prepare for it just in case.

Given that from the plans we have MYM would have 6 chapters/seasons that would be pretty expected for a Netflix series.

That being said, I do hope we get something new besides TYT, because while I enjoy it I wouldn’t want it as the only bit of G5 content.

Maybe there’s plans for more come 2025, or even 2024 that haven’t been revealed yet. IDK, but we’ll see.

Apparently TYT is getting four specials next year.

But my thinking is that MYM isn't being cancelled, it's just going on hiatus for a bit. I took a look on Atomic Cartoons' website (that's the company that animates MYM). They currently have three other TV shows on the go, and critically MYM does not appear in the 'completed projects' section. This leads me to think that Hasbro are letting Atomic clear their backlog before ordering more content, with TYT serving as a stopgap.

My thinking is that on the chance that Secrets of Starlight is the MYM finale, it could be that the G5 story might continue in a sequel series. Just look at the Kung Fu Panda franchise and you’ll know what I mean.

I expect that if it is the finale, that empire of G4 fanboys would be rejoicing. Fortunately, we are the rebels and we know better (Sorry if that sounded really messed up).

That definitely sounds plausible. I honestly hope that’s the case because Make Your Mark IS G5 for me, and I can’t imagine this generation without it. It’s really done so much to advance the character development and story in ways that Tell Your Tale never did due to the 5-minute limit being so constricting. I’m sure I’ll find something to love in these upcoming 22-minute specials, but let us hope for the sake of G5’s future that TYT’s dominance is a temporary thing for 2024 only because I honestly don’t see this plan working out long-term as it stands.

Man, I sure hope so. Let’s hope that these slides are old and they’ve been updated since Chapter 4‘s release because I’m with LordFlareon on the fact that I don’t think they can wrap up Make Your Mark’s story with just 9 episodes and a special. Unless they plan to finally defeat Opaline in Secrets of Starlight, the long-form content serves this generation so much better. Honestly, G5 is way better than the hand it keeps being dealt by Hasbro.

A sequel series would be amazing! And no no, you’re right on the money with that last statement. We are kinda the rebels in a way as we’re fighting against an oppressive majority and I’ve stated in the past that I want to start a completely new Brony fandom that’s more positive on G5, sooooooo…yeah. I guess we’re the Rebel Alliance and the G5 haters are the Galactic Empire. I still don’t know how to feel about that to be honest. I guess we’ll find out in 8 days how my rebel cause pans out with the internet. :)

Well, whatever happens when you upload your video, I’ll be there to back you up.

Me too. MYM is what makes G5 stand out from G4; the continous plot arcs that build through episodes are precisely what appeals to me about it (did I mention the animation is also really good as of Chapter 4? Not that it was bad, but you can see improvement throughout). TYT, whilst funny, is clearly meant to be a stopgap to fill the time between MYM chapters.

I guess part of the challenge of being a G5 brony is being part of a subculture of a subculture. The MLP fanbase is nowhere near as mainstream as it used to be. But one piece of information on there did give me hope; the news that G5 content will be getting a television release. That will help expose people who lack Netflix to G5.

And this may just be a pipe dream, but if we're really, really lucky, A New Generation may finally get the theatrical release it was denied two years back. I know if it does, I'm heading straight to my local cinema.

Sadly, there are some G4 bronies who want us silenced. They want to laugh in our faces and say 'ha ha! Gen 5 ended! You're an idiot! We were right!' They want us quiet.

But, to invoke the rhetoric of President Thomas Whitmore, 'We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!'

Damn right. I may not be particularly fond of this new direction that G5 is going in with it being Tell Your Tale-exclusive, but you can bet that I will never stop finding things to love about it. My video will be coming out and I hope it’ll inspire others to make their own positive statements. The Brony fandom can be saved and it will. We just need to be loud and active, proclaim our love for this generation and why we do, and remind the majority why they fell in love with MLP in the first place.

I’m committed to doing that, even if it takes years. G5 is not ending and neither is our love for it. Let us make our statements and scream it on the rooftops. A new positive community is upon us.

Kinda like how all those years ago we (bronies collectively) took a chance on a show originally targeted at little girls and forged a community that has withstood the test of time.

Precisely what I’m going for. The Brony community needs to be reminded of why we fell in love with MLP to begin with. They’ve lost sight of what brought them together in the first place. It’s interesting how G5 ended up becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy with its first entry. It was about overcoming division and hatred and that’s what caused the fandom to split like the ponies of Equestria. But like Sunny Starscout in A New Generation, we’re going to bring them back together and remind them of what makes MLP special, as well as why G5 deserves respect.

Hoof to heart.

We'll make our mark, hoof to heart. Starting today.

I hope this isn't "It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here." moment for Make Your Mark. Tell Your Tale is good show for telling short slice-of-life stories that make waiting for another chapter of MYM more bearable, but I don't want to part with the main show just yet.

I personally think that because they forgot all those lessons of the past, it makes the G5 ponies seem even more human than their ancestors.
If that makes sense.

I had no idea

Yeah, that makes plenty of sense. That’s basically the way I see it too, as an allegory for real life. I don’t want to get into the nitty gritty because we don’t need to, but have you seen how divided we are in the real world? In contrast, these ponies seem to have it pretty easy with their own separate civilizations and stuff.

Me neither. We can only hope that they’re planning for more MYM content in 2025 because 3D animation with an engaging story is where this generation belongs. That’s how it all started, so it should stay that way.

Comment posted by EverythingGuy deleted Jul 6th, 2023

So here's what I think, I don't think mym is ending. If I recall the time the article saying it was ending came out was when there was the writers and actors strike which is maybe why people thought it's over, but let's push that aside. Naturally when a show comes to an end the studio/company normally will tell you, take the flash from the cw for example. We knew when that was ending as the people behind it said this is the last season, just because hasbro doesn't have mym on the schedule for 2024 doesn't mean it's done. For all we know they could be taking a break so the writers and actors can work on it, or it's a different series title that will be a season 2 where mym was season 1

I'm a bit late, but I want to put my two cents in. I find it ridiculous that anyone would think you could tell a story in a series of 5-minute videos on YouTube. TYT is probably more popular because it's on YOUTUBE! A FREE platform whereas you have to pay for Netflix. Business-wise, I can also see Netflix's shitty release schedule to be a problem in Hasbro's eyes. If I were a business, I'd want the content I outsource to you to be released on a timely schedule, like: I don't pay you good money to just sit on the egg; I pay you to lay it too.

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