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  • 1 week
    Aces High Chapter 6 Out Tomorrow

    Yeah, it’s that time again. After a VERY long time--I don’t like to think about it--I have another chapter ready. This one took a long time because I’ve had a LOT of big life stuff over the last few months, this chapter was difficult for personal reasons, and I had a lot of backstory stuff to work out, because it was about time to do that.

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  • 2 weeks
    From the Notebook: EQG/Flash Crossover Experimental Scene(s) 2

    Is it bizarre that right after finishing the last post, I launch into this? I swear, I don’t want to start ANOTHER story, but part of me feels on a roll. Though I suppose it helps that what I am sharing are ideas and half-thought scenes that I’ve tinkered with on and off for years, not something completely off the top of my head. Well, a little bit for the last one. Whatever.

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  • 2 weeks
    From the Notebook: EQG Flash Crossover Experimental Scene 1

    Hey, everybody. Another one of these posts. I’m in something of a jittery mood at the moment, and I had the sudden impulse to write something here. Maybe it’ll help work off the nervous energy, and hey, hopefully, you guys will get enjoyment out of it.

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  • 15 weeks
    From the Notebook DC Crossover Idea: Doctor Fate

    Here’s another idea I wanted to get down after a very busy day. It’s another DC Comics crossover that I don’t think I’ll ever try to work out.

    This one is about Doctor Fate. The sorcerer supreme of DC. The Lord of Order. The guy with the fancy gold helmet.

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  • 29 weeks
    Help Finding a Story

    I know it’s weird to post something like this in a blog, but I tried a group forum and got no answer, so I figured why not try here?

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From the Notebook: An EQG/Flash Crossover Concept Part 2 · 10:32pm Jun 14th, 2023

No idea if anybody finds this interesting, but I’m just going to continue.

Reverse Flash
The Flash's arch-nemesis, the Reverse Flash.

Character Name: Reverse, for lack of a better one. Quite possibly Sunset's human counterpart, but whose appearance would be modeled after Sunset's demon form.

1. Sunset's normal coloration includes amber (golden) skin, while her demon form has red skin. Yellow is the color of the Speed Force, the extra-dimensional force that gives The Flash his power, while red is the color of the Negative Speed Force, which powers the Reverse Flash.

2. Sunset's demon form has black sclera, which is also a quality seen in Reverse Flash II, aka Hunter Zolomon, or Zoom.

3. Sunset's cutie mark is a red and yellow yin-yang. You could look at it as two forces, one red and one gold, spinning around each other, like two speedsters locked in combat. Maybe a little abstract, but that’s the thought that struck me as I looked at it and contemplated the idea.

Motivation for hating Sunset: The human Sunset thinks that Sunset stole her life, perhaps?

Origin of Powers: Recreated the accident that created the Flash, but used the stolen gems of the Dazzlings, which work on NEGATIVE emotions and energy, thus creating the Negative Speed Force.

This works because in the TV series, the Negative Speed Force is given an emotional element, being attuned to negative human emotions like hate and fear, etc, etc, while the Speed Force is attuned to positive emotions, specifically love.

Moving the Story to Equestria?
As mentioned at the start, one of the things that held back this idea was the question of whether it should move to Equestria. That's the way I had it to begin with. But I started to wonder.

Basic Idea to Start With: At some point in time, Sunset, as The Flash, ended up back in Equestria, and continued using her speed to help ponies. Originally a rumor in the city of Manehattan, she got Princess Twilight's attention by saving her and Princess Cadance.

Story would be have the SunLight pairing no matter what world it continues on.

While investigating the strange red blur that saved her life, Twilight ends up at the Manehattan police station, to check their records, and ends up directed to the forensic science lab. Forensic science is a fairly new element to the police force. There, she meets Sunset, who is going by the name Autumn Equinox.

Reason for name: Sunset Shimmer Day is September 22nd, the autumn equinox. Also a day I would normally cite as her birthday.

Autumn has a purely blonde mane and tail. Sunset is in hiding over here because, well, Celestia. Her most notable feature, however is her horn, which has a massive crack in it from base to tip.

Reason: The lightning strike caused the damage, and despite the Flash's normal healing ability, it did not heal. In-universe explanation is that the Speed Force doesn't seem to mesh well with unicorn (and pegasi) magic. Out-of-universe explanation: Combining Sunset's magical strength plus the Flash's speed would be FAR too overpowered. With her horn cracked, Sunset's magic isn't very good anymore, thereby nerfing that particular problem, and adding pathos for Sunset, who lost her magic.

Human World vs. Equestria
There are several pros and cons for keeping the story in the human world vs. moving it to Equestria

Using Equestria
1. There was a certain appeal when playing with the Equestria scenes, though that’s not a very good ‘pro’, I will admit.

2. There are a number of monsters already present in Equestria that could be used for storytelling.

3. Princess Celestia would be a good source of drama.

1. Combining the magical world of Equestria with superheroes has always seemed tricky to me, creating new threats of adapting the villains from various comic books into the magic system of Equestria. Not impossible, but not easy.

2. Despite all that happens in Ponyville, it’s a small town, and that is not conducive to having a superhero live there. Or rather, a superhero woudln’t really need to live in a place like that. There’s a reason the Power Ponies lived in a city. Obviously, I could have The Hero be in Manehattan, but that would make it difficult to get the MLP cast to interact.

3. Moving the story to Equestria could make things too complicated.

4. Having a leader of the country on The Hero’s side may create difficulties in creating drama, if that makes sense.

Staying in the Human World

1. The overall story would be less complicated.

2. It would be easier to re-create the various comic villains because I would not need to adapt them into Equestria’s magic system.

3. Could still go to Equestria because crossing dimensions was literally invented by The Flash.

4. Canterlot City is a large city, so it would serve as a good setting for superhero fiction. Plus, it would be abbreviated as “CC”, which is identical to “Central City”, the Flash’s hometown.

5. Could use leaking Equestrian magic to create a generation of metahumans and such.

.....You know, I’m starting to think that it would have been better to stay in the human world.

Side Note: Costume Creation
Obviously, when it comes to the creation of the proper Flash suit, you could lay that on Rarity, but it’s more complicated than that. The Flash, or any speedster’s suit, is highly specialized. In the TV show, the suit was made of a reinforced tri-polymer. It has to be highly heat and friction resistant, because at the speeds Barry runs, there is always the chance that his clothes will burst into flames, or in the case of the 1990 show, tear apart.

EQG Rarity would never be able to get that kind of unique material. It is possible that Sunset might be able to make it, or, to involve her into the plot. SciTwi could make it. Of course, if the story was moved to Equestria, Sunset could create the suit by using a Wonderbolt suit and using alchemical potions to reinforce it.

Another Side Note: Nora/Nova
WARNING: Spoilers for The Flash (2014)

Another idea that comes to mind is one revolving around Nora West-Allen. In The Flash (2014) season 5, she was introduced as the daughter of Barry Allen and his wife Iris West, coming in from the future. She’s impulsive, gets in over her head, is very awkward and dorky. Her lightning is a mix of gold and purple, referring to Barry’s lightning, as well as Iris’s. In Season 4, there was a brief time where Iris had Barry;’s powers, and her lightning is purple.

Purple and gold would also fit Twilight and Sunset. How they had her could be resolved through various means of Equestrian magic, science fiction, or anything else. It’s a rather critical thing to figure out, but is probably easily worked out.

This character could be adapted to the story very easily, and her name could be changed to “Nova”. Could use her whether the story was moved to Equestria or not. Also, an image popped into my head of Nova showing up at Canterlot Castle and calling Princess Celestia “Grandma”, which I found very amusing.

That’s all for now.

Edit: As a reminder, do NOT use this concept.

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