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The Cowardly Christian

For everyone seeking guidance, I recommend looking up Ravi Zacharias, he's gotten me out of some dark times. His FULL sermons are available online for ALL...

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NEVER give this guy a commision... · 12:13pm May 23rd, 2023

Right, I went back and forth on this, did a LOT of soul-searching...as a Christian I want to 'turn the other cheek and forgive my enemies'...but I just can't live with myself if someone else goes through the nightmare I went to...so LORD...if this is a mistake, FORGIVE me...

Look, while I do recommend reading his stuff- credit where credit is due, he's good -but that being said...NEVER give him a commission, it's a nightmare, you'll end up with something you hate, money wasted..and a DEATH threat.

Let me tell you what happened: for years madhat886 was one of my favorite authors. He amazed me with his deconstructive gritty takes on my favorite shows and tropes...

So, when I finally got enough money...I asked for a commission...

At first things went good...

But then things started to bad...he started removing things from the story- without talking to me about it(he removed entire segments, he even killed off some of my favorite characters. AGAIN , without consulting me!) -he began to argue and bicker with me over EVERY LITTLE THING. Everything had to be 100% realistic, there was no wiggle room with this guy!

The man was a total control freak, everything had to be according to his whim, nothing could go against what HE wanted, even if I HATED it! I was PAYING for all this and yet he tried to force what he wanted on everything!

And he contradicted himself, once he refused to kill off Mina because he planned to redeem her like 'the good Joker arc'...then later he said 'no I'm not going to redeem her, that would be as bad as redeeming Vegeta!' ...what?! Just...WHAT?!

I kept trying to compromise, play along, offered more pay incentives for him to actually do his job...

Then finally...it all ended with a death threat he sent to me...

I reported it, blocked him, told him to delete my story and told him not to contact me again...

The kicker is at the end, he told me he didn't want money he just wanted to finish the story!

...he has a P ATREON account! If you don't want money, don't ask for money!

And that's the story...

Believe this, or don't...I leave that to you. But that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

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