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A Quick Status Update and Possible Reader Requests · 7:24pm May 1st, 2023

Hello, everyone! It has certainly been a while since I've made one of these, hasn't it? A lot has changed!

First and foremost, the Royal-Tea series has reached a conclusion. At least, for the most part. The overarching story that I wanted to tell has now been told, from "Royal-Tea for Two," to the climax "With Every Story," and even the epilogue "Posteri-Tea." That doesn't necessarily mean I'm done with this continuity, though. As some of you have probably noticed, my most recent story, "Making a Miracle," sort of bridges the gap between the climax and the epilogue, but I did not brand it as a Royal-Tea story. I understand that this decision may cause some confusion, but ultimately I think it's for the best. Making a Miracle is more of a supplementary work, not necessary to understanding or enjoying the grander Royal-Tea narrative. I wanted people to be able to enjoy it without needing to read the rest of the series, so I purposely avoided calling it part of the Royal-Tea series. I have a few more ideas that are along those lines, so keep an eye out for them! :raritywink:

In other news, many of you have noticed that I have been greatly increasing my output lately. Due to some lifestyle changes and no longer needing to focus on the Royal-Tea series (which I still personally consider my magnum opus), I have been able to branch out and write other, stranger fics. I've had a blast writing stories like "Better Go Catch It" and "A Convoluted Ploy to Give Sunny Starscout a Hug." Heck, I wrote "Jungle Diff" just because some League-savvy friends of mine thought it would be funny and I wanted to try out something different. All in all, it's been a really fun time writing these stories, and I'm extremely thankful to all of you that have enjoyed them! I certainly wasn't expecting the explosive success of some of these works! (Looking at you, "Don't Care Didn't Ask Plus You're Purple!") Also, to clear up any confusion, some of these Reader/Celestia works that I have made (like "I Want to Hold Your Hoof" and the aforementioned "Better Go Catch It") might or might not be part of the Royal-Tea series. It doesn't really matter whether you consider them a part of that continuity or not, as they were just scenarios that I was too drawn to to not at least try to write. Try not to worry about it too much, and just enjoy the ride!

Having said all of that, I do have an announcement: I'm taking requests! Do keep in mind that I mean this loosely. If you have a request for a shorter-form fic, just leave it in the comments here. If I like it or it gives me an idea, I might go ahead and write it (while crediting you for the inspiration, of course). Please understand that this is not a promise, though. If I can't think of a way to write the story, if I don't think I can do the story justice, or if I just don't want to write it, I simply won't. But I appreciate suggestions all the same! I want to challenge myself to write scenarios and characters that I don't typically work with, and this seems like a good opportunity to do just that! That said, please keep in mind that I do not write "mature" stories, so if you want to request anything particularly dark, violent, or... nsfw, while I appreciate the enthusiasm, I will most likely not make a story out of it. Sorry, but I have my limits!

Finally, I just want to thank each and every one of you once again. I cannot properly express just how incredible my experience on this site has been ever since I joined a little over a year ago. Writing is just something I find really fun, and the fact that so many people are enjoying my work is extremely humbling! :twilightblush:

As always, thank you for your time, and remember to be kind to one another!

Comments ( 26 )

Idea: Through the power of (Chaos, Magical, and/or Inter-Dimensional)-Fuckery SG-1 Makes an appearance and makes a deal with "Big-Nut Chad" here and Celestia to Quote: "Throw all of SG-1's Problems into Equestria's Sun"

That sounds really funny and I hate to deny the first request I get, but unfortunately I do not know the first thing about Stargate! I only know that SG-1 is a Stargate thing in the first place because I looked it up after reading your comment. Sorry!

Idea: Godzilla befriends Fluttershy and silly shenanigans ensue

One of my ma's favorite memories is me meeting my little sister after she was born. I'd love a story about Hope meeting her sibling after they are born. Seeing how she interacts with them as they come into the world so tiny along with the prideful parents in the background, both at the new life and how she is being so careful with her new sibling, would be so tender and sweet I'd just melt.

Another idea is, of course, the siblings causing such mischief akin to the CMCs.

You may have to wait a bit longer, as I have a fair number of stories I want to get through first, but you may be pleased to hear I was already planning on exploring both of those ideas. :raritywink:

Eh, Replace SG-1 With "Generic Military Goons representing the good 'ol U.S. of A." and it'll still work

(No need to apologize m8, yer gud!


Anon is sick, and Celestia is trying to nurse him back to health. Problem is she thinks his cold/flu is ponypox. And her treatment methods....old. So begins the tale of woe that is "Anon needs soup, not leeches"

Long ass premise for an AU but here it is:

Nightmare moon expects a fight upon her return, ponies cowering in fear as she's forced to battle her sister once more. However, there was something that she had not even considered. After her sister's banishment, Celestia realized it was her arrogance that led to her sister's fall, and she vowed to build a new Equestria that her sister would have wanted.

In this universe, Nightmare moon is neither myth nor legend; everyone is taught about what truly happened to Princess Luna, and that the two are one and the same. A mare ahead of its time, a staunch proponent of progressive societal reform that provoked the ire of noble houses at the height of their power during unified Equestria's shaky political beginning. Over centuries, she has become a martyr who helped her sister realize her hubris through her sacrifice, and greatly influenced modern equestrian policies. She's a symbol of moral integrity and counterculture, and an icon for underdogs everywhere.

Now at the 1000th summer sun celebration, the town of ponyville is crowded with ponies and creatures from all over equestria. All of them are eager to witness the historic event, and to show their love and appreciation as they welcome the Princess of the Night's return. Would Nightmare Moon still seek retribution and bring nighttime eternal? Or would she reunite with her long-lost sister, graciously returning to her throne? Either way, Celestia is ready to welcome her back, whether it leads to her punishment, or absolution. She's just glad to see her again.

A very interesting premise! I'll toy around with the concept and see if I can't get something going, but with how ambitious the idea is, who knows how that will go. I won't promise to make it, but I CAN promise that I will experiment a bit behind the scenes!

Do you think you could make a playlist or something like that for the Royal-Tea series so people can navigate it better? I don't want to read it out of order lol.

It might just be that I'm not familiar enough with the ins and outs of this site, but I'm not sure if there is a way to do that! I've gone ahead and created a public library for the series. That said, even with the proper settings, I couldn't get the stories to list themselves in the proper order. Once you open the library, sort it by "Approved" and all of the stories except for the most recent will be in chronological order. That said, even though the most recent story is out of chronological order, I would still recommend reading in the order that the "Approved" tag lists them. I feel that it makes the narrative flow better. :raritywink:

Now that you've done the Nightmare Moon story, an idea for Daybreaker: similar setting to Royal-Tea, but Celestia is even more stressed and occasionally is on the brink of lashing out. Each time, Anon goes "Come on honey, there's some cake with your name on it. You'll feel better after a snack" or something along those lines to get her to relax.

Ah that sounds adorable!

I don't have a detailed outline to be honest, but any kind of cute anon, - so a human and Twilight romantic story is definitely my favorite ones, so after reading your Celestia and Luna ones, would love to see one with our favorite bookworm as well sometime- if possible. :twilightsmile:
Thank you! :twilightblush:

Currently working on two Anon/Twilight stories! The first is a bit more dramatic in tone, but the second is pure purplesmart fluff. :twilightsmile:

Twilight fic idea:

Twilight has a castle. In this castle is a library. According to Anon, this technically makes it a book fort, and uses this fact to tease the hell out of her.

Ahem, another idea...

The foals have a talent show, everyone does the thing, even the CMC, but there is a change this time, it has a special guest. Many dont know it but Anon and Cheerilee are buddies. And anon lost a bet. After the main show, Anon has to perform something. Anon is tone deaf to himself. He believes this is going to go horribly wrong. What he does not know was this year, due to Twlight, all the alicorns are there in the backseats enjoying the show. One is there to support the foals, another because of wanting to have some fun with twlight, and the other was dragged along as to not be a party pooper.

Anon steps on stage, not noticing the big four (post alicorn bookhorse), and proceeds to tickle the ivories.

The foals love it, the Ponies REALLY enjoy it, and the big 4, have become a mix of flustered and moist because they think its about them...:rainbowwild:

Edit: can now see Pinkie doing the some of the backing music just because its funny

Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for taking my suggestion last time. but I have a new if that's okay:

Fluttershy finds a box with a mysterious creature inside, it turns out to be Gizmo from the movie Gremlins.
After Gizmo is inevitably wet, he multiplies 4 new Mogwai. one of which is Stripe the leader of the new batch.

After the Mogwai end up eating after midnight typical Gremlin hijinks ensue.

I think this would be a GREAT story for you to do.

And on the plus side Gremlin stories on FIMfiction are incredibly rare, even in their own fandom!

and the new Gremlins TV Show came out, so I'd say it's a good time to celebrate!

I'm very thankful for the faith you have in my writing abilities, but I'm sorry to say that I don't know anything about Gremlins. I've never seen it, so it would be a bit hard for me to write a story with characters I know nothing about. My bad! :twilightblush:


Nah it's alright.
I do recommend watching the movie tho.

It's really fun and memorable!

I'll put it on my list, thank you!

Your welcome, friendo

You're doing an amazing job working through pairings with all the princesses, so here's an idea: write an Anon x Chrysalis fic, because she has a horn and wings, so that makes her a princess, right? At least that's what Anon claims, to everyone's chagrin.

Before that, I've got a few stories already queued up that I'm working on right now, but luckily I was planning to get to Chrysalis soon either way!

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