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Friendship is Card Games: Twilight Sparkle's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise! · 11:50am Apr 16th, 2023

I took a look at the Canterlot Tell-All, but that’s just the Humane 7 commenting on the events of the first three movies. Some interesting tidbits like Sunset wanting to travel the world, but definitely not enough to justify a card blog. So we move on while staying in the human world.

Interesting variation on the Equestria Girls “heart-shaped horseshoe” logo on the chapter break pages, with the center hole missing and each of the others replaced by a cutie mark… of everyone except Sunset. Maybe the background stripes are in her palette, but I can’t tell because it’s in the book and thus printed in monochrome. :ajbemused: Feels like a needless snub of Bacon Horse.

In any case, the story actually opens in the last scene of Friendship Games, from human Twilight’s perspective as she encounters her pony counterpart… though in Perdita Finn’s retelling, they’re also wearing the same outfit. (Pony Twilight’s, for the record.)

There’s a recap of the climax of Friendship Games (mostly from Pinkie, who elides over the whole ‘Midnight Sparkle’ situation with impressive skill, aside from how Sunset also knew “what it was like to turn into a she-demon by accident.") Perhaps most interesting is one of Pinkie’s disambiguations is calling H-Twilight “never-been-a-pony Twilight.” Now that could just be in reference to her counterpart, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if Pinkie’s speaking from personal experience.

The non-Twilights insist P-Twilight knows all there is to know about friendship, which she fervetly denies, saying there’s always more to learn there. Interestingly, she says “I guess I always knew I had my double in your world,” and I suppose she could’ve inferred that logically, but it still strikes me as odd. (And heck, Pinkie told her she had a counterpart.)

The girls explain the whole “parallel worlds” situation to H-Twilight; I suppose she’s already wary of digging deeper into the world of magic she was trying to reach as Midnight. The subject of human Sunset is touched on only briefly and by implication.

H-Twilight is understandably overwhelmed by the idea of her counterpart being Princess of Friendship. “Until she came to Canterlot High from Crystal Prep, she’d never even had one single friend. Not one. Except for her dog, Spike.” Given P-Twilight’s track record with friends before Ponyville, I have my doubts there, but this is from the perspective of a Twilight just beginning her friendship journey. She’s not going to have fond memories or high opinions of her previous Platonic relationships compared to those with these girls.

More merriment is had, especially imagining Flash’s reaction to two Twilights (though P-Twilight insists she can’t stay long enough to say hi to him. Which is fair given how much supervision Starlight needs right now.) But H-Twilight now feels terribly inadequate in comparison to an instance of herself who’s come so much farther. Especially when she “turned into the won stevous (sic) Midnight Sparkle.”

Sunset notices H-Twilight’s discomfort and offer her support, noting “It can be hard being the new kid sometimes. Believe me, I know.” Intriguing note there. But Twilight is too preoccupied over how to get a good grade in friendship (something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve) that she’s still worried. She wants someone to teach her the ways of friendship despite being surrounded by potential tutors, because this is Twilight Sparkle, and if she didn’t overthink, she wouldn’t think at all. :twilightsheepish:

In a lovely characterization note, Twilight’s been putting off cleaning out her locker at Crystal Prep for as long as she could. (Heck, I’m surprised Cadence didn’t do it for her.) There’s a lovely bit of understatement in observing “Her classmates weren’t very nice.”

She goes one day after class, in the hopes that no one will be there. Unfortunately, she runs into Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Sugarcoat, all of whom have apparently forgotten any sense of guilt or remorse after the Friendship Games and are just being generically awful asshats. Not even the interesting, gimmicky asshats they were in the movie, which is especially sad when this scene already provides more opportunity to characterize Sunny Flare than Friendship Games did.

Ugh. This whole section hurts to read on multiple levels. For one, apparently Twilight was ostracized at Crystal Prep, the elitist school where the entire point was being better than everyone else, because she liked to study. For another, three of her old bullies, who again, have apparently decided that tormenting her is okay when there’s no visible risk of her tearing reality apart in the next ten minutes, gaslight her into thinking that her new friends are just testing her and won’t hesitate to drop her if she does such unforgivable acts as actually trust them, want to do things with them, or show even the slightest hint of sincerity or enthusiasm. And Twilight is desperate enough to believe them.

One particular note the Crystal Prep girls insist on is finding an “ally,” someone with whom Twilight can afford a modicum of trust, mostly so the two of them can gossip about the rest of their social circle behind their backs. She does see Sunset as a potential candidate there, and I will take what I can get.

We move to a sleepover at Pinkie’s, possibly the titular one, though it feels a bit early. It is the first one with (this) Twilight, so Pinkie went all-out on the decorations.

Twilight Sparkle blushed. Sunset Shimmer squeezed her hand. They had put their sleeping bags next to each other on the floor of Pinkie’s Pie’s room.

I will take what I can get.

We get the first mention of Camp Everfree, more than four months before Legend of Everfree aired. Interesting to note.

There’s several sleepover games, with Twilight terrified of revealing that she has no idea what she’s doing. This one hasn’t even read Slumber 101. Moments like a reference to the Dazzlings heighten her sense of being an outsider in this group, but the girls are happy to provide context and explain games. Twilight does have fun once she moves past her own fears; the whole thing alternates between feeling very on point for her and terribly generic.

”You’re a great dancer!” Fluttershy said [to Twilight]

And that’s how we know there’s some divergence between the worlds. :raritywink:

Everything’s going great… until the girls post silly photos of each other on social media. At which point Twilight’s former classmates start texting her and planting the seeds of doubt. She’s able to wave off her actual friends’ concerns… but she still can’t sleep when the lights go out. She admits she doesn’t know much about friendship to Sunset in a whispered conversation, and Sunset reminds her of her own counterpart’s words: People learn about friendship from each other.

Unfortunately, Twilight still has such little confidence that she feels she needs to do more research before she can even get to that point. Poor girl. Especially when the research ends up in the periodicals. Specifically every teen magazine friendship quiz Twilight can get her hands on. Well, this bit’s definitely canon.

The Crystal Prep girls show up, and at this point, I’m starting to think they’re stalking Twilight. Especially glaring is how they call back to Midnight Sparkle as part of…
You know, seeing how they interact with one another, I’m legitimately unsure whether or not they’re actually trying to help. I do have to appreciate going from “If Rainbow Dash doesn’t agree to make cookies with you, she’s not your friend” to Sunny Flare shooting down Sugarcoat’s suggestion of making snickerdoodles.

Twilight asks Sunset instead, but Sunset’s much more interested in comparing notes on magic in this world than baking… though I can’t help but suspect Ms. Finn glanced over synopses of the source material. (“You clearly have special magic inside you. You sprouted wings and flew up into the air—” says the girls who sprouted her own wings and saw Twilight steal that magic.)

Twilight, desperate to get Sunset to like her, suggests basically every friendship-adjacent activity she can think of, regardless of its relevance to the conversation, but the two of them manage to have fun regardless. Especially once Twilight gets past fears of looking like a show-off and does what she really wants to do when she’s alone with Sunset.
I’m talking about doing their homework together. :derpytongue2: This is still very much written for the target audience.

Also, there is an admittedly delicious bit of schadenfreude when Sour Sweet complains to Twilight about Sunny Flare making terrible cookies and Twilight sending back “You’ll figure it out. I’m sure you will.”

Next is bringing Spike to Fluttershy for a puppy makeover… and we have a very perplexing thought on Fluttershy’s part. “Long ago, when the Princess of Friendship first visited Canterlot High…” The heck is that “Long ago” supposed to mean? It has been, by all evidence, less than a year. Barely more than half that, if I had to guess.
That said, credit to Fluttershy for recognizing that this instance of Twilight is her own person and won’t be a carbon copy of the princess.

Okay, I do have to appreciate Twilight insisting that Spike not mention that she was alone at Crystal Prep, which leads to him going “Did I mention that Twilight has always had lots of friends? Because she has. Like, all of the time.” It’s a good gag, a sweet display of loyalty, and a reminder that just because this Spike can talk doesn’t necessarily mean he’s quite as intelligent as his counterpart.

Ah, the girls all agreed it’s easier to get to know someone one-on-one, hence these individual hangouts with Twilight. In Dash’s case, that means… wall climbing. Oh boy. :twilightoops:

The Crystal Prep girls show up ahead of Twilight and try to warn Dash about her, thus settling the question of whether they’re actually trying to help. They are not. At all. (Lemon and Indigo presumably wanted nothing to do with this entire script.) However, they’re also trying petty slander against the Bearer of Loyalty, who just ignores them.

There’s a lovely bit where Twilight intuitively knows that friends trust each other. It’s hokey, yes, but it’s the kind of sincere, heartwarming hokeyness that MLP is built on. And it demonstrates that this Twilight knows more about friendship than she realizes, even as the hostile chorus tries to shame her for saying it out loud.

The actual climbing has Dash being so supportive that Sugarcoat has a legitimate Evil Cannot Comprehend Good moment, losing her grip on the belay rope and making Sour Sweet slip. It is nice to see Dash take athletic safety seriously. Not everyone’s as awesome as her. She even makes Twilight question one of her old preconceived notions: Just because she was always alone at Crystal Prep doesn’t necessarily mean everyone else was together. That night, Twilight starts seeing the flaws in the Shadowbolts’ advice, while Dash and Applejack begin to plan a way to show her she knows more about friendship than she realizes.

Pinkie’s activity is watching a basketball game together, and I am right there with Twilight feeling out of place.

Interestingly, Flash Sentry is apparently the star player on Canterlot High’s basketball team.
Concerningly, he’s been waiting for Twilight by her locker lately. Pinkie thinks he likes her.
Understandably, Twilight is concerned that it’s only because she’s the counterpart of his actual crush, and that her “friends” also only like her because of P-Twilight’s good reputation.
Bizarrely, she worries about how they’d feel if she turned into Midnight again. I really don’t think Ms. Finn understood how that whole process worked.

Sunset shows up, and speaking from her own experience dating Flash (again, described as “a long time ago” rather than, say, last year) she echoes Pinkie’s stance on the matter.

The two are caught up in gossip during the next few baskets. Twilight feels awkward at first, but she pushes past embarrassment and doubt… to the point that she comes up with a new cheer on the spot. This is an awe-inspiring moment for Pinkie Pie, and soon enough, everyone in the stands are chanting it.

Sunset Shimmer was beaming at her. “It’s funny,” she said. “You are different than Princess Twilight, but you share something magical with her, too. I can feel it.”

I’ve shipped on less, damn it.

After the game, everyone heads to Sugarcube Corner the Sweet Shoppe (still don’t like that name.) The story has the audacity to claim that Vinyl’s songs have words that people can actually sing along to without squarewave generators in their throats.

As her friends filter in, Twilight finds her dream has come true. She’s with friends. She’s not entirely sure how, but like magic, she’s done it. (I’m ignoring Flash’s longing looks in her direction, even if the story isn’t.)
Meanwhile, the three Shadowbolts are at a corner table, bored and/or frustrated, and Twilight realizes that what she took for friendship with them was really more just frequent proximity and marginally less contempt for one another than everyone else. (Not quite the story’s words, but that’s the idea. :raritywink:)

Rarity proposes a sleepover, and demonstrating that some things really are multiversal constants, Twilight asks if she can invite her old classmates in the name of giving them a little friendship magic. (To answer Mark Twain, if anyone would pray for Satan, “our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one,” it’s Twilight Sparkle. I remain convinced the princess has long-term plans for Tirek.) To everyone’s surprise, they even accept.

Things get complicated when they actually show up and generally bring the mood down through being constantly, incredibly catty. Fortunately, Fluttershy shows up shortly after them, along with her proven track record with hostile creatures who no one else could ever get along with.
Also, she has photos of puppies on her phone.

Soon enough, everyone’s arrived except for Twilight… and Sunny Flare wonders if she’s turned into Midnight again. “It’s just that once someone’s turned into a monster… well, you know. You can’t help but wonder if it might not happen again.”
Hmm. I honestly can’t argue against this too fervently. Goodness knows I’ve used the same concept of precedent for both Sunset and Twilight. Still, the others are quick to leap to Twilight’s defense. especially Sunset, who speaks from personal experience on the matter.

By the time Twilight actually gets there, even the Crystal Prep girls have had enough of one another, and the mood is bad enough that some of the others are feeling physically ill. (Amusingly, Fluttershy asks if Sunset can stop these girls much as she stopped the sirens and Midnight. Sunset thinks the Shadowbolts are worse. I do have to love Fluttershy asking Sunset to rainbow these three into submission.)

Twilight decides to do what she does best: Organize. Soon enough, her friendship bracelet supplies are meticulously arranged and everyone’s engaged in having fun and making gifts for one another… except Sunny Flare, who can’t stand to see her accomplices actually enjoying themselves. So she breaks out the nuclear option: Truth or Dare.

The variant she insists on—and no one dares say “no” as she demands obedience at someone else’s party after already shooting down one of the planned activities—is having everyone write a Truth card and a Dare card and drawing from the decks as appropriate.

Ah. They may not say no to the activity itself, but they do refuse to go along with questions that would force them to single out people, for good or for ill. Sunny Flare is infuriated by the wishy-washy responses and refusal to play her terms… until her turn. Where she picks Dare. And draws “Do your best impression of Midnight Sparkle.” Which she does by crossing her eyes and screaming like a banshee.

Everyone calls her out on it, her friends included, and Rarity asks her to leave. Twilight, however, gives her one last chance… though not without getting a few digs in. (“I’ve been where you are. I’ve been a monster too.”)

Extending a hand of genuine friendship and forgiveness shocks Sunny. So does Sunset checking the card and seeing that it actually said “Do a silly dance.” Humbled (or at least reading the room,) Sunny demurs and proposes doing each other’s hair instead of continuing the game.

By the end of the night, much fun has been had, and Sunny’s prepared a crown for Twilight, recognizing that she’s the one who actually knows how to, you know, not be a sociopath. Funnily enough, this leads to the others telling the Crystal Prep girls about Equestria. At least they’re somewhat prepared for the concept of a magical otherworld after seeing it through rifts in reality.

We get a montage of the Crystal Prep girls getting healthier socialization as the group prepares for a Twilight-hosted sleepover, and one gets the sense that this is happening in parallel with Starlight’s early lessons. Though this Twilight tells Sunny Flare to stop taking notes. “You don’t need a list.” Heresy.

The chapter closes with Twilight and Sunset having hot chocolate together at the Sweet Shoppe as the former asks the latter for a playlist that takes everyone’s tastes into account.

“Sometimes I worry I might turn into Midnight Sparkle again someday…”
“Well, if you do, I’ll let you know. And you’ll let me know if I’m ever a crown-stealing she-demon. Deal?”

They’re gay, Your Honor.

The sleepover includes constellations on the ceiling, each of Twilight’s friends from both schools getting her own star, and I can’t help but wonder if this is prophetic. I could absolutely see P-Twilight memorializing her first friends in the heavens.

There’s a rather dubious bit that could be read as a moral of “Stop thinking and just have fun,” but overall, this is a lovely denouement.

And in the epilogue, Twilight demonstrates how she has surpassed her counterpart without knowing it by effortlessly getting along with her Trixie.

In all, this has some very rough patches, but I do have to appreciate a moral that’s best expressed as “Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part of you that cringes.” It would’ve been nice to get some more depth to the Shadowbolts, especially when Sunny Flare was the least fleshed out member of the team. That said, while shallow—I never thought I’d long for the nuanced depth of G. M. Berrow—this still has some enjoyable bits.

Now, let’s see what I can do with them:

Night Warden 1W
Creature — Human Soldier
2W, T: Tap target creature. This ability costs 2 less to activate if it targets a black or red creature.
An unexpected flashlight beam is enough to stop most things that go bump in the night.

Nyxborn Phalanx 2W
Enchantment Creature — Soldier Ally
Rally — Whenever Nyxborn Phalanx or another Ally enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on target non-Aura enchantment you control. If it isn’t a creature, it becomes a 0/0 Ally creature in addition to its other types.
The army of faith is as stars in the sky.

Invasion of Mundus 3W
Battle — Siege
(As a Siege enters, choose an opponent to protect it. You and others can attack it. When it’s defeated, exile it, then cast it transformed.)
When Invasion of Mundus enters the battlefield, exile target non-Human creature an opponent controls. That player creates a 1/1 white Human creature token.
Midnight and Daydream
Legendary Creature — Demon Angel
Midnight and Daydream is all colors.
Flying, ward 5
Whenever you cast a spell, exile target nonland permanent an opponent controls that’s fewer colors than that spell.
A brief truce to sort out the intruders soon blossomed into something more.

Off the Roster 7W
Assist (Another player can pay up to 7 of this spell’s cost.)
Exile two target creatures.
“You ever get the feeling you’re missing something?” said Indigo.
Lemon shrugged. “Probably just gas.”

Kill the Mood 1U
Creatures target player controls get -2/-0 until end of turn. Red and/or green creatures that player controls get an additional -2/-0 until end of turn.
Overanalyzing fun is one of the surest ways to end it.

Polish Purveyor 1U
Creature — Human Citizen
T: Target creature becomes all colors until end of turn.
It’s easy to have the perfect manicure ready when you have every possible color on hand.

Interplanar Parallels 3U
Whenever a player planeswalks, create a token that’s a copy of target nonlegendary, nonland permanent you control of that player’s choice.
The more things change, the more some stay the same.

Incessant Bickering 2BB
At the beginning of each player’s upkeep, that player loses 1 life for each creature they control unless they sacrifice a creature.
Crystal Prep students can make people miserable through simple proximity, including one another. Especially one another.

Lurking Midnight 2BB
When a player has no cards in hand, if Lurking Midnight is an enchantment, it becomes a 5/5 Demon creature with flying.
“I can feel her in the back of my mind. Watching. Judging. Waiting.
—Twilight Sparkle

Geode-Blade Assassin 3B
Creature — Human Assassin
Converge — When Geode-Blade Assassin enters the battlefield, target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn, where X is the number of colors of mana spent to cast this spell.
Equestrian magic has many uses beyond reformation and empowerment.

Crystal Prep Coven 4B
Creature — Human Warlock
Whenever an opponent casts a green or white spell, Crystal Prep Coven deals 1 damage to them.
Many tried to replicate Twilight’s research. The lucky ones didn’t get anywhere with it.

Buzzer Beater RR
This spell can’t be countered as long as it targets a player with 3 or less life.
Buzzer Beater deal 3 damage to any target.
“Everyone loves a last-second win. Except the losers, I guess.”
—Rainbow Dash

Lay Up 1R
Demonstrate (When you cast this spell, you may copy it. If you do, choose an opponent to also copy it. Players may choose new targets for their copies.)
Choose target creature, planeswalker, or battle. If it was dealt noncombat damage this turn, Lay Up deals 3 damage to it. Otherwise, Lay Up deals 1 damage to it.

Let Loose 2R
Gain control of target creature an opponent controls until end of turn. Untap that creature. It gains haste until end of turn. If it’s white or blue, it gets +3/+0 until end of turn and can attack as though it didn’t have any abilities this turn.
Never take yourself too seriously.

Passionate Pyromancer 2R
Creature — Unicorn Wizard Ally
Rally — Whenever Passionate Pyromancer or another Ally enters the battlefield under your control, creatures you control get +1/+0 until end of turn.
“Ungula’s weird, but there are a few folks with the right idea there.”
—Chandra Nalaar

Paragon of Sincerity 1GG
Creature — Human Warrior
This spell can’t be countered.
When Paragon of Sincerity enters the battlefield, creatures you control gain hexproof from blue and from black until end of turn. (They can’t be the targets of blue or black spells or abilities your opponents control.)

Malignant Advisor 2G
Creature — Phyrexian Advisor
Toxic 2 (Players dealt combat damage by this creature also get two poison counters.)
Whenever Malignant Advisor becomes blocked, draw a card.
The right idea in the wrong mind can be the worst infection of all.

Synchronized Cheer Squad 4G
Creature — Human Citizen
Synchronized Cheer Squad can’t be blocked by creatures with power 2 or less.
Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player or battle, draw a card.
Canterlot High’s cheerleaders adapted concerningly well to the war effort.

Gaea’s Stirrings 5G
Sorcery — Arcane
Search your library for up to two basic land cards, put them onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle. Choose a land you control of each basic land type, then untap them.
“I have everything under control.”
—Gloriosa Daisy, camp counselor

Crown of Friendship X2
Artifact — Equipment
You can’t spend mana to cast this spell.
Convoke (Your creatures can help cast this spell. Each creature you tap while casting this spell pays for 1 or one mana of that creature’s color.)
Crown of Friendship enters the battlefield with X charge counters on it.
Equipped creature gets +2/+2 for each charge counter on Crown of Friendship.
Equip 2

Disciple of Midnight BR
Creature — Human Warlock
When Disciple of Midnight enters the battlefield, you may sacrifice a nonland permanent. If you do, each opponent sacrifices a permanent that shares a card type with it.
Twilight’s fall horrified most witnesses and inspired a disturbed few.

Group Exercise 1GU
As an additional cost to cast this spell, tap two untapped creatures you control.
Create a 0/0 green and blue Fractal creature token, then put X +1/+1 counters on it, where X is the total power of the tapped creatures.
Math, like friendship, is not easily mastered.

Clean Out 2WB
Exile target creature and all permanents attached to it. For each card exiled this way, search the graveyard, hand, and library of that creature’s controller for any number of cards with the same name as that card and exile them. That player shuffles, then draws a card for each card exiled from their hand this way.

The Time War 2UB
Enchantment — Saga
(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)
I — Return target creature to its owner’s hand. That player puts a card from their hand into their library second from the top.
II — Target player mills six cards.
III — Put target creature card from a graveyard onto the battlefield under your control.

Throne Toppler 2BR
Creature — Demon
Flying, menace
5BR: Monstrosity 3. (If this creature isn’t monstrous, put three +1/+1 counters on it and it becomes monstrous.)
When Throne Toppler becomes monstrous, you become the monarch.
“None will live to challenge you, sire.”

Comments ( 13 )

I never read the EQG ones. I had a look around many years ago but got confused when some of them were clearly just novelizations of the movies and there were alternative titles for the same ones. And this doesn't make it sound all that rewarding. Still, I'm curious. I believe one of them has human Commander Hurricane in it, of all people.

Unfortunately, she runs into Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, and Sugarcoat, all of whom have apparently forgotten any sense of guilt or remorse after the Friendship Games and are just being generically awful asshats.

The Formula strikes again :trixieshiftleft:

I pretty much use this book as my base Sunny Flare characterisation. Her gimmick being she's a control freak. Even her gauntlets are an extension of it, monitoring her health constantly for any sign of flaws.

Inside Baseball Alert: Midnight isn't the first to lurk (there's another one, but I can't even be bothered to figure out which of them was even first). Like the original, it stops being an enchantment when its ability turns it into a creature because the ability doesn't say "in addition to its other types" like most such abilities do. (I have less of a problem with this than "this only reduces colored mana costs" because it actually prevents more nonsense than it causes).

Stupid Complicated Game Alert: Reminder text isn't rules text, but Lay Up still needs the "Players may choose new targets for their copies" because otherwise the Demonstrate is pure upside all the time instead of just when you have no actual targets to reciprocate against. The opponent isn't allowed to decline the copy, by the way. :trollestia:

Stupid Complicated Game Alert: I don't actually know off the top of my head whether the game will remember "the tapped creatures" for Group Exercise if one or both of them have left the battlefield by the time the spell resolves (they're tapped as cost). The fact that this is even a legitimate question still fits the spirit of these alerts. :pinkiecrazy:

You really have to wonder with these chapter books just how many reference materials and supervision the writers are provided with, to judge by how terrible the featured Crystal Prep girls are for most of this. I definitely preferred Sunny Flare (read: tolerated her) when she was a moon with fifteen words of dialogue (yes, I checked the transcript) as opposed to… this. Also noteworthy for these books still using the original production name of Sugarcube Corner despite 6 years of that being corrected in dialogue for the show scripts.

Really not much else to say here. Lot of similar flaws to G.M. Berrow's ones, some different ones, interesting parts admit the rough patches, and overall it's terribly unsurprising I've never heard of any of this book's event being discussed before, between even the best bit being done much better in fanfiction and (likely) most viewers not even checking this one out after several novelisation and quasi-novelisations of the movies warded folks off looking at them.

Oh, and the link to the Friendship Math short really puts into perspective the difference animation style, background music, voice acting, and better storyboarding/layout can have. Because it's conceptually the sort of rickety thing we get in Tell Your Tale, Twilight and Pinkie getting caught up in a frivolous fortune cookie-esque friendship quiz, with a generic moral reached after a quick montage. Though, yes, the script can fall back on better-established personality traits for Twilight and Pinkie (or, well, leeching off their FiM counterparts, partially in Sci-Twi's case). But with animation movement and transitions and a flow that is loose and relaxed rather then frantic and jittery (desperate to not lose the viewer, in essence), music that isn't just variations on the same generically upbeat TYT theme in full 4Kids "generically describe the action in ADHD" mode, and of course, an animation style far more pleasing to look at and smoother on the eyes, it goes down much better, even though the script on paper probably reads as only somewhat better then a given TYT short.

…Yeah, the book didn't give me much to say this week. :twilightsheepish:

I've always felt that Sunset would ultimately choose which world to stay in after school based on her relationships. Obviously, her friends have a big advantage, but that one on one would be the cincher. Twi and Sunset just work. It makes sense. I like the princess, but for Sunset I just see her and human Twi as a better partnership and that would be built on the foundation of their mutual friends and how well they flow together. (Just ignore most of my written stuff. Plot drove that.)

I honestly feel that EqG biggest failing was that they were not allowed to address stories and issues that most teens really have to deal with. It could have appealed more to an older, teen audience if it had. Ah well. It was a product of its time I suppose just like Monster High and Ever After.


You really have to wonder with these chapter books just how many reference materials and supervision the writers are provided with

The writers for the actual show barely have those things, why would they give it to the chapter books? :pinkiecrazy:

Yes, that's the joke. My statement was rhetorical. Possibly a suitable emoji (:moustache:) would have clarified that better.

A "very special" episode with Flash getting high off magic doodads.

Excellent crop this time around, but ouch on that first one.
Buzzer Beater got a cackle.
Interplanar Parallels might want nontoken in the mix, or it's likely to copy a lot of treasures or clues.
Clean Out is also very nice.

Pinkie’s activity is watching a basketball game together

I had never thought about this until this very moment, but it would have made a ton of sense if Pinkie were on Canterlot High's cheerleading squad.

”You’re a great dancer!” Fluttershy said [to Twilight]

And that’s how we know there’s some divergence between the worlds. :raritywink:

She is the element of kindness.

I'd say there was a bit of nuance in Sunny's grudge towards Twilight.

It's not that she has anything against Twi, it's that she can't get over how nothing happened to Twi. Twilight not getting punished for turning into a demon just doesn't make sense to Sunny, so she expresses that confusion through her barbs.

I feel like they might have been alluding to SciSet, until Hasbro decided "we're going to cut this off with a guillotine."

As far as I can recall, here's the full list of Equestria Girls books:

Order	Type		Title	
01	Novelization	Through the Mirror
02	Novelization	Rainbow Rocks (Prologue shorts)
03	Novelization	Rainbow Rocks - The Mane Event (The movie)
04	Original	Sunset Shimmer's Time to Shine
05	Original	Wondercolts Forever - The Diary of Celestia and Luna (Friendship Games prequel)
06	Novelization	The Friendship Games
07	Original	Canterlot High Tell-All
08	Original	Twilight's Sparkly Sleepover Surprise
09	Novelization	The Legend of Everfree
10	Novelization	Magic, Magic Everywhere (Dance/Movie/Mirror Magic)
11	Novelization	A Friendship to Remember (Forgotten Friendship)
12	Original	Rainbow Dash Brings the Blitz
13	Original	Twilight Sparkle's Science Fair Sparks
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