• Member Since 19th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago

Vic Fontaine

Author & Editor; Chief Apprentice in Loyal's House of Fanfic; Lt. in the Army of Biscuit; Does Bad Things for Bad Horse; Runs a Nightclub on Holodeck 2.

More Blog Posts308

  • Thursday
    Bringing Mom Home

    Plans are set and preparations are made. Next week, Dad, myself, and my wife will be traveling back to our hometown (where much of my family is from anyway) to intern mom's urn. My dad's a veteran, so he was able to reserve a spot for him and mom in a state veteran's cemetery years ago.

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  • 4 weeks
    On losing a parent


    I was planning on writing a 'state of the writer' post this weekend to update y'all on what I've been up to. But, well, I suppose the state of me right now is everything all at once.

    My mom passed away suddenly yesterday. She was 77.

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    20 comments · 122 views
  • 22 weeks
    Daring Do and the Red Shoe Diary

    For years, since nearly the start of the series' rise to international fame, the rumors have persisted: Was there an adult-oriented Daring Do story? Has our intrepid explorer gone down paths far more sordid and saucy than her audience could have imagined?

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  • 23 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all! However you celebrate the season, I hope it is a good one for you and yours.

    /and better than mine, as I'm typing this while stuck in a hotel room thousands of miles from home because of all times for me to finally get covid, it's now
    //am fully vaxxed though; so far mild symptoms, just annoying. Wife is still negative thankfully

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  • 24 weeks
    New Red Shoes Chapter is Live!

    After far too long of a hiatus, Red Shoes is officially back with a new chapter!

    This time, we'll be hearing from the co-owner of Sugarcube Corner, who has a saucy but sympathetic tale to tell.

    I hope you enjoy, and let me know in the comments. Cheers, all!

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Hope for the Holidays · 8:16am Dec 13th, 2022

I really had high hopes for 2022. But hope springs eternal - as does a story I'm glad to say is about to rise once again. (more after the jump)

Hey, folks. Hope this finds you safe and healthy. So I went into this year, my 40th on this spinning rock, with a lot of motivation and some writing goals to go with them. Try to get back to some kind of normal routine quasi-post covid, and clear out my neglected drafts folder too.

As the old saying goes, plans usually never survive their first contact with reality. I'll refer you to my previous blog posts for the details, but a quick TLDR: Service tech messed up our washer, causing a minor flood in the house. Medical issue forced me to cancel a (2-year delayed) holiday trip and fly home. Wife caught a horrible stomach bug and passed out at home. A few weeks after that she got covid. My parents downsized into assisted living due to my mom's accelerating Alzheimer's. Months of chasing one specialist after another for help with my own issues. 6+ months to fix the flood damage to the house. And on top of all that, a increasingly dead-end to my job.

I published one thing, all the way back in January. And for some reason, it fell victim to a wave of drive by trolls who blasted me with downvotes and bad comments for no reason at all, all but burying the poor story. (to he11 with them, btw)

So, not much to show for this year. A lot of things outside of my control, but I still feel like I let all y'all down big time. That my follower count rose at all this year is more than I deserve, and I can't thank you all enough for sticking with me all this time. :fluttercry:

BUT, hope does indeed spring eternal, and so I choose to hope/pray for better times in 2023, at least on the creative front. And to hopefully help jumpstart my creative juices, I'm very happy to announce the return from hiatus of a story I've been helping edit!

New Chapter coming on Dec. 31st!

Do not adjust your LCARS panels, ladies and gentlemen! ST: Phoenix is indeed back! Dewdrops, our intrepid author, recently contacted me and asked if I'd like to jump back onboard and pick this story back up and I couldn't say YES fast enough. Working on this story has been amazing, and I'm excited as heck to get Sunset and Twilight's story back in motion. Even if you're not a superbig Trek fan, I hope you'll give this a try. I really do think we've made it accessible even to casual fans.

More to come on my own stories, but I can only hope that the next flip of the calendar brings better tidings for me and my house.

Much love to you and yours, and I wish you all a safe and blessed holiday. Hug your loved ones and stay pony, my friends. :heart:


Report Vic Fontaine · 189 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Keep on

Sorry to hear about the IRL shakeups. If it means anything, I can sympathize on some of them - my October and November were highly occupied by ongoing health issues with one of my parents. Even if it wasn't bad enough to involve moving relocating to assisted living, those weeks were a grueling time, and you have all my sympathies.

Like you say, hope springs eternal, and here's to a better next year for all, yeah? :pinkiesmile:

Best wishes and happy holidays to you, Moff! I know you and your family have had a tough year, but as you said there’s always hope. Remember that you always have friends that are here for you. :twilightsmile:

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