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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Episode 39: Under the Mistytoe 🎄 Can Misty Catch Sparky? | Tell Your Tale (my commentary) · 5:17pm Dec 8th, 2022

That damn flying bus again...
"There's no malfunction, I just can't drive."
Pipp and Sunny instant ship. Sunnipp?
Sunny transitions from frightened to proactive in a second. Also comms her mane, gets dressed and ditches Pipp in said second.
Hats have become a dress code.
Izzy is a druid. Or a reindeer.
Izzy forces a hat onto a dog and doesn't take No for an answer.
Matching hats? Misty, are you blind? They couldn't be more apart from each other.
"All that power and no intellect." I'm starting to like you more and more, Opaline.
Misty is said because she knows that she also has no intellect. Or power. Or anything. She's literally nothing.
Sunny predicts a shooting star down to a second. I doubt even Twilight could achieve such a feat.
It turns out that it's not a shooting star, it's just Rainbow Dash crashing again.
Shooting star, rainbow light and everything nice. These are the ingredients for apocalypse.
Oh, Opaline, you didn't get to make a wish. So sad. You should have worn a hat.
She's after dragon fire again. What happened to rainbow power? She keeps changing her mind.
Or else? Misty failed at getting dragon fire like a dozen times already, and there was no 'or else'.
Misty is medium mysterious.
Also fat.
Pipp needs big presents for her big ego.
Misty blows her cover by talking to herself.
Misty is almost too fat to make it out.
If I've learned anything from the horse of Troy infiltration is that Misty will now start stabbing them one by one while they sleep.
"What am I doing?" What are you doing? At least you used to have an excuse that you want a cutie mark, but you have that now, somehow, so what's even your motivation?
Oh, she must have pulled Starlight Glimmer's move in regard to her cutie mark.
Misty uses her hoof to make shade from the sun in the middle of the night.
She looks into the distance to spot a dragon one meter away.
But how will she kidnap him without getting his attention? Oh, wait, she wants its attention? Why?
Misty spends 2 hours baking one donat.
Misty might have failed, but now she has muffins!
Misty tries the same tactic again, expecting different results. It seems she's not just fat but also insane.
She kidnapped a dog, didn't she?
Hearing things, again? This must happen regularly then.
A puppy is what Opaline needs, but it's not what she wants.
Fire alicorn?

Yup, it's a dog. Called it!
Dragon, dog, what's the difference?
"Can't you do anything right?" - Oh, come on, Opaline, can't you read the trend?
"It was dark." - Why did you have to shade the light with your hoof then?
'Open immediately.' - Alas, it was already too late. The dog ran out of air and suffocated.
It's going to be sad when they open the big present and it will be empty. I'm not sure if Pipp's ego will be able to cope.

And because Hasbro posts random videos at the end, I'll post random comments in turn.

You can't have nightmares if you never dream.

It feels to me like a bully going around, telling other bullies how he gave a nerd an atomic wedgy because the nerd bumped in him in the hallway. It's not even bravery, it's just wantonness.

Xbox looks like a box.

What were they going to do, conquer American continent? They're just a small island...

"You see, the Bible is trying to tell us with the sentence "There is no God; you should not believe in God." that we shouldn't virtue signal. It's in line with the other parts of the Bible that also tell us that we should not worship God publicly. This only proves that the Bible was truly inspired by God. The Bible would not be complete without this sentence. It's there for a reason. We can truly learn a lot from it. I am working on this myself currently, letting my action speak to my nature as a Christian instead of my empty virtue-signaled beliefs. Every argument you give only confirms more the truth of the Bible and God. You keep failing to provide anything that would be amiss in the Bible. The Bible is perfectly written and couldn't have been written any more perfectly. How does it feel when your own scientific evidence work against you, ey? I'm so smart and have studied much to confirm what I already believe. I know everything and the truth. I have seen Jesus on a toast and a double rainbow. That can only mean that I'm right about everything. The double rainbow can only be explained as a miracle and irrefutable proof that Christian God exists exactly as I imagine Her and there can be absolutely no alternative explanations. La-la-la-la, I can't hear them. I know the rest of the dirty plebs don't know anything because they have a different opinion than the fairytale I hold in my head. That's how I know that everybody is wrong and only I'm right about everything."

She's like, "I decided that I want a baby and I'll make you give me one. I've read somewhere that dancing can make men ready for procreation. So, let's get this over with..."

You want to sex your mate every day and you came here looking for a scientific argument for whenever your mate says No to you?

Name me just one instance out of your entire life where you acted without a selfish reason.

The wall of text looms. It's up to Twilight and her friends to make a comeback and bring harmony back to the thread.

Comments ( 1 )

I like Cloudpuff

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