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The Blog in Which A Devastatingly Beautiful Tale of of Devotion is Told · 10:25pm Dec 14th, 2012

Have you ever read The Immortal Game? Well, my pre-reader and rear admiral of the rear q97randomguy has. And he loves it. It was one of his favorite stories--a feeling I understand, as I cried and lost sleep reading the last fifth of FOE and a few other novels. Well... he told me a story! I thought you guys might enjoy this. For all those who got your books taken up as a child because you weren't paying attention in school:

Let me tell you a story, a story about this story...
I was on vacation, that would have been great, but much to my dismay, it was during the week that the final chapter of TIG was going to come out. The motel we were in had no wifi. My life was over. But lo! There was a mall nearby, and they had a wifi hotspot! I was saved! Alas, life had different plans. We were going to leave too early the next morning to get to the mall, and my parents were against my waking up earlier and walking the 1/2 mile to the mall to get the story. Undeterred I endeavored to wake up even earlier than they expected.

I awoke at 5:00. Slipping out of bed quietly I snuck across the darkened room. Now came the real challenge, getting dressed. I did this as silently as possible, and with as little light as I could manage. Halfway through putting on my pants, my mom started waking up. I froze, hoping that she would fall asleep once more. After several heart-pounding minutes, seconds, I don't know, she settled back down. I was in the clear. As I went to open the door, I realized something: I would need the key-card to get back in.
This was a serious problem, I had no idea where it was. As I searched through our bags by the light of my watch, I heard my parents stir. Once more I froze. They fell back into slumber. Finally after several minutes of searching I found it. I crept to the door, and started to open it. The hinge creaked. My heart stopped. This time,they awoke.

"Andre? Are you... leaving?"


"I thought we said that you couldn't go."


"You're not going."


"But what?"

"This is my favorite story ever... You know what that means, right?"

They indeed understood what this meant. I was a child that had been punished in school for excessive reading. When I was at home the worst threat I could receive was "I'll ground you from reading." And when they followed through I was miserable.

This and more probably went through their heads, but in the end my miserable (pitiful really) tone of voice made them renege their decision.

"Fine, but you're not walking. Brian, get your keys."

You cannot imagine my joy. I gleefully went to the mall, and mooched off their wifi. And then I read the final chapter of TIG, and all was right with the world.

Also, have some news:

I'm trying to slow down my pumping out of stories. ;_; I have the sadfic set up and ready to go at any moment, and it's taking all my control not to send it off now. Outremer has a NEW NAME. YeS RARIDASH ADVENTURE is now "Great Heart Will Not Be Denied". It should be out in a few weeks, I think.

And... straight shipping. Kind of. Y'all are gonna hate it.

I'm gonna love it.

Report Cynewulf · 367 views ·
Comments ( 15 )

This... It's beautiful.

My mom did something like that once, which I think is why we all got feels reading that.

Lol, I got the same story Cyne! I chuckled at it :pinkiesmile:

Nice story... luckily my parents have practically forced me to embrace reading since I could read.

Also, you need to read The Immortal Game, Cyne.

I can't say anything like this has happened to me, but it was a nice story regardless.
Reading is magic. :twilightsmile:

And straight shipping? Is that even a thing?

The funny thing is, so did mine. They just might have done it a bit too well...:twilightsmile:

611798 And NIC won again

I read alllll of the Lord of the Rings in 2nd-3rd grade and had them taken up about 5 times. At least. They made me play at recess.

Once, while I was reading in recess, these 2 bullies took my book and ripped it in half. What really sucked was that it was a library book. :twilightangry2:
(The bullies were girls, so I couldn't retaliate as I wanted to.)

613004 O_O That is actually kind of hardcore. Whoa.

You have no idea how much I wanted to punch them. Their faces had targets painted on them, I swear.

611520 It is now honey chile

but perhaps not the kind of shipping I normally do.


I'm not sure it's really shipping at all.

613173 :P

chile pronounced chai-ull like child. :P I was using my Madea voice on you. :3

best voice.

613176 Ahh, I see. I will admit I haven't seen any of those movies...

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