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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Make Your Mark - episode 6: The Traditional Unicorn Sleepover (my commentary) · 1:25am Nov 12th, 2022

From now on, whenever I do something wrong I'll just say, "I'm just getting my sillies out."
Was that Sprout Cloverleaf? And he wasn't trying to destroy everything? How peculiar. The lobotomy they performed on him must have been really effective.
Why do ponies have 4 long legs if they're exhausted after a short run while a dragon on two small legs doesn't even break a sweat?
"Hi, friend, what's your name?" How can you not know? She's part of Filly 4! The most famous group. I still don't know how she got the part, though.
Also, Misty, you're not even medium sneaky.
Sparky is a dog, and he didn't even need to teleport to EG universe.
"You, me, we can be: Unicorn master race!" Or just friends. I guess that could work too...
Misty received bad touches and hugs from Izzy. And she's not even of age since she doesn't even have a cutie mark yet.
Izzy is Pinkie Pie.
Something feels different. It must be Misty's mane. I haven't seen such messy hair since the sexy Fluttershy scene in EG.

Izzy has been missing Bridlewood. Is she assuming all Unicorns live there? That extinction event must have really done a number on ponies. Thanks, Twilight.
Izzy lived in Bridlewood all her life, yet it's not sus at all that she sees another Unicorn from Bridlewood for the first time. Bridlewood really didn't look so big to me that you could miss somepony for 20 years in it.
"What's a sleepover?" It's when I invite you to my place and get you drunk. Then, when there's no more public transport for you to get home, I invite you to sleep at my place. And when you get settled in your bed I tell you that's my bad and the only one in my apartment. And when I nuzzle against you, I tell you that I'm allergic to all clothes, so those have to go. And I only have one small blanket, so we'll have to sleep very tightly together; like basically becoming one. That's what sleepovers are, right?
Wheepover is when you cry for not having lunch. Misty, is Opaline starving you?
So, Misty gets invited to the lighthouse where that rainbow glass she wants to steal is stationed at, but she says no to an opportunity like that? Why? If Opaline heard you right now, she'd spank you until the color of your plot matched your belly.
Sparky hates Misty's guts, but suddenly forgets that and stays with her like a best friend. So now, Misty has a chance to steal a dragon flame as well.
And, she just stands there.
You're not going to steal the magic lantern. You'll party all night and only then steel the magic lantern, for reasons.
But you're the expert in parties. Oh wait, you've been stuck in this castle for centuries all alone. Oh, the burn.
Find that lantern that we know exactly where it is and we're also looking at it right now even though we can't look into the lighthouse.
Girls, girls, you won't believe this. I just saw: A Unicorn!

"She sounds like a unique Unicorn." - Oh, shut up Sunny. You don't know what unique means. Izzy just told you that she was looking a copy of herself. She probably found a mirror.
"Sparky growls at everypony." - No he doesn't. This is the first time he growled.
Equestria still exists, apparently.
"More yarn! How do you expect me to tie her up if I don't have enough yarn?"
Oh, she brought her own pillow. How pathetic is that?
Let the pony inquisition begin.
Somepony being a friend never stopped Zipp from detectiving her.
Misty's evil pillow shows its true colors!
Remind me to never play chess with Izzy.
Misty searches for the magic lantern that she knows exactly where it is. But maybe they moved it under the table an hour ago since she has last seen it.
"Misty, pee cups are for fortune reading, not for drinking. Why would you want to drink pee, anyway?"
"Remember?" Well, since fortune reading is a Moonglow family tradition, there's no reason to assume it's Bridlewood tradition.
"This is the best thing I've eaten in my entire life. Opaline hasn't feed me even once."
Joypad can act as a TV remote. Who knew?
I thought only pegasi had the technology. Apparently, watching TV is also a Briddlewood tradition.
"What's jinxy?" You said the forbidden word! Next, you'll ask what mayonnaise is.
"You mean you never talk to yourself? So only Unicorns are schizophrenic? Misty, you're a Unicorn, tell them about the voices in your head."
"So, where's the little dragon that I also want to steal besides your magic lantern?"
"Dragon fire? I've never heard it before even though Opaline's every other word is dragon fire."
Dragon fire can even transform cutie marks, but not if you're a blankflank like you, Misty. Something can't come from nothing.
Izzy gives a crystal a blowjob. "We do this all the time in Bridlewood."
"Wow, Misty, your version is even better than mine. What if I'm the imposter and I haven't actually grown up in Bridlewood? I know I'm sus, but please don't eject me."
This party is all about Misty. Nopony notices Misty as she slips away.
"Hmm," says Misty while looking at the lantern. Looks at it again, "Where is it?"
"This thing doesn't work inside the Brighthouse." Yes, it does. That's the whole point of why you gave it to Sunny. Opaline can look everywhere else even without this mirror.
"Opaline, I'm blind and dumb. What do I do?"
"Think, Misty. If you can't find the lantern where it is, try finding it where it isn't. Be like a homing missile."

"Don't come back without the beam. Are you keeping count? Get the dragon flame, the lantern and now also the beam. The longer you suck, the longer the list will become."
"Why isn't it working?" Yea, why isn't it? It's not like they can read hoofprints, right?
Misty magically escapes the elevator from one scene to the next.
"I could take you to see the view right now. It would take only a moment. But I'm evil, so I won't do that."
Sunny is a party mare, and there's no better way to party than... telling stories...
"This is a true story about the guardians of harmony." Nope, not true. You've already messed up. There were no guardians of harmony.
"She was as bright as the sun." That's not the Twilight I remember...
And then racism began. Not when all races were in a war over resources, but when one single Unicorn broke up with an Earth pony.
Twilight overreacted by going Tirek on the whole planet.
That only made racism worse. Twilight was the worst princess ever.
All races stayed with their own and Twilight was all alone because she wasn't any of the three races.
And we finally have a timeline. All this happened forever ago.
All magic came from a queen that looked like a sheep. The princes stole her magic but didn't keep it like you usually do when you steal things. They hid it away, for some reason. And even though the princess didn't have any magic, she cast a spell that would ensure nopony had magic that nopony had. And then ponies build towns with stolen magic even though nopony had any magic.
"I didn't mean anything by interrogating her like a criminal. I do that with all ponies. That's why I don't have any friends."
Sunny still wants to party. Pipp isn't sleepy anymore because she slept through all of the boring stories.
Holding your breath for a long time teaches you how to form long sentences. I did not know that.
Wait, does Misty have a cutie mark? And why is it a butterfly?
"I have to cut off somepony's hoof to use the elevator. Whose hoof should I cut off?" Well, that turned dark fast.
"Izzy feels down. Let's worsen her depression by leaving while she's talking to us."
Pipp is super sneaky.
"What is all this stuff? It's the exact opposite of everything I love!"
"Look at the branches. There aren't any... but look at them anyway!"
"You girls are the worst! I can't even talk to you."
"To our defense, we hate it when you open your mouth, so that makes us leaving you okay."
"I'm back. I ate all evening, but I'm still hungry. I have to make up for 20 years of starvation, you see?"
"...And sing along. Misty, take it away!"
Misty, you were basically caught lying, that's why you ran away. Nothing has changed. Why are you here?
"Opaline, I have the lantern right here, but I won't steal it, for some reason."
No fun allowed!
Misty is talking to Opaline whom Twilight warned us about. Just a tiny little bit sus for detective Zipp. At least she's awake now and can get to the bottom of everything. You've got this, Zipp.

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