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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Make Your Mark - episode 3: Portrait of a Princess (my commentary) · 10:55pm Nov 7th, 2022

Did Pipp start filming herself the moment she woke up?
Portrait day. Pipp turns on her head to look presentable.
What's with the whorse lipstick?
"I'm busy!" *Zipp looks at a picture of Twilight
Private investigation on the most public place. Smart, Zipp.
What Twilight was warning us about was the portrait day!
I still hate how Sunny's rollers just disappear when she turns. And why do they have to show the mistake twice?
I guess literally everypony is watching Pipp's streams.
Twilight Sparkle is STILL interfering with the plan. My god, you must be old.
Why rid of two princesses if only one is the problem?
So, Zipp is older? Oh, right, that's why she'll get to be the queen. So that's why Pipp is always overcompensating by attentionwhorsing?
Gives her the flower, doesn't give her any instructions. *puts flower in her mouth
Pegassi money? Does everypony use that or do they have exchanges?
Stand still for hours? Oh, because it's not a picture day. It's a portrait day. Now I get it.
We all saw that hologram, right? If anypony is blind, please state your disability now.
Sabrina Storm? How do you get from that to Zipp? Or is it Zappherina?
Why not enjoy it while the world crumbles around us?
I order you to hug me! Zipp, get with the program!
Sunny has her own chair in the salon. Could have fooled me with that chaotic mane of hers.
Dogs are vegetarian.
Music makes ponies shut up. Who knew?
Pipp makes selfies of her ugly muddy face.
Sunny's impression is spot on.
Sender unknown. Not suspicious at all.
Ugh, that stuffy salon. What stupid, fat pony runs that place, anyway?
Let's get the flower by seeing the hologram again. Wait, what?
Bitch activity seems calm, so how could somepony take a picture of a flower. Wait, what?
Picture seems similar to the hologram, somehow. Wait, what?
Searches close to the ground, by flying.
How can somepony steal magic if we have magic. That doesn't make any sense. Wait, what?
A running filly can be important evidence? Zipp? You're not trying to take the filly into your basement where you hold all the other 'evidence' are you?
Pipp talks about portrait day which everypony knows about. Zipp: "This stuff is supposed to be secret!"
Thank you for all your gifts for the portrait day. I won't use any of them.
I may be a queen but I'm messier in more ways than you'll know.
Sing a song with me by yourself.
The queen rejects the microphone and substitutes it with her own.
They have geolocation, but the picture didn't have it. Why?
How dare you ignore the flower, Pipp. I'm the one who doesn't care about the flower!
I don't care about your social profile. That's reasonable. Everyone only cares about their own social profile. Why would anypony care about somepony's else social profile?
I'm not giving up. I'll find the lilly and with it, I'll skip portrait day, somehow. Wait, what?
"It worked!" You could have just used geolocation...
Zipp gets embarrassingly excited and her wings erect.
"Take your picture." What kind of voice was that, lol?
This is the most secret thing of all secret things. Take a picture of it. Wait, what?
Filliyish. New word adopted.
Oh no, we're trapped, if only we had a mobile phone with geolocation. Oh, wait, we do...
Don't push that mess business again. Mess is my fetish. If you push me too far I just might.
They just texted me, but I don't have to read it because I have telepathy.
"They are doing okay on their own, right?" I've let them on their own for years, but just this very second I'm starting to wonder about it.
"Living together brought them closer." "I'm so happy to hear that. Incest used to be my fetish too."
"That's not what I wanted." Wait, what? You kept saying you wanted to skip portrait day...
Zipp wanted to play hoofy, whatever that is. Why didn't they just play it? Why did they need a cave for it?
Singing is magic.
Mobile phone is their last hope. *splashes water at it
I'm sure we can find a way out. *touches random stuff
Digging works. Who would have guessed?
I have an idea, let's put some random foals in danger!
It's working! If we get enough foals to fall in, we can surmount their corpses to get out.
Bitch cave? Oh Pipp, you foul mouth you!
Show me what those hooves and horns can do. Wings are inferior. Pegassi are a lesser race. It's canon.
Foals throw boulders down, killing both princesses. They cheer at their violent deaths.
Let's ignore the foals who just saved our lives.
Err, Pipp, Zipp, you have some tentacles on you...
Pipp streamed she's in trouble and nopony informed the queen?
I love it. I'ma steal it from you now.
Did you trap them? I always watch Pipp's stream but now I just preferred to sit and look into nothingness.

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